Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3904: The following guilty

"Are you the leader, or am I the leader?" District Mayor Chen has always been arrogant. He couldn't help but snorted coldly when he heard that everyone in the body dared to sing the opposite stage, "I said, go to Qingyanghe."

"Boss, I'm sorry, the time is up, you have to infusion," Liao Dabao refused half a step, "You are still young. Taking care of your body is the key, right?"

I finally understand why Duan Weihua’s dignified mayor wants to eat a piece of fat so hard, District Mayor Chen cast his lips helplessly, “Then let’s go to Xiaozhao Township to find out about the dead fish in the fish pond. It’s very close to the district...,"

The dead fish in the fish ponds in Xiaozhao Township seem to be related to lack of oxygen. There are now a large number of generators sent out in the district. Xiaozhao Township has received eight generators and borrowed two from the Bureau of Agriculture. Three of them are used in fish ponds.

These three are not for three fish ponds. There are more than 30 fish ponds. Most of the fish ponds are next to each other. Sufficient pumps are arranged. One generator works for three hours while snoring. With four or five fish ponds, one machine can manage 30 fish ponds in 24 hours.

Since the generators were put into use, the phenomenon of dead fish in the fish ponds no longer appeared. District Chief Chen lay in the car and visited more than a dozen fish ponds. After confirming the effect, he went back home with satisfaction. . Look

On the way back, I asked, "Xiao Liao, you said that I am an old man in the township... urging them to care about people's livelihood, does it really make them feel uncomfortable?"

Director Liao, who went to the head of the household a few days ago, thinks that at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, District Mayor Chen should not go to the township. This is when the cadres below are very big.

But what happened today shows that the district mayor’s attention will make everyone motivated to work. The district mayor Chen inspected for half an hour and happened to have a generator about to be transferred. Everyone followed the generator to take a look. It was found that the electric wires of the seven fish ponds were all routed, and the pumps were all in place. Just wait for the generator to come and connect the three wires.

Liao Dabao also knew the purpose of the district governor’s questioning, and he had no intention of opposing the district governor, so he smiled, “I think attention is very important, but it’s too much to deal with the inspection. They waste energy but the effect may not be good, and there will be failures. I meant that it would be nice if you do spot checks from time to time... Cadres are also human, and there is a need for relaxation. What you need now is a timely infusion."

Chen Taizhong remained silent, and asked after a while, "Now there are rumors in the district that Sui Biao is leaving?"

He couldn't ask this when he left the cigarette factory. He went to Xiao Zhao for a trip, and after visiting many people, he was not afraid to ask.

"Well... there is this rumor, but it's not very reliable, so I didn't tell you," Liao Dabao groaned and answered.

The caring person of this leader looks very glamorous, but in fact, he is really not so good to be a leader. He has to be the eyes and ears of the leader, but he must not sway his mouth indiscriminately. The sense of precision is not so easy to grasp.

Meng Zhi is a good example. He is the secretary of the leader. When something happened at home, the leader wanted to take care of him, but he didn't consider the suspicion. The leader felt that he was arrogant and went straight into the cold palace.

Liao Dabao was picked up by District Chief Chen with one hand, but he served the leader for nine months. He hadn't passed any important tests. He didn't dare to report irresponsibly if he heard something in his ears.

Now that the leader asks, he can say, "I heard people say that Zhao Genzheng is working on this district committee book. It is said that he has walked the path of Yue You. I don't know if it is true or not.

Zhao Gen is exactly the district party committee’s party-mass book. Note that the party committee ranks second to Sui Biao and Chen Taizhong, and only ranks third. If the standing committee is ranked, he would have to be ranked fourth. Although Li Jue is the chairperson of the CPPCC, he is also At the level.

But with such a master, he actually dared to think about the district committee's letter*. It is bigger than Chen Taizhong's mind. It sounds ridiculous, but it is not surprising at the grassroots level. At the time, Chen Tieren and Zhao Haifeng were still thinking about being the district chief. These two are not as good as Zhao Genzheng.

Of course, what needs to be pointed out is that the person Zhao Shu* is looking for this time is also very good, Yue You Yue Liu, the founding major general who went out in the district, and the legend of Bei Chong.

This person was taken away by his elder brother and sister-in-law when he was young, and when he was ten years old, he began to discuss life in the county town. These are all mentioned in the previous article, so I won't repeat them. The most important thing is that the founding major general is still alive.

Yue You's feelings for Bei Chong are very complicated. He can return to the county seat, but will not return to Liutiaogou Village. He can forgive the Midian shopkeeper for throwing a tumor on his head, but he will not forgive his brother-in-law.

In fact, these are digressions. In short, the major general Yue You is still alive, with his support, Zhao Genzheng is thinking about the district committee's letter*, it is really normal.

"Yue You?" Chen Taizhong smiled slightly, and did not want to comment on this. "Does Bei Chong know many people about this news?"

"There are some people who know, but there are not many people who believe..." Liao Dabao smiled and shook his head. He is not a believer. Of course, Yue You is very powerful.

The key is to be able to live a lot, but Zhao Gen is trying to take Bei Chong's district committee book ※Note, it is really a bit short, think about why Sui Biao might leave.

"Hehe," Chen Taizhong chuckled and stopped talking. In fact, he had a pretty good impression of Zhao Genzheng. Old Zhao was relatively friendly to him in several sub-books*, especially the last time Liu Yi died, Zhao Shu* Remember to bring the defense team to the scene as soon as possible.

But when the position changes, people will naturally change accordingly, everything... let's go with the flow.

When the car arrived at the hospital, it was already half past ten. The doctor in charge of the treatment was too impatient to wait, and complained as soon as they met, saying that District Chief Chen, you are too careless about your body.

This time, Chen Taizhong finally tasted the taste of being complained by the people below. After the secretary complained, the doctor complained again. Even the little nurse could crook his mouth. It's true,,,

That night, a large group of people gathered around Yuanhui. The harvest from this hunting was not too small. They hit one turtledove and one pheasant, and two rabbits. What they got was that they hit a head weighing 30 or 40 kilograms. Wild boar.

People on the 20th and 30th have been tossing for more than a day. After hitting this thing, there is a suspicion of hurting the people and money, but the guests are happy. After returning, Xiao Yumeng came to see Chen Taizhong. She proudly said that the wild boar, the first shot was me Hit.

impossible? District Chief Chen was deeply suspicious of this. He asked with a side-by-side attack. As expected, after He Yumeng fired the first shot, the wild boar, which was said to have been injured, fled frantically, and was chased by several hunting dogs. The gun was killed, and then everyone pointed out with certainty that the shot on the wild boar's **** was shot by Xiao Yu Meng.

Chen Taizhong has seen too much of this kind of deceit, but he is unwilling to sweep her out. Is it really because of someone else?

The two chatted a few more words, and He Yumeng said goodbye, explaining that she was leaving early in the morning, and she said in a beautiful manner that she would freeze the four pork legs and take them back to Beijing to feed her family. There is no shortage of wild boar at home, but this is what she beats herself, isn't it?

"Don't tell your grandfather clearly, there are many people and many dogs," District Chief Chen told her, laughing and crying. "It's more dangerous to hit a wild boar. I don't want your grandpa to call me and scold me."

"At that time, I stood in a safe position, almost a hundred meters away from the wild boar," Xiao Yu Meng said proudly.

A hundred meters away, hitting a wild boar weighing thirty or forty catties? District Mayor Chen said that it was so, and he also told two words of safety on the road, and watched the beautiful girl leave.

The conversation between the two of them was heard by many people, and everyone was finally sure that this girl’s grandfather was more powerful

So it is normal for her not to be Huang.

That night, District Mayor Chen’s request for a beer was flatly rejected by the young nurse. However, at about seven o’clock, Lin Huan came to the door with a beer. The young nurse waited to stop, and was molested by the forest owner Xi, covering her mouth and blushing. The face ran away.

Lin Huan is a typical careless cadre. Regardless of whether drinking will affect the recovery of bones, he knew that District Chief Chen liked this bite, so he came over to have a chat.

Thinking of the scene at the entrance of the cigarette factory, Chen Taizhong drank beer while praising Lord Xi, ",,,, I found that doing this kind of work before it happened, old book ※Remember you are very good at it, this is the old cadre’s Experience."

"I am good at preventing problems before they happen, and stifling bad signs," Lin Huan replied with a smile, and then sighed again. "Unexpectedly, the pigeons in the family are all remembered."

"Ha," Chen Taizhong laughed, "That girl Xiaoye is ambitious, don't give her some wrong information, it makes me very passive."

"I want to leave her ashamed. Who knows that the big girl nowadays is not afraid of this" Lin Huan replied with a smile, and then rolled his eyes, "He Yumeng is so good, I know how to be polite, and I see that the quality is very good. This is a traditional girl,,, who is her grandfather?"

"Her grandfather," District Chief Chen gave a dry smile, and then sighed again. "The old man has a bad temper. I beat a wild boar today. Tsk, you see this is a mess. I'll get scolded for ten times."

This is not false at all. The next night, Huang Hanxiang called and asked about Xiao Chen's body first, and then complained, "The people at your place can really toss, how can Xiao Yu beat the wild boar?"

"It's her friends who are going," Chen Taizhong gently and skillfully pushed away the responsibility, "and there are many people, such as the military division training staff and the minister of armed forces, and the forestry director is also a veteran. I think it should be nothing. thing."

"It's just a little bit quieter anyway, her grandmother is a baby granddaughter," Huang Hanxiang replied dullly, and then asked again, "Can you be injured in a month?"

"I guess half a month will be enough," District Chief Chen didn't want to look at the expressions of his subordinates anymore, so he smiled and replied, "As long as you do less vigorous exercise*, what instructions does Huang Erbo have?"


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