Official Immortal

: One thousand nine hundred and twenty-one invitations to one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two i

Chapter 1921

Alcatel did not respond to Chen Taizhong's words. (Please remember to read the novel) However, Bella and Grace passed the audition, but they did not sign a long-term contract as promised at the beginning.

For this reason, Alcatel’s people didn’t explain too much. They just said that it depends on the performance of the two. Chen Taizhong didn’t pay attention to this ballast either. He didn’t worry about it. I don’t look at what you said, it depends on what you did-- If you don’t know what to do, you guys have to show you what it means to lose more than gain!

In fact, this lack of a clear answer has already made Chen very annoyed. You don't have a begging attitude when you ask for help. When I look back, I'm free, and I will slowly pinch you!

After Abel heard about this, he made a special trip to look for him, which is also meant to be a kind of mud-as for whether he has been entrusted or instructed by others, it is unclear. Anyway, he was very sincere.

"It's just that the French are not good, they want face too much." Mr. Broker's expression was very sad, and he didn't feel like he was French.

"Also, Alcatel is also a big company? They just want to maintain that point of unnecessary dignity. Beira and the others will be left to me. If Alcatel doesn't use them anymore, I will help contact several companies to ensure The income is not bad for Alcatel... In fact, the most suitable model for models is the advertisement of female luxury goods, trust me."

"They want face, so my face doesn't matter?" Chen Taizhong sneered. "Alcatel is a big company, but it's true that it has 1.3 billion employees?"

"Abel, it’s none of your business. You are willing to help arrange Bella and Grace. I’m very grateful, and I will not trouble you less in the future, but I don’t want you to persuade me on this matter. , They are not worth it."

This guy is really shameless. Abel feels a little bit tired for a while. You have to stop my persuasion, and you have confirmed that I am "willing to help arrange" so "you are very grateful", and in the future "will not trouble me less ", but refused to agree to me.

However, all these reactions followed the news from Director Jing. It became clear.

In the beginning, Chen Taizhong did not call Minister Jing about the invitation. He thought it was more appropriate for Kozisa to make this call. Boss Huang must have greeted him anyway. There is no such thing as a sudden attack. .

However, Minister Kozisa believes that it is more formal sincerity to send an invitation letter first-Chen Taizhong thinks that he is used to watching martial arts movies such as "Zorro", and thinks throwing a white glove out before the duel. More gentleman?

However, the embassy did not cooperate, so after the European Office sent the invitation letter, Director Chen had to make a call to Minister Jing, which meant...Leader, what? Corvo sent you An invitation letter, please come to France for a visit.

"Well, I heard Mr. Huang say about this," Minister Jing was quite polite when he met him, "but Xiao Chen. I don't have time to go out recently, even if I go out, I won't go to France."

"So, please tell Mr. Kozisa. I would like to talk about our welcome, but I hope they can come to China... I will do my best to be a landlord. I believe Minister Kozisa also knows that the Chinese people are very hospitable. of."

The point of this remark is that "I won't go to France when I go out." Of course, Chen Taizhong understands it. He didn't understand it for a while. Is it possible that Minister Jing is in conflict with this matter?

After putting aside the phone for a long time, he figured out something. It may not be Lao Jing's resistance. It is almost certainly because Alcatel's intervention has caused dissatisfaction among some interest groups.

He is more and more contemplating similar things. The whole world is all for the benefit of the hustle and bustle of the world. It is nothing more than the word "interest"-the French want to seize the Chinese market, and they will inevitably hurt those with vested interests. group.

China’s telecommunications market is now highly differentiated at two levels... Simply put, in the low-end market and part of the quasi-high-end market, there are domestic and imported products, and there are also licensed and parallel products. There is a big price war and profit margins. not very big.

The high-end market is different. It is firmly controlled by a few foreign brands. Although the competition between several companies is a life and death, it is not a price war. There is still considerable profit margins in it.

As a result, when another communications giant squeezed into this market strongly. What kind of resistance he will encounter is self-evident, and Minister Jing's move is mostly to avoid suspicion-and it also implies that it is okay for you to talk about Alcatel, but you should not hold it. Too many unrealistic fantasies!

This is an old man's serious move. Chen Taizhong believes that it is indeed the case, but... it hasn't been long before Corvo went to China. If he goes again, will he be a bit diligent?

Regardless of that, Director Chen made up his mind and waited two more days. It was estimated that the express delivery had almost arrived in China before he made another trip to the Ministry of Culture and Communications and notified Kozisa of Minister Jing's decision.

"This is normal, I can understand." Minister Section was very sensible. He smiled and nodded. "It just so happens that I also miss my old friend in Beijing a bit. If Minister Jing invites me to visit, I will be very happy to go again. One trip...Oh, yes, Chen, I heard that your National Day is this year. There will be a military parade?"

I have to say that Kozisa now knows China better than most French people. At least his information on major events is very accurate, and he can actually pay attention to China's military parade.

"There will be a military parade," Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded, but he refused to take it anymore. What a joke, if you want to go to the watchtower to observe the ceremony, it is really beyond the abilities of your buddies. Besides, you know the upper part of the city. Foreigners appear. What does it mean?

Kozisa also knew that this question to Director Chen was destined to be unanswered, so he smiled and shook his head, "I can't wait...I hope Mr. Minister's invitation will come soon. Don't make me wait too long. long time."

"I will contact him as soon as possible," Chen Taizhong smiled and nodded. This is why he took two days to come. When the invitation letter is delivered to Minister Jing, Lao Jing must have a response. Calling privately is informal. , Is used by both parties to do the preliminary communication work. Once the formal invitation letter arrives, there will be a formal reply from the Ministry of Information Industry.

And Chen is thinking that if the invitation letter there is in hand, he must call and check with himself. Kozisa is willing to visit China again. After two days of delay, he relayed Minister Jing’s reply to him. Corvo, that means he can contact Minister Jing quickly and efficiently.

This is a long-faced thing, and at the same time, he can show off his ability to handle affairs in China. As a clerk of a foreign-related organization, he has an influence in the country, so that he can have sufficient voice in foreign affairs activities, and more It is easy to win the respect of others-so it is very important to learn to seize the opportunity.

It was just like hearing his thoughts. As the air express was arranged, he received a call from Director Zhang of the Beijing Office early in the morning of the next day, "Tai Zhong, this invitation letter, I will send the message The Ministry of Industry...To be honest, I really convinced you, you didn't have someone to send you this kind of document."

"Hehe, isn't this just going to be taken care of by Director Zhang?" Chen Taizhong chuckled dryly, and didn't bother to fight him in a lawsuit-both of us are Mayor Weihua's people, so you're welcome. So he went straight to the subject, "What did Minister Jing say?"

"Where can I see the Minister?" Director Zhang smiled on the phone, "It's all you, so I was chased by the little Mao child, where did this invitation letter come from? You have to treat me when you come back...seriously, I see what they mean, and the words are passed to Director Jing, which is what happened today."

Not to mention, what he said was correct, even today, at nine o'clock in the morning, and left it to Beijing at around five o'clock in the afternoon, Minister Jing called.

As a minister, he has self-cultivation, and he will not ask why the invitation letter was sent by the Phoenix Beijing Office. What he cares about is, "Xiao Chen, I have received the invitation letter. Based on your understanding, I called back to express my gratitude. Is it better to invite him to visit at the right time?"

"He said, don't mind visiting China for the second time this year," Chen Taizhong laughed as soon as he heard it. He and Lao Jing only met once, but the two basically didn't meet each other. With Huang Hanxiang as a bond, he would naturally be able to. Let go, "Hehe, he still wants to rush to China before the military parade, but I think it's a little difficult for him to get on."

"Haha," Minister Jing also smiled. The laughter sounded a little dry and insincere. For things like military parade, he has no ability at all, so naturally he doesn't care whether it is a hint or not. No interest at all.

In fact, after so many years of leadership, he has long developed a good work habit that doesn’t matter to him. "That’s what I know...Is there anything that Xiao Chen has in China? Just talk if you need it. , Everyone is not looking outside, huh?"

The last sentence is a bit affectionate, but if you consider it from another angle, Minister Jing also faintly means to pull the whole circle in. It may not be the kind of support that sacrifices his life to accompany a gentleman-but anyway, this is also the deputy minister. Isn't it good?

After trying to find out the situation with him, Minister Jing knew how to answer Kozisa. He said that he couldn't make a phone call to the Deputy Minister of Culture and Communications. After the two exchanged simple and enthusiastic exchanges, Minister Jing sent a formal message to the former student. Invited, and said that the invitation letter had been sent, and the Minister of Section happily accepted the invitation.

This is what is widely talked about in the future, "Kozisa will go to China in two and five years". The right and wrong will not be shown here for the time being, but obviously, Mr. Deputy Minister is currently leaning tightly on the tree in China. A politician has his own political needs.

Leaving aside the future, Mr. Kozisa called Alcatel’s chairman again after holding up the phone, which meant that he had determined that the leader of the Ministry of Information Industry would not be able to come to France in the short term. Ask me to go to China for a tour, you see... Does your company intend to go with me?

For Mr. Muga, this is not good news. The advantage of the home game is definitely greater than the away game. He has even thought about how the company should find the media to cooperate after Mr. Jing from China comes to France. Find other groups to lobby, and try to discuss the next intention in favor of Alcatel.

However, after receiving this call, all his assumptions have to be changed. This made Lao Miao a little angry, saying that he should not instruct relevant people in the Asia-Pacific region: I said, you should prepare the information as soon as possible, and contact China Co., Ltd. this time It is the one who is going to China, yes, you heard it right, the people from the Ministry of Information Industry are not coming!

When people in the Asia-Pacific region heard this result, they immediately fryed the pot. They didn’t know that Kozisa had already told his boss that either I would go or someone would come—the chairman didn’t need to explain to his employees. Isn't it so thin?

Therefore, in everyone's eyes, they think that this is somewhat of a change. Therefore, while preparing the materials, some people wonder if the young man in Phoenix City has squirmed his mouth?

In any case, since Alcatel wants to talk to the Ministry of Information Industry in China, he must be relatively passive, and he needs to be more thorough when preparing related work, and Chen Taizhong has therefore become a factor worth noting. It does not exist, but now, it cannot be ignored.

This time, it was the people from Alcatel who took the initiative to find the office in Europe, and not only Andy, an investment consultant in the Asia-Pacific region, but also Le Favre, the technical director of the Asia-Pacific region.

Unfortunately, Director Chen went to the UK, and only Yuan Jue and Liu Yuanyuan were in the European Office.

Chapter 1922

Anthony decided to go to Grenoble to launder money. Chen Taizhong always felt that he seemed to have heard of this place. Later in the conversation with Abel, he suddenly remembered that when the European Office was opened, there seemed to be someone called Da Nuo's fat French man is said to be from that place.

So, by talking about Dano, he wanted to ingeniously find out whether the situation in Grenoble was lawless as Anthony said.

Abel didn’t know his true purpose, so he said a few words casually, and suddenly remembered, "Ha, don’t you want to build a friendly city? In this case, I can help you match it up, but in the end, I still want to look for Dano. The people there emphasize'our order' and the local power is stronger."

He knew that Chen Taizhong combined Phoenix City with three British cities to form sister cities, and he said that you don't have similar sister cities in France yet? Of course, you don't need to count on Paris, so Grenoble is also a good choice. It is the Silicon Valley of Europe, and it is also a famous tourist destination, which is definitely worthy of your Phoenix.

Chen Taizhong was taken aback by his suggestion. He said that Anthony was going to Grenoble with He Junhu so that he could continue to extortion in that trivial area. It was too late for me to escape, buddy, so I went there?

Before, he wouldn't care about this, but isn't it that Director Chen's overall sense of the situation has become stronger recently? In order to prevent people from investigating, even the embassy has actively drew a clear line with the European Office. Of course, he has to follow suit and stay away from places that may cause trouble.

"Friendly cities, I need to think about this." He smiled and shook his head. Seeing that Lao Ai had to open his mouth to speak, he simply changed the subject, "This matter is temporarily set aside, oh, if you don't say it, I almost forgot Now, I’ve come to Paris, and it’s been a long time since I went to see Nick... Well, I think I need to go to England."

Are Paris and Birmingham close? Abel wanted to ask such a question, but think about this person from a country whose land area is equal to the whole of Europe. He moved his mouth and finally did not ask, but just smiled and nodded, "Oh, too."

When Chen Taizhong went to the UK, he was to stay away from France and completely clarify his own meaning. Secondly, he wanted to ask Nick to ask if he could influence Vodafone's strategic concept through Mr. Senator.

To his surprise, in Nick’s office, he actually met two Chinese with yellow skin and black eyes. Congressman Nick introduced enthusiastically, “Chen, this is your compatriot in Hong Kong, chairman of Jindeli Industrial. , Mr. David Du."

David Nadu is not very old, he is in his early thirties, but he has a lanky body and a huge frame. He is well-dressed and looks a bit cold. When he heard that the young man in front of him was a "Chinese official abroad", he saw There was also a touch of arrogance.

He saw that Chen Taizhong’s eyes were not very polite. Naturally, Chen would not buy his account. After all, he did not act indifferently in front of Nick. After smiling and nodding, he smiled at Nick, "Look. You are very busy here, so I will go out and take a tour, and when you are not busy, I will come to you again."

"Oh, do you need me to help you arrange two chicks?" Mr. Senator laughed as soon as he heard it, and did not shy away from David Nadu, so he said directly, but obviously, he also knows what to say and what to say, "to eat together at night Well, find a Chinese restaurant... you gave me the two gifts, I like them very much, huh."

"Don't try to win over and corrupt me," Chen Taizhong smiled casually, turned around and went out with a bit of hatred in his heart, you guys really didn't keep the door open.

Dinner was eaten in a Chinese restaurant. In addition to Nick and his attendants, David Nadu and the translator were also there. Chen Taizhong didn’t have much to say, just casually chatting about recent experiences in Paris, “There’s a lot of things over there, I Come see you, it's time to go back."

Nick was very polite to him. Mr. Nadu looked a little strange, and he had to ask Director Chen what he was mainly responsible for in Paris. Mr. Congressman laughed when he heard that, "Chen is the director of the Phoenix Office in Europe. Mr. Du should deal with him more, he knows many great people."

"Phoenix, the European office?" David Du's mouth twitched. How could this sound like a farce, but since Nick admires this person so much, I am afraid it is not for no reason. I look forward to working closely with Director Chen in the future..."

After the dinner and dinner, Chen Taizhong followed Nick away. Mr. Senator laughed in the car. He dared to use the drug teacup that Chen Taizhong gave him and successfully overshadowed his opponent-in a gathering of high-ranking officials. At the cocktail party, a large number of drugs appeared and were exposed by the people he arranged. What kind of sensation would it cause? There is no need to go into details.

"Sorry, I can't use it the second time," Nick sighed long, he really liked this kind of yin man's method, but if the same thing happened the second time, then he would be too stupid.

"As long as you are willing to help, I still have similar methods," Chen Taizhong laughed as he heard it. "By the way, I came to you this time to ask something. Which step did Vodafone talk to the French now?"

"You are in France, and you have a good relationship with Kozisa. You still ask me this?" Nick was a little baffled when he heard the news, but when he figured out that the other party wanted to intervene in an acquisition of a German company, for a while There was silence.

This silence was not until he entered his villa and drove away the two glamorous women, and they sat in his study, and he slowly said, "This matter is really not easy to operate, I am at a critical time... oh Or, you should find Hong Kong Heji, which is also a Chinese company. They have a certain right to say about the ownership of the Olympic Games."

Hong Kong Hop Kee, of course Chen Taizhong knows this. This is a very influential wealthy business family in the Chinese circle. Even the Phoenix Ning family has a big gap with them. Unfortunately, Chen does not know this family. People.

"They, forget it," he shook his head regretfully. It's not just that he didn't know Heji. The key is that people started their business by playing assets. Even if they don't know the family anymore, they will be the deputy director of the China Merchants Office. He heard a lot of things from his ears.

The most important thing for businessmen who play asset operations is profit. If such a small department-level cadre finds it and asks others to respond to the state's call to take care of the overall situation, it is really self-inflicted. Moreover, the family of the joint record and the above The relationship is good, and it is also a matter of the relevant department to find a joint record, which is not in line with him.

Moreover, Chen Taizhong’s ultimate goal is Mannesmann in Germany, which has little to do with Olympic success. Thinking of this, he shook his head angrily, and changed the subject, "By the way, I remember that you don’t interact with Chinese people very much. , What's the matter with David Du?"

Hong Kong people are not from mainland China! Nick thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. He shrugged his shoulders. "Because of you, I have changed my habits... This David Du is originally from Beijing, and he wants to find me to lead him."

The co-author of Jindeli is also to attract investment, but it is also an asset operation. For example, they have successfully matched a marriage between a Singapore company and a mainland company, and the transaction volume reached 10 million Singapore dollars.

Ten million Singapore dollars is equivalent to more than 50 million yuan. This company accounts for 35% of the shares, while Jindeli invested 20 million and accounted for 18% of the shares. The domestic company also retained 100% of the shares. Forty-seventh of the shares are considered the largest shareholder.

However, two years later, Jindeli changed hands to sell its own equity to a foreign company and sold for 40 million. As a result, the Singapore company became a holding company and spent less than 100 million, and controlled a factory worth 200 million.

This is a simple win-win-win example. Of course, Singaporeans are the happiest, and the most unhappy is a domestic company that has a controlling stake. Not only did Jindeli get dividends, but its investment doubled in less than two years.

In fact, this is the usual method used by intermediary businessmen and foreign investors to jointly annex domestic enterprises. However, it is hard to say whether domestic enterprises are really unhappy. If the state-owned assets are concerned, the leader is happy; if it is a private enterprise, as long as it can guarantee others People will also be willing to wear the hat of foreign capital.

"It turned out to be such a person." Chen Taizhong's impression of David Du was getting worse, but obviously, the master who can match this kind of business must also have a considerable background. At least, it was 96 three years ago. At that time, 20 million masters could be spent at that time, not much.

Early the next morning, he received a call from the European Office, saying that someone from Alcatel had found it. He originally thought about it and went back. After answering the call, he refused to go back.

But Alcatel’s people are really powerful. The British company actually came here. "Director Chen, our chairman Miao Jia wants to see you. The chairman is going to another place in three days. When can you go back?"

What does it matter to me if he is going to another place? The most annoying thing about Chen Taizhong is this kind of words. If you think you have an identity, you need me to accommodate your time... Is that right, you think you are my leader?

So he didn't want to leave, and he couldn't say anything vaguely, "Oh, I still have some personal things to do in the UK, the specific time...I'm not sure, I'm really sorry."

But he just forgot. There was a Nick with him. Mr. Senator immediately volunteered when he heard it, "Oh, my God, Chen, you didn’t want to tell me about something in the UK, you still treat me as your friend. Okay, leave things to me here in the UK, I think Mr. Muga must have an urgent matter to find The influence of large multinational corporations is here, with the unruly and unruly British MPs , Actually thinks for the chairman of the French company, which also shows how powerful the charm of capital is.

The problem is... you can't help with Vodafone, can you? Chen Taizhong couldn't hear him crying or laughing, turned his head and glanced at him, and said to his heart that I have an excuse for you to be troublesome? "Oh, Nick, please be blunt, what I want to do is private, you can't help."

However, now that this guy is annoying on the side, it seems impossible for Chen to delay for three days, so he went out and turned off the phone, and finally turned back to France the next day. ...This is considered a face, isn't it?

He didn't expect that this silly turn made Nick more affirm his identity... Chen really is a guy with a mysterious mission...

Of course, Chen Taizhong did not know this, but when he returned to the European Office, he did not say how to arrange a meeting with Mr. Muga, but Yuan Jue told him with joy, "Boss, my spouse’s visa Once it's done, it will come soon..."

(It's another seven thousand words, and forcefully summon a monthly pass.)

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