Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4236: Fight against dissidents

Chapter 4236: Fight against dissidents

Let’s talk about it. Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded, “We must understand Secretary Li’s instructions carefully.”

When Liu Haifang and Tan Shengli heard that this was the beginning, they immediately walked to the back and sat down. Liao Dabao also stood up, "I will make tea for Secretary Li."

"Actually, Chen Zhengkui forced me," Li Qiang walked over to Chen Taizhong and sat down and said in a low voice, "I will check Bei Guo, he will check Wushan, and Peng engaged in party committee work, which is not appropriate."

"The struggle between you two seems to be a little far away from me," Chen Taizhong rubbed his temples with a wry smile, "feeling a lot of information."

"With Beichong as a model, Yangzhou does not allow mistakes," Li Qiang said with a calm face, not only holding the other side, but also showing determination.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Chen Taizhong curled his lips, let's go straight.

"You just need to publicize it in the province," Li Qiang sometimes does things very happy.

"Then what can I get?" Chen Taizhong's words have no respect, and they are not like a conversation between a district mayor and a city party secretary, but he just said so.

"I want to get rid of Ma Feiyu," Li Qiang, who is also the secretary of the municipal party committee somehow, has his own knowledge and will not follow his rhythm. "Chen Zhengkui dares to move Peng Jie, then I can move the party committee members."

This statement was really ruthless and told District Chief Chen directly that these personnel changes were under the banner of SARS, but they were really irrelevant.

"Is this going to be an earthquake?" Chen Taizhong muttered softly.

"Holding cats in my hand, if it doesn't shake at this time, when will it shake?" Li Qiang smiled slightly and said softly, "Good to you and good to me... This opportunity is rare."

It is indeed a rare opportunity. Chen Taizhong can understand Li Qiang's idea of ​​making a difference, especially Chen Zhengkui's mistake. He is still very tough at the moment. After thinking about it, he asks, "Peng Jie seems to be the secretary general of the municipal party committee recently?"

"Tsk," Li Qiang slapped his mouth. He didn't expect that Xiao Chen had even thought of this connection, and after thinking about it for a while, he answered blankly. "He was a little anxious, let me be passive."

Is that the bait you threw? Is Ma Feiyu actually staring at? Chen Taizhong silently took out a pack of cigarettes, first offered one to Li Qiang, and then ordered another one by himself.

The two did not speak. After smoking for a long time, District Chief Chen muttered, "Old Peng is quite unlucky."

"He asked for it." Li Qiang murmured. He also knew that Xiao Chen was wondering whether Peng Jie had been thrown away as a bait by himself, but he knew too well that Peng Jie relaxed his request and Chen Zhengkui grabbed the handle.

Even if I want to throw Peng Jie away, if he doesn't cooperate. Can I do it? Secretary Li felt a little helpless, but he couldn't explain, he could only emphasize one sentence, "Mingxin's non-cooperation with SARS is not a day or two."

This called him to investigate Ma Feiyu's essence. If Peng Jie was just a momentary negligence, Secretary Ma had a criminal record.

At the beginning, Bei Chong was a big fan of preventing SARS, Chen Zhengkui was quite disapproving, and on some occasions openly criticized Sanghuai.

So as his staff, Ma Feiyu naturally wanted to respond to the leadership's call, and Mingxin's district mayor Guan Fangzhuo was originally a vacillating figure. After Mayor Chen expressed his support for Mingxin, he fell over.

In fact, the mayor of Guan had a private grievance with Bei Chong, because of Bei Chong’s protest, an electroplating factory of more than 10 million yuan did not settle down. The district originally planned to coordinate to other places, but the ordinary people of Mingxin also Not stupid, the downstream Beichong is making troubles. You settled in our local area, isn't that bullying?

In short, Mingxin had a lot of strange noises about SARS prevention in the early stage, but after the news was broadcast, there was a big turn of 180 degrees, but in any case, their early performance was also seen in the eyes.

Ordinarily, it’s good to catch Guan Fangzhuo when it was found that the bus station personnel were off duty this time. But in fact, the district mayor’s presence in Mingxin was much worse than that of Secretary Ma, and to get rid of a district mayor, the newly appointed district mayor still has to Look at the face of the city government-don't look at the face, there is no money to get it.

For Li Qiang, killing Guan Fangzhuo was not relieved, and he really set the tone. Mingxin turned very quickly, and the recent SARS investigation was very effective, so he did not check Mingxin.

It was not until he saw Chen Zhengkui attack the Wushan County Party Committee that he decisively led people to Mingxin. If there is a way to heaven, if you don't go, don't blame me for being impolite.

Hearing what he said, Chen Taizhong was able to guess the cause and effect in seven or eight points, but he still expressed a certain surprise at Secretary Li's intentions, "Can you talk to Mayor Chen about this kind of thing?"

He doesn't want to be fooled into the front line, he is still stupid when he is sold, and he can help the people. In officialdom, there are very few times when you fight to death and life. Most of them still talk about compromise and balance.

"He wanted to communicate with me, but I rejected it." Li Qiang was happy when he thought of it, and he didn't care about Chen Taizhong's attitude to the gentleman's belly. There is such a guardianship in officialdom, which is really normal. "Too relieved It's..."

"How many times did he tell me that the party committee should not intervene in government affairs — taking Bei Chong as an example. This time it was my turn to be tough and tell him that the appointment and removal of cadres is a matter of the party committee, and the government should worry less. ."

"That's it," Chen Taizhong was finally sure. Li Qiang was not pushing himself to charge, so he nodded, "For the media, I will emphasize that...some leaders and brothers didn't understand it at the beginning."

"Better as soon as possible," Li Qiang nodded, as if he couldn't wait to see Chen Zhengkui making a fool of himself, but right after that, he added, "When this matter is over, both Beichong and Yangzhou can develop well."

Lao Li's resentment towards Chen Zhengkui is not so deep. Chen Taizhong laughed secretly and changed the topic. "The foundation stone of the Songbai Sanatorium in the district will be laid next week. Will the secretary find time?"

"I will look at this later," Li Qiang shook his head, and then thought of something. "If there are no people, the congratulatory message will arrive. This year Beichong will increase its construction efforts. The impact of SARS on gdp is too great. Some people have predicted that Affected by this, the national GDP growth rate this year will be reduced by at least 0.5%. We count on Beichong for the data in Yangzhou."

"You said that really scared me," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head. Everyone likes flattery, but one county brings the statistics of one city... it's better to save one province.

"I'm going to give you a surprise sooner or later," Li Qiang snorted, and said no more. He squeezed out the cigarette **** in his hand and took out another cigarette. Chen Taizhong saw it and quickly lit him.

Next, the two of them did not speak any more. After smoking a cigarette in silence, Secretary Li stood up and said, "Okay, it's all here, remember to do it quickly."

Chen Taizhong stood up, escorted the leader out of the car, and came to the ground, when he exhorted, "You must remember to inform in advance."

This advance notice refers to that when Li Qiang transfers cadres from Beichong, he must first greet him, and he must be clear about his whereabouts before he can let him go. This is what Secretary Li promised last time, and District Mayor Chen also spoke to Bai District. Long hit the guarantee: If you are not satisfied, I will help you withstand it.

"Just put your heart back to your stomach," Secretary Li turned his head to look at him and lifted his foot into the Audi car next to him.

This guy is really unhappy, hesitating, Chen Taizhong secretly slandered, after getting in the car, he ordered Liao Dabao to turn around and drive back, wondering what media to look for.

District Mayor Chen used the "Tiannan Business Daily" and "Hengbei Economic Herald" most easily. However, due to their nature and positioning, these two newspapers have weak influence in the government.

Or, let Li Shilu post a manuscript in the Chaotian Daily. He secretly made up his mind, leaving it as usual, he would not help Li Qiang in this way, but what Secretary Li said today made his heart itch— —What kind of surprise will Lao Li give me?

He sat here thinking, but the other people in the car were full of suspicious faces. They were called out temporarily by District Mayor Chen, and they took the car for an hour to the city. After waiting for a while, they saw Secretary Li getting on the car and following The district chief murmured for a while, got out of the car and walked away, and then the district chief was about to go home-what happened?

Wang Yuanyuan and Liu Haifang can sit still, knowing that the news will be heard sooner or later, but Tan Shengli can't hold back. Anyway, he is a heretic, and he is not afraid to ask, "District Chief, what's the matter?"

"Secretary Li wanted to talk to me about SARS, so I called you all. I didn't expect it to be a long time," Chen Taizhong replied with a smile, saying that the buddies are not telling lies. News broadcasts are also broadcast like this~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Those who don't know how to listen, listen to the excitement, and those who can listen to the doorway.

The government will listen to the doorway. There are more, but some are smart and some are stupid. Liu Haifang feels that she has heard something, so she has to show off a bit. She hesitated to ask, "The boss, you mean... Yesterday in the city Inspection of SARS prevention?"

"I have to ask Secretary Li about this, I am not very clear," Chen Taizhong replied vaguely. How could he leak such things out?

When I returned to the district government, it was six o'clock. Chen Taizhong called Han Shihua, the director of the district party committee office. Knowing that there was nothing else to do except two college students returning home to sign up in the afternoon, he decided not to go to the party committee.

Then he contacted the media, but unfortunately, Niu Xiaorui, Liu Xiaoli, and Li Shilu were not in Beichong, so he briefly explained on the phone. To his relief, none of these three refused to resign, and they packed their tickets to show that they could see the newspaper tomorrow. .

That's all, Xiao Li agreed, "It's okay, the report on the prevention and treatment of SARS in Bei Chong can be posted casually... My report on Bei Chong does not need to be reviewed by the editor-in-chief."

The recent media reports on the prevention and treatment of SARS in Beichong are indeed very loose. A model is standing there. As long as it is in a positive sense, it is not afraid of minor flaws.

However, Li Shilu is the only one who can issue SARS manuscripts without being reviewed by the editor-in-chief. First, reporter Li has a very good relationship with Bei Chong. As we all know, the second is...somehow someone has a deputy of the provincial party committee. The secretary-general’s father can handle even a few mistakes.

ps: Update to, summon monthly pass.

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