Official Immortal

: Three thousand three hundred twenty nine-three thousand three hundred thirty

Chapter 3329 Homecoming (Part 1)

"Then you have to produce the documents yourself," Chen Taizhong chuckled dryly. Mayor Jiang was annoyed, but he was refreshed. "I am thinking about it. I have done so much work and have a tacit understanding with the Forestry Bureau."

"When you come back, come to the municipal government office," Jiang Feng snorted and hung up without saying anything.

"What did Chen Taizhong say?" Li Qiang sat behind his desk and looked at Jiang Feng on the sofa. Although today is the weekend, as the end of the year approaches and the general election is approaching, everyone is very busy.

Mayor Li only heard about this news this morning. He was saying to discuss with Jiang Feng. Mayor Jiang has already come to discuss this matter with him—this kind of thing, Bei Chong dare not. To the city?

Returning farmland to forests is something like 300,400,000 mu is not unthinkable if it is done well. Similarly, if one mu of land subsidizes 200, it will be 70 to 80 million a year.

Such a sum of money was placed in Hengbei, not to mention the deputy mayor, the deputy governor still wanted to be tempted, so Mayor Jiang approached the squad leader and said that Beichong does not have so much arable land that meets the requirements.

Mayor Li said that I knew about this. Before Xiao Chen went to Beijing and Beijing, I signaled to him, but that guy was a little lacking in realm, and he was unwilling to help the city to solve problems, or you could call and ask now. Ask him?

That’s why Mayor Jiang called. He snorted with anger when he heard the mayor’s question. “This young man is really a bit... he actually wants to produce documents by himself, and he lacks organizational discipline.”

"Mayor Jiang, your temper is a bit big," Li Qiang smiled slightly, "Actually, you didn't have to say so clearly just now. After he comes can discuss it slowly."

"Presenting an attitude in advance also set the tone." Mayor Jiang shook his head. He has not been in charge of agriculture, forestry and water for a year or two. He is quite familiar with his own business. "There is no need to let them. It is impossible for the State Forestry Administration to directly deal with Beichong. There is no such correspondence... at least it should deal with Yangzhou or the Forestry Department."

"But returning farmland to forests... doesn't you accept declarations, right?" Mayor Li glanced at the other side and said calmly, "Did you start to release declarations recently?"

"I didn't let go," Mayor Jiang shook his head. After all, he was in charge of this, and many things could be judged right away.

However, because of this, he hated someone more and more. "So District Mayor Chen said that the city wrote this document, it is not well written, and it should be written by Beichong District. I wonder who is leading who... You don’t have to be so forgetful if you get some grades?"

So I said your mouth was quick. Li Qiang curled his lips disapprovingly, saying about stamping machines and so on, just for the momentary pleasure, after so many years of deputy mayor, even this bit of breath can not be calmed?

Of course, he also knows that Jiang Feng directly illuminates the attitude of the municipal government, and it is not wrong in doing it. If the name is not correct, the words are not smooth, and there is no rule to make a circle.

But...whatever you do, you fooled out this trick of writing documents. What Li Qiang thought was that you Bei Chong used the documents to report? Yes, I have a stamp here in Yangzhou and hand it in-no, but if the stamp is the original document or the high copy, that's another story.

If you want to deceive these things in advance, you have to add more resistance-yes, it is "more" to increase resistance. Bei Chong will definitely guard against it from the beginning. Who doesn't like Lan Yingying's tickets? ?

"But if you talk like this, what if he simply said that he didn't run down at all?" Mayor Li suggested in another way. In fact, there are many such masters now. If it is unprofitable, just break the jar. Fell and beat and scatter.

"Before I came to you, I called and asked the district head in Beichong. He was also in Beijing, Beijing." Jiang Feng directly dragged Xu Ruilin out. "He said that Chen Taizhong was very hard to run this project, and the city must consider more. Beichong a little bit."

The running club is really hard. It is known to a similar cadre, but what he means is that Chen Taizhong has worked so hard to ran down here to return farmland to forests--does he dare to directly pick up the pick?

All the favors that should be taken in, and the leaders of the ministries and commissions have also instructed them. Young cadres must first speak prudent. You who travel to the North Sea in the dark, how will others believe you in the future?

To put it even more ugly, maybe all the stakeholders are there-someone helped you take care of it, but the related benefits are because of a little bit of temperament, they are ruined alive, who can bear it?

Poor Xu Ruilin originally wanted to say something for the elders in his hometown, but he was caught up with the root cause and pondered carefully. It can be seen that sometimes he would really do something wrong with kindness.

"Yangzhou needs to return farmland to forests the most, isn't Beichong?" Li Qiang asked meaningfully.

"Even if Chen Taizhong wants to say yes, the people in Huacheng and Guannan will not agree." Jiang Feng is not a master who doesn't know how to use his brains. The surname Chen, do you want to eat alone? Some people do not agree, "I believe they will know the news soon."

Even if they really don’t know, you will pass it on. Li Qiang understands this very well. In fact, there are not many people in the three counties of Huacheng in the municipal government. He said softly, "It is still harmony first..."

"I won't play cards with you people in Beichong anymore," Guo Wei really couldn't hold back. He received a plausible letter from District Mayor Chen yesterday, and today he lost more than 20,000 yuan. "I owe it first... Recharge your card."

"For the recharge card, I can go to Tan Shengli to exchange it. Ninety-seven yuan for one hundred," Xu Ruilin refused. "My name is seventy. You have to call it seventy-five. You asked for the five times. "

"Your name is seventy, and you only earned nine hundred if you won. This time you made two thousand and so many words," Mr. Guo pointed at him speechlessly, "Old Xu, I lost six thousand."

"But what you owe you can't owe the gambling bill," Bai Fengming answered with a smile, "Mr. Guo, you rich man, don't bully us poor people, you sit in Audi, and I sit in Audi's sister...Alto. "

"Where do I have an Audi? It's a desert prince," Guo Wei replied, Yangzhou is mountainous. When he ran to the provincial capital, he often went to other suburbs and counties, and off-road vehicles were the right choice.

"That's right, my Alto is Urban Beibei, much worse than the Prince of the Desert," Bai Fengming said strangely, in fact, there is also a good way, "Mr. Guo, come to Beijing, you may bring a little bit. Did you? Our Yang Bureau brought one hundred thousand, don't set up the poor counties and districts of our old and young."

"No matter how much you bring, it won't be enough for you to win," Mr. Guo grinned. He had brought a lot of them, but he didn't dare to show off the bottom-it was not good to spread, so he said nonsense. In Beijing, I spent too much time to socialize."

"Year an IOU," Xu Ruilin said calmly, "If you give a recharge card, one hundred is counted as ninety."

"Really?" Guo Wei curled his mouth, then gritted his teeth, "Okay, I'll give you money, it's a big deal, the instant noodles every day... come again, I want to get it back."

"Actually... District Mayor Xu is a top student in the Department of Mathematics of Lanzhou University. Playing cards with him, I won't lose if I don't lose," Bai Fengming smiled slightly, "Mr. Guo, look at it. If you have less money, don't always bid. ."

It’s okay not to say this. After saying this, Mr. Guo is even more unconvinced. You can lose, but you can’t lose. So he lost almost 30,000 yuan by the time he played until five o'clock in the afternoon. With the cards, he grinned in pain, really couldn't play.

Fortunately, at this time, District Mayor Chen called again, "Mr. Guo, go downstairs... to help you introduce someone."

"This card won," Mr. Guo sighed regretfully, and threw the card on the table. "It's cheaper for you."

"Let's leave after playing, I don't have a cat in my hand, really," Bai Fengming smiled and kept him.

"I have four cats in my hand, how could you have a cat?" Guo Wei snorted and walked out without looking back.

"Really four cats?" Yang Mengchun stretched out his hand to lift Mr. Guo's no cards scattered on the table, Xu Ruilin snorted, pulled out a little king, patted the table, and covered the other cards and threw them onto the table. , Reached for a cigarette, "Hey... It seems that today, we have to fight for the three of Bei Chong again."

After Mr. Guo went downstairs, he saw an inconspicuous black Fiat, tattered, and in the driver's seat was a handsome man to be called a beautiful man. District Chief Chen sat in the passenger seat and waved. Up and back."

Guo Wei got into the back seat, but after sitting in the co-pilot, he finally did not dare to sit in the head seat, because he had already recognized the driver's origin, "District Chief Chen, this is... our boss, right?"

"Mr. Guo is polite. Everyone is right here. Call me Xiao Xu," Xu Chunliang asked blankly as he drove, "Too loyal, go to Wukesong, Dongsi or Xidan?"

"Wukesong," Chen Taizhong hesitated and finally made a decision. Bei, Jing, he is really unfamiliar with the place where he was born, Dongsi is going to Nangong Maomao's hotel, he is not interested, Xidan is the seat of the Ministry of Information Industry , Presumably Jing Hong would have to avoid taboos like this, it would be better to go next to his villa.

Xu Chunliang arrived in North and Beijing in the afternoon. Chen Taizhong was the one who picked up the plane. He did not make a deliberate calculation when he came back. Director Xu’s roots are in Beijing. It’s the end of the year. It’s normal to come back by the way. Buy something for the unit, anyway, although the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission has a big stall, but the affairs are in order, and he does not need to worry too much.

In fact, to speak of conscience, Chen Taizhong doesn't want to see Xu Chunliang, Xu Chunfeng is proud, and Chen Fa is assigned to a foreign country. If there is no competition between friends, it is not very suitable for the gap to be too obvious?

However, the two had already agreed on this matter. Chen was going to find Jing Hong, and by the way, he could mention Sufeng's mobile phone—since he was looking for someone once, the things that should be done were done together.

Chapter 3330 Going Home (Part 2)

Xu Chunliang is very interested in this. In fact, he still remembers the last time Chen, Jiang and Xu were in Beijing, and they were unable to do anything in Beijing. Someone wanted to grab Vodafone’s foundry, Xu, Jiang and Chen. People, three young people are sitting together, discussing how to resist the opponent and live up to the expectations of the fathers and fellow villagers of Tiannan.

Such surging green years... will never be there again, thinking about this, Director Xu has a little bit of pain, returning to the south of the sky, returning to the north of Hengbei... It is difficult to return to the south, but to return to the constant. North strike.

"You're called egg pain," Chen Taizhong made a correct evaluation of Director Xu's pain. "It's purely idle, petty bourgeoisie... Let's go fishing for salmon in Las Vegas together. The season is just right. ."

"You said, Lan Ling is just going to go," Xu Chunliang nodded with approval, "She will graduate soon, and it is rare to want to relax. I didn't approve of it, but if you can accompany her, I will... …Help Lan Ling speak at home."

"You don't need to speak for her," Chen Taizhong categorically refused. "I went there because I actually wanted to swim in the Bering Strait. Really, to please a woman or something, that sense of it comparable to conquering a strait?"

"Too loyal, I can't hold it anymore, can you say no?" Guo Wei in the back seat finally couldn't help it.

"Brother chattering, just say it casually," Chen Taizhong replied disapprovingly, "just don't be disappointed."

"The strait is nothing. A woman has to be really deep, deeper than the Mariana Trench," Guo Wei said with a solemn tone. "You can wade through the trench, you can't wade through it, you can wade through it, you have to wade through the leg trench... "

"What...what do you mean?" Xu Chunliang glanced at the rearview mirror and asked faintly.

It's no wonder that he was a little angry. Director Xu was talking about his own sister, but in the end, there was something wrong with the stubbornness. He kept talking. Do you know who we are talking about? Just interject.

"You're kidding," Guo Wei smiled slightly. He wasn't very afraid of Xu Chunliang. Although he knew that the Xu family was big, he was in a certain position and he was somewhat emboldened. "Welcome to sell Sufeng mobile phones to me in Hengbei. "

"Well, thank you for your welcome." Xu Chunliang hesitated, and finally snorted out of selfishness. In his bones, he is not a strong character. It is unbearable to be bullied by others, but he can speak well. , He didn’t want to care too much—he named Chunliang, really right,

After a short while, the car arrived at the gate of the community, and the three of them looked for a restaurant before they booked a private room. Jing Hong called Chen Taizhong and said that dinner is going to be socializing. After dinner, go to a coffee house and wait for me.

So everyone stood up and left, went straight to the coffee shop, ordered a few meals, and drank slowly after a few sips. Xu Chunliang and Mr. Guo drank dry red, and Chen Taizhong drank him. Beer.

At about eight o'clock, Jing Hong and Huang Hanxiang walked in. After they were seated, they introduced each other. Mr. Huang’s attitude towards Xu Chunliang was okay, "From now on, it will be the world of your young people. Cooperate with Xiao Chen. Helping each other."

What's interesting is that Jing Hong also targeted Xu Chunliang's conversation partner. He pointed out that this Sufeng mobile phone has a very high starting point, and you still have to make good use of the channels and reputation that you have already created in the world.

However, the domestic market is also very large. Director Xu said that he was a little scratching his head. The cake was almost divided among people. We settled down and developed the domestic market. Look... the Ministry of Information Industry also said that the next ten The year was a decade of rapid development of telecommunications, especially mobile communications.

Except for China, where can there be such a large market in the world? We dare not give up in this market.

"At that time, I shouldn't have given you this permission to access the network," Minister Jing smiled and joked, and then he said softly, "The domestic mobile phone market has a terrible environment. Many manufacturers are fighting **** battles. People like this also squeeze a lot of money. You don’t want to make money with the relaxed foreigners, and you have to go to this muddy water..."

"Domestic... is the foundation for standing up," Xu Chunliang said softly, then glanced at Chen Taizhong again, and stopped talking-if he hadn't left too loyal, he might be able to do it abroad.

The two of them sat for half an hour. No one said a word to Guo Wei. Mr. Guo didn't dare to say anything, so he could only sit properly. It wasn't until he left that Jing Hong glanced at him and said lightly. In other words, "put out a year-end summary and next year's plan for your region, and send it in within three days."

"Yes," Mr. Guo didn't dare to come out, he sent the two to the car with fear, then turned and smiled bitterly, "I really admire you two... you can talk and laugh freely, I just suppressed this aura. ."

"What do you want," Xu Chunliang replied lightly, then looked at Chen Taizhong, "What support do you need there? If you want to invest, just speak up."

"Is rich?" Chen Taizhong gave him a surprised look. The Phoenix Science and Technology Commission has always been not poor, but it hasn't been too rich. At the most, it was 400 or 500 million in funds.

"Jinghua is on the right track and gave a repayment plan," Xu Chunliang smiled, "I have started discussing repayment with Borui, um... the province intends to merge Jifeng and Sufeng, and take over a few more companies. Then go public."

"Isn't this bullshit? Just Shifeng is enough to qualify for the market," Chen Taizhong frowned. Although Shifeng is only an electric vehicle factory, it is currently developing battery cars for travel and mobile bicycles, and its products have been extended to many areas. "When the two are combined, can such a large enterprise be managed by the Science and Technology Commission?"

"So I resisted. Jiang Junrong didn't want to merge. She wanted Sufeng to go public." Xu Chunliang pouted regretfully. "Our real estate companies are all qualified to go public. We are currently operating this... but it is very difficult. "

"For companies that don't want to go public, people are persuading them to go public, and companies that want to go public will not be on the market," Chen Taizhong laughed, "How much can you give me if you invest?"

"Next year I plan to return four or five hundred million to Borui," Xu Chunliang looked at him with a smile, "Do you think it is better to find a pair with the Science and Technology Commission, or to ask for money from Borui?"

"Look, I said it a long time ago. Pairing is a bit dangerous." Chen Taizhong nodded. He understood Chunliang's scruples. No matter how good the relationship between the two is, the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission's desire to support Bei Chong regardless of cost is a bit unreasonable.

The poverty-stricken place in Tiannan Province is gone, and it's fine to make a pair within the province. You can make a pair outside the province-let alone Zhang Yaodong or not, I'm afraid that even Jiang Shifang would not agree.

"The pair can still be tied, it's okay to support you with ten to twenty million yuan," Xu Chunliang snorted indifferently, "As long as you have a project that can be linked to high-tech, I will give it to you... It depends on who Dare to jump out."

"Twenty's better than nothing," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, "I will find a high-tech project right away and report to Director Xu."

"Reporting is waived, I'm also taking a gamble." Xu Chunliang raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. "Maybe in two years, Beichong will develop much better than the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission, and it will be me and You have alms."

"By that time, you will have become the deputy director of the Science and Technology Department. I was surprised to find that I couldn't find a place to pay back the money," Chen Taizhong laughed.

"How long will you stay?" Xu Chunliang ignored his joke.

"I'm reporting a project in the Ministry of Science and Technology, and I will leave as soon as I get a reply," Chen Taizhong sighed. "It's really tormenting people to run the club. Thanks to the Ministry of Science and Technology I know a few people..."

His complaint was a bit early. On Sunday afternoon, Yin Jinghua approached Chen Taizhong and took away the revised oil shale development report. The report estimated that the investment would be as high as 12 billion - but it was divided into several parts. Period.

After submitting this report, there is basically no problem. The ministries and commissions have to verify the feasibility and also determine which ones to cut. Chen Taizhong can't get involved in this kind of thing.

So he planned to return on Monday. Unexpectedly, when he was about to board the plane, An Guochao called again to find out about the oil shale situation, and finally asked, "How much money can the locals raise themselves?"

"I am actively introducing Hong Kong's foreign capital, if possible, about 100 million yuan, but...there are too many places to spend money in my district," Chen Taizhong answered with a wry smile.

"Foreign funds are coming to make oil shale?" An Guochao let out a weird cry, and then he muttered, "This money can't be spent elsewhere... Well, when the money arrives, I'll talk to the ministry." "

"Call," Chen Taizhong let out a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself after hanging up the phone, "Fortunately, I told him that there is only 100 million. Otherwise, there is really no money for development..."

He was muttering, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. When he raised his head, he found that District Mayor Bai, Mayor Xu, and Chief Yang looked at him in amazement, with unbelievable gazes in their eyes.

"District Chief, you just much is it?" Bai Fengming asked softly after a long time.

"This is not an appropriation it is a loan," Chen Taizhong waved his hand casually. "You guys are at ease for development. It's my business to find money. Go, go home..."

The plane landed in Chaotian, it was 12 noon. Li Hongxing had already brought an Iveco and waited outside the airport. Everyone had a bite to eat. They didn't even enter the city and drove straight to Beichong.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, I saw that he was about to arrive in Yangzhou, Chen Taizhong's cell phone rang-0001, the mayor Li Qiang was calling, "Xiao Chen is back? Are you coming to Yangzhou?"

I don't have any secrets, buddy. The young district mayor glanced at the people in the car casually, and sighed inwardly, "Well, there is still half an hour to enter the city... Mayor, what instructions do you have?"

"It's been a hard time for you this time, it's not easy," Mayor Li said with a smile, "Comrade Jiang Feng and I set up a banquet for you. See you at the Bell Tower Hotel."

Jiang Feng and Chen Taizhong secretly gritted their teeth, put down their mobile phones, and spoke blankly, "Mayor Li and Mayor Jiang want to see us, let's get started..."

(Update to, summon monthly pass.) (To be continued)

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