Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3998: Misrepresentation

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In fact, Chen Taizhong has never considered how Shan Yongqi's character is. He very subjectively believes that this old single is definitely not much better for educating such a dude.

However, Secretary Shan never showed up, nor did he obviously use the power of the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to influence Chen, so although he thought so in his heart, he didn't have the thought of calculating the old Shan for the time being.

It was really the face of the old director, he couldn't completely get rid of it, and in his heart, he was always thinking about returning to Tiannan sooner or later, and didn't want to ignore the old director. This brought the topic to Shan Yongqi.

With such an answer, he was naturally surprised and inexplicable.

"Have you never understood Shan Yongqi?" Qin Liancheng was a little strange when he heard his doubts.

"Why do I want to know him?" Chen Taizhong asked speechlessly. He didn't want to know, he didn't have time to know at all. Now he didn't plan to move the old single and do so much idleness.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this," Qin Liancheng snorted, and then quickly said, "The old man's reputation is still good, but he is less at home, his wife cherishes children more, and loving mothers lose more... You should have come into contact with this kind of cadre in your life."

I did it. Is that really true? Chen Taizhong immediately thought of Xu Ruilin, a person next to him.

In terms of personal cultivation and work, District Mayor Xu really has nothing to say. No one can say what is wrong, but it happened that such a person gave birth to a son like Xu Bo. How bad is Xiao Xu? District Chief Chen doesn’t know. , Anyway, he was jealous in KTV and was shot to death.

With such a ready-made example, he couldn't say that he couldn't understand it anymore, so he laughed, "Well, I will try to do Whitney's work again. I have feelings for the rice wine festival."

"Okay. I'm waiting for your good news." Qin Liancheng replied with a smile, "Too loyal, come back often when you have time, Tiannan Civilization Office is your natal family, so you don't want to see outsiders."

"It must be," Chen Taizhong gave Whitney a sideways glance after pressing the phone. Secretly wondering: How can I fool her to Tiannan without hurting my self-esteem?

Just in this thinking, the food came, and Liao Dabao's wife was not there today. He came to the mayor's house to have a meal, and then there was no need for the mayor Chen to leave after eating. Instead, they were sitting in the small courtyard, chatting with the secretary one after another.

At about eight o'clock, another call came from Tiannan with the serial number of the provincial government. When he picked it up, it was Jiang Junrong's voice, "District Chief Chen, are you asleep?"

"No. I can't sleep alone." Chen Taizhong didn't want to tease her, and quarreled with this woman. He really lost a little bit, but thinking that Hengbei and Tiannan are so far away, he just sputtered, "What instructions do you have, Director Jiang?"

"Holding Whitney? Houston still uncomfortable?" Jiang Junrong chuckled on the phone. "I heard that her attendant is also very coquettish. I really don't know what you are complaining about... She has body odor?"

"Director Jiang is very experienced," District Chief Chen chuckled. "Do blacks have body odor? I don't know this."

"It seems that Whitney doesn't have body odor," Jiang Junrong was eloquent, and she was not afraid to speak out of style. However, she still has to do business after all. "Under your careful care, she should be recovering well, right?"

"She is in very bad condition," Chen Taizhong replied flatly. At this time, he knew why Qin Liancheng didn't really care if Whitney could co-author and Governor Jiang's concerns were behind.

The first Chongyang Rice Wine Cultural Festival was personally organized by Director Chen, from creativity to specific implementation, but this original intention was proposed by Jiang Shifang. During the organization process, Governor Jiang also gave support to the best of his ability.

That's right, Jiang Shifang regarded this cultural festival as a performance that can be passed on. To talk about the cultural festival, it is inseparable from Director Chen, and Governor Jiang must also be mentioned.

So Qin Liancheng gave a false shot and gave it to the old subordinate in embarrassment, but he took the opportunity to talk about Shan Chao. District Chief Chen reacted to such a cause and effect, and he was a little bit dumbfounded. Old Director, let's not play like that.

"Then you think about a way, the price is easy to negotiate," Jiang Junrong laughed on the phone again, "Last time you wanted to block the generator manufacturer, I did it without saying anything, so I got a complaint... You see How can I help you?"

"What was the last time... was the favor offset?" Chen Taizhong frowned. He couldn't remember. The last time he asked Director Jiang to help himself, whether he had promised a condition or not because of his memory, it is more than that, but two There are too many interactions between people, and it's not clear at once.

However, District Mayor Chen had the arrogance of an immortal after all, and he was too lazy to care about it so carefully. I thought that I had promised Qin Liancheng just now to do a Whitney job, so I could just sell it twice for a favor, "Okay, I see. , I will try to persuade him."

Having said that, Chen Taizhong really didn't know how to talk to Whitney, frowned and pondered, then he held up his beer and walked towards Whitney under the eaves, "How are you feeling?"

"Very good," Miss Houston nodded, and after thinking about it, she tilted her head and said, "If you can go out for another trip, it would be better, um...better to have a remodeled motorhome. "

"Let’s take a trip to Tiannan," District Mayor Chen sat next to her and smiled and sent out an invitation. "There happens to be a cultural festival there. I need a top singer like much?"

"This... I need to think about it," Whitney blinked his eyes and laughed. "I have to discuss it with my agent."

I'll give you another bottle of cream. I guess you will agree. District Chief Chen knows the cause and effect in his heart, but he can't make the cream look such a big deal. Once something is made into a big market these days, it will be worthless.

So he smiled and nodded, "Well, you can discuss it with your agent."

Having said that, there is nothing more to say, but at this time, Xu knew that Liao Dabao was also in the small courtyard, and someone knocked on the door. Director Liao opened the door to see, but Liu Haifang and Wang Yuanyuan were standing outside the door.

You two are not far away from Meng and Meng. Chen Taizhong really wants to make such a joke, but when he thinks of the joke, maybe the two of them will be separated in order to avoid suspicion, so they have to hold back.

As a leader, he couldn't even make jokes casually. District Mayor Chen realized this, but he was a little helpless, "Sit down, and grab something for yourself."

When Liu Haifang came here, she was also talking about the Double Ninth Festival, but she was worried about the orphanage of the Civil Affairs Bureau. "The Double Ninth Festival is coming soon. I plan to send some condolences to the elderly and get some gifts. The district mayor has Are you free?"

"This... I will give you one hundred thousand back, go," Chen Taizhong pondered, finally wondering if he was free, "Don't think about me for the time being, I will go when I have time."

Wang Yuanyuan was talking about the second phase of the mobile greenhouse. More than half of the first phase of the mobile greenhouse has been issued, and the second phase will be included in the agenda. Originally, Xu Ruilin should coordinate this matter. Director Hu of the Bureau contacted Director Wang of the Planning Commission, and first drafted a plan, which was reported by the Planning Commission.

District Mayor Chen took a few pieces of paper and looked at it, his brows frowned slightly, "There are a few familiar names, this Wang Chou from Chen Village... It seems that I have applied a lot last time?"

"Last time he applied for two greenhouses, 3.2 acres of land," Wang Yuanyuan insisted on getting it. Once she heard her name, she opened her mouth to tell the person's origins. "It's a good planting. He was later chopped into three acres of land."

"It turned out to be a vested interest," District Mayor Chen nodded with a smile. "For this kind of farmers who taste the sweetness and want to develop vigorously, we have to choose a few support. It is a matter of example... Why is there no explanation about the location? "

In the first phase of the mobile greenhouse, some of the sites were not properly selected and were damaged by strong winds. Of course, this has something to do with Lu Tianxiang’s design. Mr. Lu’s workmanship has been changed, but no matter how good the workmanship is, it can’t stand up to random selection. Isn't the address?

"Regarding the emphasis on site selection, District Mayor Xu has already instructed the Bureau of Agriculture to follow, and the Planning Commission has also made a name," Wang Yuanyuan sighed lightly. "Sometimes I feel that Mayor Xu's steadfastness is beyond my reach. ."

When he disciplined his son, he was very unreliable. Chen Taizhong muttered in his heart, but he said in his mouth, "Xiao Wang, you are still young, and it is a good thing to realize the I want to catch up with Xu District Long, that’s really not an overnight effort."

"District Mayor Chen is also very good," Liu Haifang saw it, and patted the leader with a flattering. "Just look at a few people, and you can remember it in your heart. It is also an example for us to learn."

"I only remembered this person's name because it was too ugly," Chen Taizhong laughed loudly, "Well, it's not an outsider. Don't chat privately so seriously..."

The next day, District Chief Chen got up early, but as usual, Whitney got up earlier than him. When he called for breakfast, Miss Houston had already ran back from outside sweating profusely.

Chen Taizhong wanted to ask her, how are you discussing with your agent, but he still has the reserved cadre of the department-level cadre, so he sat down to eat by himself and halfway through the meal. After Whitney washed his face, Come out to eat too.

"How is the rest?" District Chief Chen asked, peeling a hard-boiled egg and throwing it directly into his mouth, then stood up. This is the end of his breakfast.

"Not bad, since Catherine left, my sleep quality has improved," Whitney replied casually while fiddled with the fried eggs on the plate noble and coldly.

Just pretend to understand and pretend to be confused. The young district head curled his lips, and if he walked out the door to the morning exercise, he would not continue to talk to you. It was even bigger than Huang Erbo.

Huang Hanxiang belonged to Cao Cao, and he was there. At ten o'clock in the morning, he called Chen Taizhong, "Taizhong, are you going to punish people again?" (To be continued.)

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