Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4319: Set of pictures with code

The fourth thousand one hundred and nineteenth chapter sets of pictures have codes

"There is such a thing?" Na Pali was stunned. This kind of cause and effect will definitely not be published in the newspapers. After thinking about it, he said softly, "But what is the media? You know that you are too loyal. ...No need to care."

"Then you called me this phone, are you making fun of me?" Chen Taizhong was quite dissatisfied.

"I care about you. At this time, you made this kind of movement and it was exposed across the strait," Napali said with a wry smile, "The new team's policy is set, stability is the priority, and development is concentrated. You... convergence point child."

The new team's policy... Chen Taizhong wanted to say something, but found it was quite boring. It was not a decision, and it was an ant. After thinking about it, he asked, "Is this what you meant or the boss?"

"This is what I heard from a Taiwanese businessman, so I just care about it," Na Pali laughed again, "Too loyal, I still point, 20 years later, let's talk together on the Central Committee... Well, I At most, it's a middle candidate."

"Let's pull it down, you are only two steps away from the Central Committee. My little district party secretary is still far behind," Chen Taizhong said without nutrition, but he felt a little comfortable in his heart-Mr. Na reminded. Regardless of whether it is suitable or inappropriate, there is always a bit of far-reaching intentions, which shows that buddies are still good.

So he asked again, "The reaction from Taiwanese businessmen is great?"

"What's the reaction?" Na Pali snorted disdainfully, "The rule of law and the rule of man are not clear at first, and there is nothing wrong with doing justice, but... the series of photos are **** and look very uncomfortable."

"A series of photos?" Chen Taizhong repeated in surprise, "I just saw one, covered with white cloth."

"Are there any mistakes, it's a set of pictures," Na Pali was surprised at hearing it. "Eight, leave your e-mail, you can see more...this is the age of the Internet."

"Can... see more?" Chen Taizhong frowned, and Zhang Baolin didn't spare me.

"It is said that there are still a lot of restricted photos, and there is no exodus, um... the media propagates this way," Napari sighed.

"That's OK, thank you for the notice." Chen Taizhong pressed the phone. He also has his own news channel. He always inquires through Napali. He is very unconcerned and easy to be looked down upon.

But after hanging up the phone. He didn't know who to inquire for a while, and simply greeted Liao Dabao, "Put the received mail in the shared folder."

At this time, the network office is still relatively backward. Bei Chong has just been on the LAN, but only through shared folders. To realize the transmission within the network, the OA system of office automation has not been done yet.

However, Chen Taizhong wants to download email attachments from the Internet, which is affected by the speed of the Internet. Not as fast as the intranet, and U disk is not popular at the moment. Shared folders are a more suitable choice, and direct access is possible.

Liao Dabao heard this. He put the file in, and Secretary Chen opened it to take a look. Can't help but slap your mouth—Nima, Han Shihua's stinky mouth, is it too cruel?

Ma Xiaoya’s emails were sent in the morning, but she continued to send other materials after receiving them. They were all inconspicuous small media, and the timeliness was a little short.

To say that the media industry in this world is all connected. Dog biting is not news, but people biting dogs. So even though Zhang Baolin tried her best,...Most people from Taiwan and Bay don’t even know about Yangzhou. Who cares about Beichong in Yangzhou?

Moreover, this incident is a "popular spontaneous violence", which can be used to attack the regime, but the significance is not great after all. For many media, it is either a violent action against official oppression or is optional.

In a place we didn't know, there was an incident where people killed a thief, and that's it-you say this is important? Well, it may be important, but... can anyone tell me why it is important?

However, Bei Chong is really dead, and it is a major event wherever it is left. Therefore, some media believe that although the matter is small, it is worth reporting-especially the pictures are bloody.

Chen Taizhong was annoyed by this. He has found the legendary "Eight Sets" in the shared folder. Five of them are relatively softer. One of them is exactly what he said, "covered with white cloth." "of.

But the remaining three photos are quite bloody, especially one of the close-ups of the front of the deceased, and some places have been marked with mosaics. The communicator should also consider the audience's psychological endurance.

How much does this Pauline hate me to come up with such a thing, there is actually this level of coding?

Chen Taizhong wanted to look for the bad luck of the father and daughter of this family, but after thinking about Mr. Na, he decided to put this matter aside, wait for a better time, and then take action not too late—the tone set by the new team. It is immersed in development.

He ignored it, and Yangzhou City and the province would not specifically come for this. On the third day after seeing the newspaper, Gu Zhen followed the joint delegation of the Department of Agriculture and the Science and Technology Commission and asked Secretary Chen a few words.

This inspection was led by Hou Haiyang, the executive deputy of the Department of Agriculture, and a deputy director of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission. The main purpose was to investigate the development of the greenhouse and the production situation of the mobile greenhouse in Beichong. This is Ouyang You have to make a purchase plan.

However, people from the Department of Agriculture came down at this time, and by the way, they saw how the farmland water conservancy works in Midsummer, and they also learned about the situation of grain procurement. There are really many things that can be of concern.

Zhou Yangzhi, the deputy mayor of Yangzhou City in charge of agriculture, forestry and water, has a bad relationship with Beichong. He is really not interested in accompanying them to Beichong. If they go to other places, I will accompany them.

Let me go, Gu Zhen made a decision. Now Yangzhou talks about agriculture, where can I leave Beichong aside? Moreover, the two deputy halls in the delegation, accompanied by Zhou Yangzhi and the deputy mayor, were considered a little negligent.

If Mayor Gu goes, I will go too. Zhou Yangzhi expressed his opinion that he doesn't want to go to Beichong-there is so much money in Beichong, who would not want to go?

He just had a quarrel with Chen Taizhong, and he couldn't put it down. Moreover, Chen's ugliness was well known. In the presence of the two deputy halls, if he was severely shaved, then he and Agriculture When dealing with the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, it is easy to be underestimated.

If Gu Zhen is willing to go, he will wave the flag and shout, there is no problem.

Mayor Gu is keen on this matter, and she also said that this joint inspection team inspected not only Beichong, but the whole province. Inspecting the mobile greenhouse is just one of their jobs.

Gu Zhen was wondering whether he could take advantage of this opportunity to fund Yangzhou. The greenhouses in Beichong can be promoted in other cities, but Yangzhou cannot be promoted for no reason. As for it, it is not fully allocated. The local government has to raise a portion of it by itself, which does not matter. It is better to have funding than not.

Moreover, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission did not just follow along this time. The Science and Technology Commission has been very popular in recent years and has a lot of funds on its hands. It has invested a lot in the Spark Project, like the Spark Project of Asada City last year. The Provincial Science and Technology Commission allocated more than 30 million yuan to ensure the construction of seven key projects.

Since it can be allocated to Chaotian, why can't it be allocated to Yangzhou? Mayor Gu also knows that there is little hope, but it is man-made, and if there is no dispute, there is no hope at all.

When she met Chen Taizhong, she took a chance to ask questions, saying that Beichong had no choice but to fight the thief. How could Taiwan compatriots catch the handle? "...If I were you, I would just search her camera, there is no evidence."

Of course, Gu Zhen could not do such a thing, but she put herself in the position of Chen Taizhong and thought it was more appropriate to do this-it is not good to offend Taiwan compatriots, but since it was provoked, she would simply die. I'm offended.

Chen is not afraid of every day, is not afraid of his strength, and has a solid mass foundation. This is easy to do.

"Mayor Gu is really jealous," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile. He also knew that Gu Zhen's words were indifferent. "However, the media reports are wrong. The thief is the first to hurt people... Zhang Xingwang's family deliberately confused. Audiovisual, with ulterior motives."

Gu Zhen also faintly heard the inside story. This is the case in the local area. Nothing is absolutely confidential. Moreover, the Zhang family was brought over by the Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office with a high profile. She knew what the family wanted.

It was the details of the thief's injury, she was not sure whether it was the thief who injured the stall owner first, or after everyone killed the thief, made a wound to show justice-she could not speak rashly without careful investigation.

After hearing Chen Taizhong's suggestion that the thief hurt people first, she suggested, "If this is the case, why don't you clarify the facts through the media... You can ignore the mainland media, but the Taiwan and Bay media are too easy to be used by others, so they should respond quickly. ."

Is it almost like finding a bicycle for the Japanese? Chen Taizhong is because it is not a mainland media?

Secretary Chen has been working hard to announce the truth in time and clarify the facts. He has never hesitated to fight back against the discrediting of him by the mainland media, rather than ignoring it as Mayor Gu said-the masses have the right to know the truth. , I am not afraid to disclose the truth.

There are really not too many incidents where he challenged other media through the media.

But this time, Gu Zhen’s suggestion was not very interested. Many people were afraid that foreign media would discredit their official hats, so they responded quickly. The car was also lost. Chen’s hometown, Tiannan, is the owner. Linquan County in Zhenglin found his lost car, and the police refused to arrest people—the local forces were too complicated.

On the contrary, Chen Taizhong emphasized that domestic officials must first serve the Chinese people. Therefore, he did not hesitate to confront the mainland media to let the masses know the truth for the first time and let the facts speak for themselves.

As for the slander made out of nothing by foreign media, he really doesn't worry, I can stand the investigation-you are a Japanese, and the bicycle that you lost is also a bicycle. I'm sorry, but two of the two who lost the car here haven't got it back.

Of course, this is not to say that the media in Taiwan and Bay are not domestic. Although they have not yet been unified, they are still a country, but it is really going to be darkened. After he takes control, if the other party continues to spread rumors regardless, he is angry. If you want to arrest across provinces, the technical difficulty is a bit more difficult.

But speaking of it, the reason why he refused to call it real was mainly because the Zhang family had ulterior motives.

PS: Update, does anyone still have a monthly pass?

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