Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 1793: Ask for help, one thousand seven hundred and ninety

Chapter 1793

Chen Taizhong appeared suddenly. (Please bear in mind our website) Not only did the Subo City Government be cold-hearted, but the many media reporters present also opened their eyes. Everyone asked each other, and soon we would know that the Phoenix people came to Subo to grab the list. , The lead was Chen Taizhong, the well-known deputy director of the Investment Promotion Office.

what? You said you have never heard of Chen Taizhong? Impossible, I don't know Chen Taizhong in Tiannan, so I am ashamed to say that I am a media player... Oh, do you know Chen Taizhong, deputy director of the Science and Technology Commission? That's right, these two are one person!

Those who are not good will not come. The reporters quickly smelled the smell. Aside from Director Chen’s attitude towards Mayor Tan, he didn’t mention that he was neither humble nor arrogant. He only talked about the mutual friends of Chen Taizhong and Ronald Planck. , The two glamorous foreign women also looked very unambiguous.

Yes, the Phoenix people are carefully prepared. All media reporters can be sure of this. Unfortunately, everyone is discussing life in Subo, even if someone knows that there is an article to do. However, he didn't have the courage to ask Chen Taizhong what happened-as a media person, he should also talk about political sensitivity.

However, there are always people in the world who are not afraid of death. Liu Xiaoli of Tiannan Business Daily is one of them. Originally, the business newspaper did not receive the news-the qualifications of private newspapers are a bit poor, and the China Merchants Office has no interest in informing them. It, and Rona Planck's investigation of Subo is not a trivial matter, but it has not reached the point where it alarms the Ministry of Education and makes all media speak out at the same time.

In short, there were those who knew that Reporter Liu and Chen Taizhong had a close relationship, and they had to make a call. Not long after, Liu Xiaoli appeared at the Tiannan Hotel and asked Chen Taizhong to ask questions.

Someone took the lead, and naturally others followed. The French were moving things to the room and adapting to various facilities. In addition to focusing on Mayor Tan, the reporters also surrounded Chen Taizhong, Catherine, and Elizabeth.

What everyone is particularly interested in is the identities of Catherine and Elizabeth. The people who can join Chen Taizhong at this moment are all those who have escaped. Of course, they are not afraid to ask some escape questions.

"What kind of company is Prince, why did Ms. Catherine appear in Tiannan?" Someone asked such a question, and directly ignored Ronald Planck's investigation.

Some reporters who are interviewing will stutter English. However, this one asked not only Chinese, but also spoke at a surprisingly fast rate. Neither Catherine nor Elizabeth understood clearly, and they could not look down at Chen Taizhong.

This question made the young deputy director very entangled. It is said that Catherine was looking for him. Originally, he wanted to hint a little about Prince's involvement in Pro Aluminum, but is it a bit too much to expose it to the media naked?

Let Catherine make up his mind. I can't say that he translated Chinese into English. Because of the loud voices and noisy, he saw that Elizabeth was a little ignorant, and explained it again in French.

Since Catherine had decided to eat this bowl of rice, of course she had studied such issues, so she smiled slightly, "My company is a consulting company, and I came to Tiannan to discuss some cooperation."

"What kind of cooperation is it?" The chasing and fierce fight, really a bit of a professional gossip reporter.

"This is inconvenient to say, it involves trade secrets," the glamorous female boss shook her head with a smile, talking about the public relations company. Americans know how to play best. Appropriate hints are fine, but too high-profile can cause trouble.

She changed the topic and directed her goal to Chen Taizhong, "Director Chen and I are very good friends. In the high-tech field, we have plans to cooperate appropriately."

When you hear about trade secrets, it’s hard to ask anymore. In fact, consulting companies are a bit like Dian’s subsidiaries or planning companies. They make money by relying on information and experience.

Everyone is not very interested in the cooperation between the Science and Technology Commission and foreign-funded enterprises, but Liu Xiaoli asked keenly, "Director Chen, I heard you use English and French proficiently just now, right?"

"Yes," Chen Taizhong nodded with a smile, and said to his heart that you still don't know this? Don't you mean to favor me? He shook his head solemnly, then sighed with a little regret, "However, French is self-taught, so everyone laughs."

"Wow," someone exaggerated. There are not many civil servants who know multiple languages, but there are not many people in high positions. What is rare is that Director Chen is not only really powerful, but also so young that he can sink. The heart comes from learning a foreign language. This concentration is too rare.

"No wonder Director Chen has performed so well," Liu Xiaoli sighed with exaggeration. "While I am struggling with affairs, I still don't forget to work hard to improve my knowledge. I succeeded. I really have no luck."

You bullshit, that's a little bit red! Someone asked again, "Then Director Chen, why do you choose French as your second foreign language instead of other languages?"

"I know it, not just French and English," Chen Taizhong replied faintly. Since Reporter Liu is deliberately raising his image, he should moderate it appropriately, be low-key, and be a leader, and learn to be moderately low-key.

However, some people don't want him to be so low-key, "Then Director Chen, how many foreign languages ​​do you... master?"

"Hehe, this is not important, what is important is that people must keep learning to keep up with the rhythm of the society," Chen pretended to be addicted. However, everyone couldn't stand it. Everyone must ask him to confess. In the end, he still spit out slightly, "I can speak foreign fact, it is only in double digits, um, some have not been practiced..."

Everyone was amazed here. The people from Ronald Planck over there have already settled down. According to the process, it should be everyone's free time for a while, which is the welcome banquet in the evening.

Strangely, this is the moment. Qin Huabing left unexpectedly. He was not interested in trying to have a brief exchange with the French guests, and he did not give an accurate answer as to whether he could be there at night.

After Chen Taizhong knew the news, he had to go to Anduowa and others to chat, but he didn't expect to run into Yang Cong, who was faceless.

Director Yang did not have enough psychological preparation for Mayor Tan’s departure. According to the original design, Mayor Tan should have a brief communication with the French guests in the second small meeting room, and then have dinner together.

However, Qin Huabing is the executive deputy mayor. To say that he is busy, he is really busy, and there is no need for him to report to the deputy director of the investment promotion office in his district.

Director Yang has a guess in his heart, that is the scene at the airport today, which annoyed Mayor Tan, so Lord Mayor is picking up the pick-aren't you Yang Cong capable? Go on your own.

It is very unfortunate that Qin Huabing can pick up his son, but Yang Cong can’t. Now he has reached this point. Director Yang wants to close his hand too late. He has already offended Chen Taizhong to death. Moreover, if he just closes his hand, wouldn’t it be allowed Did someone read the joke?

In fact, Mayor Tan couldn’t just sit back and watch when it came to such a large investment, but he was upset. It’s always okay to pick a child for the time being-you want to pick me with the surname Chen? Sorry, go on your own.

Yang Cong can fix it or Chen Taizhong. It has nothing to do with him. If Yang can bring in other big shots and let the French invest in, then as the mayor, he can enjoy the fruits without any effort. If the surname Yang fails, it will not be too late for him to come out to save.

Seeing Chen Taizhong coming with a disgusting smile. Yang Cong snorted, "Director Chen, the room has been arranged for you, the second floor of the west, now you don't have to disturb the rest of the French guests?"

"I'm going to see a friend, can you manage it?" Chen Taizhong gave him a cold snort, and walked over without stopping. When passing by him, he didn't forget to sneer, "What a mess!"

"Too much deception!" Yang Cong is really hot now. He doesn't want to think about his own project of intercepting the Phoenix, what kind of bad behavior, many small cadres have such problems, easy to forgive themselves, but they can't Tolerate offenses from others.

Thinking of his grievances, he went to the side and took out his cell phone to dial. Mayor Tan was able to leave without hesitation. It was also because he knew that this guy actually had some energy and could get other leaders to come forward and support him.

The call was quickly connected, and a cold and arrogant female voice came over there, "Xiao Yang, what's the matter?"

"Old Director, I have a situation here, I hope you can support it," Yang Cong said in a low voice with a smile on his face, looking like that, as if the old Director is right in front of him, it is so respectful and respectful." I was brought out by you, and it has something to do with the high-tech zone..."

Dare to love, he directly called Jiang Junrong to ask for help. She used to be the deputy director of the China Merchants Office in charge of daily work. Although she is now transferred to the High-tech Zone, there are still many of her own people in the Merchants Office.

Like Yang Cong, she pulled it out of the department. Director Jiang may have problems and disputes of this kind, but there is no doubt that she has a strong professional ability, otherwise she would not It would be saddened by Chen Taizhong's Phoenix Investment Office for stealing Su Bo's limelight.

With ability and background, Jiang Junrong, as the deputy director, was able to bring up another deputy director. After Jiang Shifang came back, she was transferred to the high-tech zone as a deputy and presided over the daily work, paving the way for the next step forward. As for here, just It was left to Yang Cong, the governor's thousands of words, and others didn't have much to say.

To put it bluntly, Director Yang was able to rise so quickly because of Director Jiang. For the leader, he is a master who knows how to pay attention and is diligent, and for his subordinates, he is a slick snob.

Originally, he wanted to follow Jiang Junrong to the high-tech zone, but there was no place for him in the high-tech zone. Moreover, Director Jiang felt that he was more than obedient, but his realm was a bit insufficient, so he didn't take him away.

However, when she left, she still left a message-when attracting investment, Xiao Yang, you have to lean towards my high-tech zone, or I will never finish with you... Well, if you have any trouble, you can come too. Find me.

Chapter 1794

After listening to Yang Cong's statement, Jiang Junrong was silent for a moment before speaking, "It seems that the work on Phoenix has been done well."

She deliberately didn't mention the three words Chen Taizhong, but Yang Cong did not react. There are usually clever people who lack great wisdom. There are not many who can take care of both.

Anyway, Director Yang knows that Director Jiang is a noble person who promotes himself, and he hates someone so that he bites his teeth. He neglected such things as wording changes for a while. "Old Director, I don’t say anything if he is not in place, but it doesn’t matter. How to say, I invited people, Chen Taizhong, he... deceived people too much!"

As usual, when he said this, Jiang Junrong should sneer or even snort. Unfortunately, or because of the different position, Director Jiang didn’t react too violently. He just asked casually, “Compete with Phoenix, you Are you confident?"

"With the support of the old director, I certainly have this confidence," Yang Cong said firmly, "What Phoenix can promise the French, we can promise anything, if it doesn't work, we can double it... I don't believe that personal friendship is worth it. Concessions in interests, merchants are ultimately merchants."

What he said is not wrong at all, this is also the calculation of Andova and his party, what is Yangmou? That's it. Don't try to get what I can't get comfortably. I just draw such a big pie, want to fight with me? Let's peel off without dying.

Yangmou returned to Yangmou, but this Yangmou was really a bit too despicable.

There was no sound on the phone. After a long time, Director Jiang asked softly, "Then what do you mean by calling me now?"

When she said this, she was really disappointed in her heart. Yang Cong, your realm is really not enough. What is it that you can only increase investment? Being able to pay the least and bring back the investment at the lowest cost is the ability, to bite like a mad dog, to work hard to get back the project with full concessions, it is not glory or shame, not shame enough!

Jiang Junrong looked down on such people very much. Otherwise, the Ning family’s investment might not have been able to fall to Phoenix. Jiang always had a higher eye than the top. People who are below her level would never realize her vision— —If you don’t understand, you just don’t understand.

When she was in the business promotion office, she always adhered to this concept, but the mentality of her staff was different. In order to avoid discouraging everyone's enthusiasm, she did not express this clearly-as a leader, she must take care of everyone's ideas. I have my own unique resources, so I can ask myself this way, but I can't ask others to do the same.

Jiang’s arrogance is not only reflected on the surface. In some respects, her realm is indeed higher than that of ordinary people. Therefore, the projects she has drawn are very beautiful in terms of data and terms. This is all. Everyone was admired, and this added to her arrogance.

But obviously, Yang Cong was wrong this time. Is Chen Taizhong so easy to deal with? If you are against a host with no background, you will be bullied if you are bullied, and you will be bullied by the means. However, if you offend Chen Taizhong first, you want to fight with him and lose both ends. What does this look like? Pig brain?

However, Yang Cong’s move was obviously influenced by her. Jiang Junrong is a woman. Most powerful women have some shortcomings. She is no exception. Although she will not lose her life to protect this person, she is still willing to do her best within her ability. A little bit of strength-too much is impossible, her pride makes her look down on Yang Cong's behavior.

What means? I must be looking for someone to save the field. Director Yang laughed, "Old Director, now Tan Huabing is gone. There is not enough leadership for the evening welcome banquet. I can only ask the old Director for your help."

"Mayor Tan is not back?" Jiang Junrong was very clever, and she was on the outside. She saw the matter more clearly, she vaguely guessed that Tan Huabing was angry with Yang Cong, but she might not be so willing to be so simply. To give up such a large investment-not to mention anything else, just to say that Chen Taizhong's behavior today is also considered to be a slap in the face of Tan. How can this kind of grievance stop?

"I really don't know about this," Yang Cong could only smile wryly, "Director Jiang, can you come over?"

"I don't have time, I have an appointment tonight," Jiang Junrong refused very simply. Do you think I have not eaten enough in front of Chen Taizhong? "Otherwise, try to contact Mayor Zhao."

She also knew about the grievances between Zhao Xicai and Chen Taizhong. She said that I was in no mood to block Chen Taizhong, but wasn't Zhao Xicai still idle? Especially Mayor Zhao is desperately trying to squeeze into Governor Jiang’s camp. Should he be interested in this kind of thing?

"Mayor Zhao?" Director Yang was startled when he heard that Zhao Xicai and Tan Huabing didn't match each other very well. It was relatively rare for the mayor to get along with the executive deputy. Subo China Merchants Office has always been a standing executive. The deputy holds it.

Anyway, if the results are not satisfactory, the government leader is indispensable. In case the results are not satisfactory, the mayor can transfer the responsibility to the deputy.

Yang Cong knows this dim sum very well, and the mayor is really far away from him. If he can't say no, he has to ask for instructions, "Director Jiang, should I say, do you mean it?"

"Xiao Yang, you have presided over the daily work of the China Merchants Office," Jiang Junrong replied lightly, "Anything else?"

Yes, I have presided over the daily work of the China Merchants Office! After hanging up the phone, Yang Cong said to himself, Director Jiang is hating iron but not steel, and I must be worthy of the trust of the leader!

However, if I want to return, I still need courage to call Mayor Zhao. Director Yang spent a long time in the mood before dialing Mayor Zhao’s phone, "Excuse me, is it Secretary Liang? I’m China Merchants. Yang Cong..."

The Secretary Fang brought by Zhao Xicai from Tongde has been sent to Shanggu City to serve as deputy mayor. The rank is still deputy. However, as the only county-level city subordinate to Subo, the treatment is fixed. It’s okay to be promoted for a while.

Secretary Liang is new to take over. I heard that a deputy office rushed to call, and I felt a little unhappy. I said that you don’t ask Tan Huabing to come to the mayor of Xicai for investment promotion. You really should be your home in Subo. It's open?

Moreover, it's six o'clock now. You temporarily pull Mayor Zhao over. How many things does the mayor of a city have every day? Is this what you should do? I really don't know life and death!

So he informed Zhao Xicai that it was a little late, which was not wrong, but when Mayor Zhao heard that it was Yang Cong of China Merchants Office, he hesitated and asked, "Why didn't Tan Huabing go?"

Secretary Liang made a convenient phone call to find out from the side, and then reported to the leader in this way. When Zhao Xi heard that Chen Taizhong had crossed the line, he immediately made up his mind, "Go, let's go and receive guests from France. "

Secretary Liang was slightly taken aback, and turned around to make arrangements. There was a faint guess in his heart: I heard that Yang Cong was Jiang Junrong's person. Mayor Zhao is going here, I am afraid it is to give Governor Jiang face?

He really guessed right about this, but Mayor Zhao’s grievances against Chen have been for a long time. It used to be inappropriate. Later, he didn’t have time to find trouble with this little officer. Right now, it’s just scrabbling rabbits. The meaning of-something that goes hand in hand.

When Zhao Xicai came to the Tiannan Hotel, he realized that something seemed to be wrong-Tan Huabing actually "finished" the matter at hand and rushed over.

When Mayor Tan arrived, he heard that he should wait for Mayor Zhao to come. With his temperament, he should turn around and leave. To receive people of this level, he adheres to the concept of "the king does not see the king", otherwise Not only is it too good for the face, he will also be firmly placed in the second position.

But this afternoon he had already left once, only that Yang Cong couldn't hire a powerful leader before he returned. If he left now, he would be too unstable and lose his status as a deputy.

However, in this way, he hated Yang Cong more and more. You knew that Zhao Xi was coming, so you didn't know to call me and tell me? Okay kid, you deliberately yin me.

Zhao Xicai didn't care about Tan Huabing's presence. He came to praise Jiang Junrong's face. Moreover, he was a full-time post. Even if Tan Huabing was in charge of investment promotion, you would have to rank second when I came.

When sitting at the seat, it’s a little troublesome. So Bo and the people will definitely not let Chen Taizhong sit at the main table—what a joke, we two mayors here, you are the deputy office of Phoenix, where should you go to play? Let's play.

However, how to arrange Catherine and Elizabeth is a bit of a headache. Andova and the Big Three hope that Prince’s bosses can sit with him. Yang Cong also agreed, but Catherine simply refused. His invitation-"Sorry, I want to sit with Director Chen."

This private room is a large private room with three tables. Six people from Rona Planck Company, together with the leaders of Supo City, related persons in charge and translators, etc., will definitely not be able to sit down at one table, just when everyone thinks that Chen Taizhong will sit with other entourages. At the second table, Chen turned his hand and walked out of the private room, "Catherine, let's go to the hall for dinner."

Young people, still not cultivated enough, the irritation in Qin Huabing’s eyes swept away, and his heart increased his mind to match Yang Cong and Chen Taizhong. At this moment, where the French investment would land, it became unimportant in his heart. .

Mayor Tan was also forced out. He was already scorned and calculated by others today. More importantly, Zhao Xicai appeared rashly, and no one notified him. Is there such a bullying of the mayor?

Zhao Xicai had no regrets in his heart. He originally wanted to beat Chen Taizhong for a while, but now he ran to the lobby. No matter how strong he beats, he always has to worry about his identity. You know, this is Tiannan Hotel. .

However, in this way, the more he wanted to show his support for Yang Cong, so after the greetings on the wine table, Mayor Zhao solemnly expressed his position.

"Mayor Huabing, we must try our best to meet the requirements of the French guests. It can be regarded as the best interpretation of Sino-French friendship on the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The city will strongly support it, Xiao Yang, this matter I'll tell you..."

When the wine was half-hearted, Edward stood up with the glass in his hand, "You drink, I'll go and say something to the people in Prince Company..."

Seeing him leave proudly, all the people present were a little dazed. Andova and Claudia knew that although the executive director claimed to be different, he actually wanted to get involved with the Kennedy girl, and they were also I know, this guy is not very reliable in doing things, quite a character.

However, other people don't know it is not? Zhao Xicai was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Yang Cong. Director Yang twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled reluctantly, "Mr. Edward, really a man of temperament..."

Edward walked to the lobby and found Chen Taizhong, only to find out that there were two more strange young men here, and they couldn't say that they were talking, "Chen, this is your friend?"

"We are Director Chen's subordinates," a young man said, speaking in English, standing up while answering, "Wait a moment, I'll move you a chair."

Dare to love, these two are Chief Ji and Yang Xiaoyang who rushed over from Phoenix. When Chen Taizhong ran into Tan Huabing at the airport, he knew that the matter could not be done well. It just so happened that he didn't mind whose name the performance was recorded. Call Xiao Ji and ask him to come quickly-Phoenix has too few people to show sincerity, right?

After a few questions from Chief Ji, he said that he had to say goodbye to Su Bo this time. When would Yang Xiaoyang not be used at this time? A while ago, the two of them also made a little unpleasantness for the position of the section chief. It is also a good time to resolve the conflict, isn't it?

As a result, the two escorted a luxury bus that was temporarily coordinated and rushed over lifelessly. They came to the Tiannan but saw their director taking two foreign beauties sitting in the lobby for dinner. .

Section Chief Ji stopped doing it immediately, "Isn't Su Bo bullying?" Yang Xiaoyang was also unconvinced, "Boss, I can't just swallow this tone."

"Come slowly, don't worry," Chen Taizhong smiled meaningfully, and stretched out his chopsticks to point a finger, "Okay, you sit first and come all the way. Are you hungry?"

Before the two picked up the chopsticks to eat a few mouthfuls, Edward appeared. Yang Xiaoyang and Section Chief Ji could have a few words of English. Among them, Xiao Yang had been in Shenzhen for a while, and his English level was still low, so he went to get a chair. it's him.

"I hate the city of Soup," Edward said as soon as Fang sat down. This character was really not blown out, but he also admitted, "But I can't forget the responsibility I should perform just because I simply hate it, Chen , You have to understand this."

"The distinction between public and private is a good thing," Catherine interjected, and Mr. Edward's goal was finally achieved. "But, Edward, I want to remind you that the stage of Phoenix is ​​broader. I think Chen has already proven this to you in Beijing... …"

(It's 7,000 words again. It's a bit late. Forgive me, I'll call a monthly pass.)

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