Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 2547: Exchange again

Chapter 2546 is exchange again (on)

Chen Taizhong actually didn't want to stay in Qingwang this evening. He preferred to take Tian Tian back to Fenghuang to be a partner with Mayor Bai. Tomorrow morning, Tian Tian came to Qingwang, and he went vegetarian. But facts have proved that this is unrealistic. He wants to leave, not to mention that the remaining people can't handle the Qingwang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and only to say that the Civilization Office’s attention to this news is not enough. He must stay. However, there was nothing to do if he stayed. He had already done everything he could, so the next day he was in the car to chat with the city director Ma Sangao.

The chat is true, but he also has the heart to show his determination, so during the chat, he casually blows the wind, "The current work foundation of the Civilization Office must be consolidated. Then, the next step in the work of the prefectural and municipal Civilization Office, It’s easier to develop."

"The next step is the development of the civilized office at the prefecture and city level?" Although I had been prepared for this a long time ago, after hearing Chen Taizhong say this, Director Ma couldn't help asking.

"That can be blamed." Chen Taizhong nodded. He said this very naturally. His words showed strong self-confidence. Wait and see, our Civilization Office is not a trivial matter.

However, when Director Ma heard this, his mind began to become more vivid, and he could not even contact He Ligang quietly, turning over Director Chen's words.

Chen Taizhong didn't expect that this casual sentence would arouse the attention of others. Why? Because after he wants to come to the Provincial Civilization Office to work in full swing, the next step of the Civilization Office work in prefecture-level cities is easy to put on the agenda, but the enthusiasm of the following cooperation really cannot guarantee that there is no support from Du Yi. I am afraid it is not easy to mobilize the interest of everyone.

However, the more critical point is to grasp the construction of spiritual civilization, without oil and water! Grasping the construction of material civilization is different. It is a matter of many government departments. It is not difficult to obtain financial support for various policies. The construction of related facilities and equipment also involves all aspects of funds, even if it is clear for investment promotion. The hospitality expenses and commission encouragement.

Not to mention that there are people who take advantage of this opportunity to embezzle state-owned assets, such as those who have been repeatedly ruined by Chen Taizhong, those who are staring at Sufang, and those who may benefit from the first flour mill in the future.

He Chen Taizhong does not worry about money, nor does he care about money, but he cannot expect anyone to be like him, and everyone knows the truth that there is no fish when the water is clear, and it is easy to offend people, and he does not get the provincial leader. Support, this next step... really can't be blindly optimistic. But He Ligang didn't think so. The Mission Department was originally Qingshui Yamen who came to his position. As long as he was not too greedy, money would not mean much. He saw the next step, the power of the Municipal Party Committee's Ministry of Education would be greatly increased.

The current society is a society that all looks to money. But for some officials, power is the most deadly. This is a matter of opinion, especially for those power that cannot change their own economic fundamentals. Some people like it and some don't.

For example, a department such as the Commission for Discipline Inspection has great power, but at most there are only a few oily cases, and most people don't have much opportunity to get foreign money.

Most party committee departments are like this: If you don't intervene in government affairs and don't introduce white gloves to make money, you will definitely not have too much foreign money. Of course, the amount and the amount are relative. Even the Organization Department is the same. There is no small matter in the Organization Department. When the cadres send a thousand or eight hundred shopping cards during the New Year's Day, it is not a big problem. No matter how much it is, you dare to give it to others. However, there are people who don’t care much about money, but just enjoy the right to speak for themselves. Minister He is such a person. To put it better, he wants to get some performance in his position. To put it plainly, then The mission department has been underestimated for too long, and he hopes to reverse this situation.

On the first day after the long holiday, the municipal party committee and the municipal government will have a meeting. Before the meeting started, Minister He found Liu Shuji and emphasized the tough attitude of the Provincial Civilization Office, especially when he pointed out that the last time Director Chen Saved people and almost drowned.

Of course, he also hinted that if we can actively respond to the provincial policies in the investigation of the family members of cadres, even if the Benma Gorge Reservoir becomes a national sensation, it is estimated that our city will not be able to attract much. Clipped wind.

To implement a policy, it actually depends on exchange to achieve the goal. Chen Taizhong is also a bit embarrassing to the provincial party committee. Liu [Shu] remembered something else, but how should I say it? Even when the Central Government implements some policies, it must consider all aspects of the impact, which is not too unusual.

However, the central government is the central government, and the place is the place. After all, the power of control is different. If you really want to get the support of Du Yi, it is really not difficult to force the implementation to indulge for a while, he withdrew his mind. I asked, "Chen Taizhong ordered Su, Fenghuang, and Tu Yang?" Su and Fenghuang, that needless to say, the name Tu Yang ordered was a bit interesting.

"He is still introducing investors to Tu Yang" He Ligang's answer was also interesting.

In fact, although he had a certain understanding of Chen Taizhong, it was a temporary inquiries after all. He did not know that Tian Liping was supported by someone Chen, but Duan Weihua was Chen Taizhong’s old mayor, and Phoenix was Chen Taizhong’s base camp. This is clear to everyone.

"Chen Taizhong has spared no effort in focusing on the construction of spiritual civilization." Why can't you hear this? He pondered, and Fang Shi said in a deep voice, "In the news, the Qingwang Municipal Party Committee and Government must have a positive image."

This estimate is not a big problem! He Ligang nodded, "I will try to convince him, but..." Hearing what he said, he seemed to want us to do something first. "

"Can't we take the initiative to attack, and first kill all these criminals?" Liu [Shu] recorded a bit unwillingly. This is in Qingwang, our home court.

"They are fully prepared and have a list of relevant personnel in their hands. I heard that the interview will be over in the morning. Although our mobilization ability is stronger than them, investigation and evidence collection still needs a process." He Ligang said objectively.

"Then tell them that I will include Comrade Guoquan in the investigation of the cadre's family members." The Guoquan mentioned by Liu Shushu is Zhao Guoquan, the head of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee.

"I will try to let them show it to us after the editing is complete." Minister He did not dare to argue, saying that this issue should be raised by the Ministry of Education. He was anxious to eat hot tofu.

"If you don't need this, if Chen Taizhong can promise you, he won't regret it. He shook his head lightly at [Shu]. Obviously, he knows someone’s reputation very well. Moreover, the Municipal Party Committee’s [Shu] is in charge after all. tolerance.

The next thing he got this opportunity was the smooth flow. It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The interviews on the typical people and events of the provincial and Sutai elections were over, and the Qingwang City Criminal Police Detachment quickly attacked a group of criminal suspects. They were arrested. At this time, Qingwang TV Station also participated in the shooting.

The three TV stations made a big move. It was a rare sight in Qingwang. Those suspects hadn't understood what was going on. They saw the countless long guns and short cannons before them.

In fact, people like Duan Tianya are a bit repulsive of the intervention of the Qingwang people. The reason is that once the government intervenes in the report, some things will easily change. Provincial government will not deliberately discredit the local government. This is a question of position.

But countless past events have proved that the locals are always used to have more demands, and this is also the case. Liu Shuji stated that the city will appear in a positive image. Of course, once the tone is set, he will ignore the details.

Then the details are that He Ligang and Chen Taizhong will be a little short of the qualifications of Ma Sangao. At least, Duan Tianya will not buy Minister Ma's account.

Minister He’s request is high. He hopes to interpret this incident as Qingwang’s initiative to present a problem and then take the initiative to report it. This has attracted the attention of the Provincial Taiwan and Provincial Civil Affairs Office. The subsequent unannounced visits and arrests of the suspects are logical. Up.

In response to this request, Chen Taizhong shook his head very simply. If you want to do this, even people from Taiwan Province will not agree to it. If you really want to seize this material, you will not say whether you will cover the lid, but you will report it. Come up, people just wait to take the straps, so if you eat too much, come to Qingwang for a walk?

"I can help you with their work" Minister He said, a bit mysterious, to the effect that as long as you are willing to agree, other people...well, we will also be in crisis of public relations.

"The image is positive, so it's fine." Chen Taizhong shook his head. He could not agree to this request. This was purely because the protagonist and the supporting role were reversed, and he said bluntly that news with the government as the main body caused a sensation in society. Almost.

Therefore, he insisted on the bottom line, "After you received our news, you attached great importance to this matter, thinking that it not only severely affected the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, but also violated the law, so... the arrest was launched as soon as possible. That's it."

"We will wait patiently after you finish the interview and start the arrest as soon as possible." He Ligang digs out the details, which is also quite good.

There are bargaining here, but the police have already achieved results. There are more than 40 people on the arrest list this time.

Among those who have been arrested, some were shocked by the numerous long guns and short cannons at the time of the arrest, and the police pretended to inadvertently say that Xu Xiao deliberately sent a good person in the water to draw the swimmer’s tuǐ under the water. He begged to drown the other person, and then sought a sky-high corpse recovery fee.

This gossip is a bit too exciting, so when the police car hasn't driven back to the city, some people take the initiative to confess in order to keep themselves clean.

It’s what Wang Erbiao said. Xu Xiao’s reputation is really bad. 〖Police〗 are just casual bluffs, small methods used to attack the heart, but in the ears of others, it is another possibility. Rumor has it that even if Xu Xiao hasn't done it, he will do it... Well, I haven't done such a wicked thing, so let's try to be lenient.

Therefore, some things have really come out. For example, Xu Xiao once instructed people to remove some fishing nets in some places... "... Chapter 2547 is another exchange (part 2).

Some old latrines really can't be turned over. When they are turned over, apart from being shocking, they are smelly. The same goes for Xu Xiao. At 5:30 in the afternoon, even a fisherman's drowning case was revealed, which may be related to him.

However, this is just a matter of waiting for the procedure. No one cares about this anymore except for the specific personnel involved. It's just that in this short period of time, someone found the boy Chen Taizhong had rescued.

Otherwise, the power of the organization is really terrifying. Of course, it has nothing to do with Chen Taizhong's performance last time. After Chen saved someone, he didn't ask for anything. Shi Shiran turned around and left.

Since he has nothing to do with the rescued, the rescued is naturally not afraid to publicize his achievements this year. It is also so funny. The rescued wants to thank the savior and also consider whether the other party will open his mouth. It was the news of a Nian Lu who lacked morality and morality, which made Chen Taizhong gather a little tightly. He was not afraid of being verified by others, but he was just a little worried. The woman next to him had gone a little too much that day.

But the facts quickly proved that his worries were superfluous. The students were the students and their thoughts were far less complicated than those of people who went to society. In their eyes, the strange young man with sunglasses saved himself. Classmates.

Yes, it's as simple as that. As for why the young man wears sunglasses and who is with him, no one will talk about it or someone has observed it, but no one is willing to maliciously speculate about a person who is righteous and brave.

The students proved that when the rescuer returned, he not only failed to climb the ship, but after he landed ashore, he also caught a thief who was seriously injured. Following this clue, the police were at the local police station. After finding the case, the one who stayed for investigation as expected was Zhang Aiguo, the deputy director of the blast factory.

No one cares whether the thief is "overdefended" anymore, but some people wonder how Xu Xiao, a foreigner, could make such a big storm in the reservoir.

In fact, many things are not that complicated. Xu Xiaoyi first came to the reservoir to catch the fish in the reservoir. The water quality in the takeaway reservoir is good. The fish is much more delicious and expensive than the fish raised in the pond.

Although he is a foreigner, he is cruel and cruel in his work. There are also a few people who dare to fight. After finishing the management committee, the locals are still a little reluctant, but he is alive and convinced.

Then, there was a drowning case. The ship of the management committee salvaged the corpse, and the reservoir had to charge 200 yuan for the “corpse recovery fee.” The reservoir believed that this was a legitimate fee.

Not to mention that they can issue bills for charges, and they have quite a few reasons: first we prohibit wild swimming, you violate the rules first, secondly the dead pollute the water, and secondly... we help you to collect the corpse, not only Should people, they have to work hard, right? You have caused us extra workload.

The family of the deceased stopped doing it and threatened to sue the reservoir. A group of people from Xu Xiao just passed by and saw that the rice squad leader was besieged. Picking up the oars and sticks, they gathered around.

The family members of the deceased were also very moved. The two sides confronted and pushed, and the management committee was still in the middle to coordinate, so there was no fighting, and then the people in the reservoir thought: Xiao Xu is good.

Xu Xiao helped people and ignored them. After he beat them away, he figured out what happened to the members of the management committee. Seeing the leaders sighing and cursing the old world, his eyes rolled: Or else , Rescue and salvage the reservoir, leave it to me.

It's really that simple. As for how Xu Xiao integrated the ship of the entire reservoir, did the management committee receive any benefits from it? That's another story, but in any case, boss Xu got this right and right. Apart from no bidding for this business, everything couldn't be more normal.

After understanding this, Su's staff waited a little later, left Qingwang, and waited until Fenghuang, it was basically eight o'clock. After changing the car, they rushed to Su, it was almost half past ten.

This time everyone is expecting a leave, but the material captured is very representative, so no one is worried that the leader will scold him. Instead, Duan Tianya said enthusiastically: Now he will go to the stage to edit.

Tian Tian went around with her friends for two laps, and finally left everyone behind and found Chen Taizhong's car. The two came to the Hubin community. She hadn't been with him for seven or eight days, and she had some psychological and physical needs.

Just after a bunch of doors opened, a harsh noise came over. Chen Taizhong looked up and saw that he was a little bit dumbfounded. Elizabeth was breaking his wrists with Liu Wangnan, and there were women nearby shouting and cheering, "I hope you can come on, my sister. You ten thousand..."

Chen Taizhong has many lovers. Among women, Liu Dazhong is considered the highest in prestige and best physical fitness." Although Ding Hanning dared to start a fight, he was really better than Liu Dazhong.

Knowing that he is coming back, everyone is boring again." They shook their wrists and compared their strength. Seeing him coming back, Little Yisha turned her head. Here, Liu Hall took advantage of the force and slapped her arm against the table.

"It's not that count, come again." Catherine quit. She put the money on her bodyguard. There was not much money, but it was a wasteful loss. "You are a sneak attack, what a good guy?"

"I am not a good man" Liu Wangnan laughed as soon as he heard it." "I am a woman, not a man." "

"Okay, let's not talk about it." Chen Taizhong walked upstairs with a smile. How was the talk "Tu Yang's side"? "

"That place, the traffic is not good, the scenery is good, but even if there are mountains and rivers, the scenery of [China] is a bit too much" Catherine's answer is a bit unexpected, but this is a cultural difference" It is normal. In the Benma Gorge Reservoir, others enjoy the shade." She complained that she could not get the sun.

Because she could not fully understand the thinking habits of the Chinese people, she did not want to invest in this project. Of course, she admitted that Tu Yang treated her very well. "The mayor and the municipal party committee [Book], I have seen them all, go to Méngling At the time, the police car cleared the way.

You can afford to pay hundreds of millions of dollars, who dare to underestimate you? Chen Taizhong can imagine how much Liu Donglai attaches importance to her, and if such a God of Wealth went to Tu Yang, if the municipal party committee's [Book of Records] Wang dared to remain indifferent, it was definitely not enough to support government work.

"You are on the front page of Tuyang Daily." Lei Lei was sitting in a corner, quickly tapping on the keyboard of her laptop, but she didn't forget to intervene, "Yes, strong, internationally renowned, general Lins Company."

"I've been on the front page of "Bikong Daily", a small prefecture-level city, hum" Catherine snorted contemptuously, like a girl who is not uncommon.

What she said is true. That time, Prince introduced seventeen Mannesmann senior talents to Bikong. The group of them personally received by Méng Yi, the headline on the front page was normal.

"But, you still don't plan to invest in Tu Yang, do you?" Chen Taizhong didn't bother to listen to her bragging about this. Catherine had reason to be proud, because she did not rely on the support of her family to work hard to this step, but she refused Investment, which makes him feel a little big.

"It was like this, but now I have changed my mind and plan to invest in partnership with Ma Xiaoya"" Catherine replied with a smile, "because she is very optimistic about this project, and I... don't want to lend her money. "

Dare to love, after Ma Xiaoya came back from the cape with the army, she was originally going to return to Beijing, but when she heard that Catherine was going to investigate a project in a tourist area, she was moved.

It just so happened that Catherine was not very familiar with this set ~ Shuye had a specialization in the first place. Seeing that she was moved, she strongly invited her to go. The horse anchor thought about it, and passed by as a staff consultant.

Tu Yang has known for a long time that Prince's headquarters is in Beijing. They even learned a little bit about the company's background through Tu Yang's Beijing Office. It turned out to be a strong company, and Governor Jiang actually valued the company very much. .

Ma Xiaoya speaks Beijing accent anyway, so her appearance did not arouse anyone's attention. Everyone tried their best to court the glamorous female boss and bodyguard of Prince.

However, when the anchor Ma saw the landscape of Méng Ridge, he was immediately tempted. What others saw was that the place was primitive and unopened, and what she saw was that the natural style of the place was well maintained.

In fact, it’s good in terms of eyesight or the place where the game has been played. Catherine is not inferior to her at all, but one grew up under the influence of Chinese culture, and the other grew up in a Western cultural environment. A little difference is normal.

However, the more important thing is that Ma Xiaoya is engaged in a profession that can understand the fundamentals of national policies faster than her. If what the anchor Ma does can be called a profession.

Ordinarily, Catherine is also a well-informed person. In the instrumentation or automation industry, she has a profound research and experience about the policies adopted by the Chinese government and feels the martial arts, the holy king, the sacred king, the night, and the gods. The throne of India asks the devil, proud of the world, the strongest of the nine times Abandoned Shao Da Zhou's imperial clan made a god, the night killing god, God Seal Throne Seeking the Devil, Ao Shi Ninth Heaven, the strongest Abandoned Shao Da Zhou's imperial clan, but she is good at it.

But Ma Xiaoya is different. They think about what makes money, so she has a certain understanding of the country's various policies in the future, including tourism.

As a branch of the service industry, the tourism industry will be greatly developed in the near future. This is the consensus of everyone.

(One more charge, it's really not far from the top fifteen.)

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