"Gotta go see what's going on over there......"

On the bow deck, a turret turned slightly in the direction of the rising sun.

A little over a month ago, the ship disappeared into the eastern horizon.

There must be something in that direction.

Shortly after, an arm-sized gold-eating insect emerged from the ruined area beneath the ship's bow.

It snawled its way through the earth at great speed.

Everywhere I went, sand and dust billowed together.

In a moment it disappeared from the horizon.


is night, and the earth is dark.

But on the cliff face of a huge rift, there was a glimmer of light that dispelled the darkness.

It was a base, a base built on a cliff.

The entire base is like a huge metal disc lined up and down.

Half embedded in the cliff face, half protruding.

Each metal disc building is connected by a straight elevator track.

From time to time, the elevator moves up and down, and the speed is very fast.

Darkness enveloped everything, leaving the cliffs silent.

Suddenly, in the darkness, a dark shadow flashed over the cliff on the west side.

It is tiny and tiny, like a snake about half a meter long.

Its dark metal body is a testament to its identity.

It poked out its front half to observe the base below.


There is a spaceship docked on a disc in the lower level.

It was about two hundred meters long, and it was the same spaceship that Limon had discovered three months earlier.

It has an off-white paint, is round, and has a bloated front and back.

On the platform, some figures wearing heavy power armor can be seen at work.

They were carrying some boxes into the cargo hold of the ship.

The gravity of this planet is too great, and without the protection of that power armor, the flesh will be directly crushed.

But after a closer look, Li Meng realized that those working figures were not human.

It should be a humanoid race, which can be seen from the form of the power armor.

In the transparent helmet is a gray face, somewhat resembling a lizard's head.

With the addition of power armor, the height of the physique is about 2.1 meters.

At this moment, the gold-eating worm moved again.

It scurried out of the cliff like a snake and snaked down the cliff face.

Not only is the mass of this planet huge, but it is also huge.

The gold-eating insects climbed at an average speed of 50 kilometers per hour for two months to get here.

After making complex calculations of the distance and curves of the earth, Limon obtained the size of the planet.

The planet is about 230,000 kilometers in diameter.

It is more than 10,000 times the size of the Earth.

Descending the cliff, the Gold Eater quietly climbed onto the platform.

Using the cover of darkness, he approached the ship from the edge of the platform.

Since the vacuum could not transmit sound, it was possible to see what they were talking about, but they could not hear it.

There are quite a few aliens at work, and more than a dozen people are carrying goods.

In the invisible shadows, the Gold Eater climbed onto the ship's landing gear.

Then he followed the landing gear all the way up and successfully entered the interior of the ship.

As soon as it entered the interior, the Gold Devouring Worm instantly disintegrated.

From an arm-sized individual to hundreds of miniature gold-eating insects scattered out.

Following a narrow circuit line, the Gold Eater invaded the interior of the ship.

Each Gold Eater opens its own scanning array.

A small blue curtain of light shoots out of the brain, collecting information about the various devices inside the spaceship.

One of the Gold Eaters even invaded the ship's bridge.

It climbed onto the console and found an external port.

The upper body of the gold-eater, which was only the size of a little finger, began to deform, turning into a probe and inserting into the port.

Through the external port, Lemon hacked into all of the ship's systems.

Data storage, control systems, communication systems, navigation systems, ......etc

"I didn't expect the galaxy to be unified...... "

In the sea of data, Li Meng browsed the data from the gold eater.

Through the invasion of the ship's database, Lemon gains a wealth of information about the galaxy in the present era.

That ship was a special spaceship, the Gravity Star Transport.

It is produced in the Gaik Dockyard in the 024 Star Area of the Central Star Field.

Its owner was Sakru Bevel, a Parker.

The planet is called Scia Star and is located in the outer ring field.

The galaxy has been unified, and the Galactic Federation is the current government in power, having existed for 6124 years.

The system adopted was a parliamentary democracy, which achieved a true republic of all peoples.

Humans are the dominant race of the federal government.

The present time is the year 6124 in the federal calendar.

The entire galaxy is divided into four star fields by the federal government.

They are the outer ring star field, the middle ring star field, the inner ring star field, and the unknown star field.

The closer to the Silver Heart, the richer the star field, and the Central Star Field and the Inner Star Field are also the core star fields of the federal government.

If you map the Milky Way plane, the unknown star field is to the west.

Only three-fifths of the entire galaxy has been explored, and there is still a large area to the west that remains unexplored.

"It's been more than 20,000 years, and it seems that they have really done something great...... "

Thinking that he missed the era of great exploration, Li Meng only regretted in his heart.

Although the federal government was established six thousand years ago, the fact that humans were able to become the dominant race in the galaxy is already able to say a lot.

Although he was happy about the rise of mankind, he also had a sense of crisis in his heart.

In today's great era of unity, his situation will be even more dangerous.

Although artificial intelligence is common in the Galactic Federation, there are countless robots of various types, active in various positions.

But he's not just artificial intelligence.

Once the secret is discovered, it puts yourself in danger.

Moreover, Lemon was not interested in power.

It is not intended to intervene in the development of civilizations of the various races in the galaxy.

He hadn't thought about unifying the galaxy or anything, and he wasn't interested in it.

He just wants to live, to live freely, to do what he wants.

The universe is big, the Milky Way is small, and there is a much wider world out there.

"Anti-gravity systems, subspace communications, more advanced hyperspace drives, time is indeed a hotbed of technological development!" "

For more than 20,000 years, the technology possessed by the Galactic Federation is naturally far superior to that on colonial ships.

Through the analysis data transmitted back by the gold eater worm, Li Meng greedily absorbed new knowledge and new technology.

While absorbing new technology and knowledge, Li Meng browsed the cargo list of the Gravity Star Carrier.

It is a mining base belonging to the Parker family, and its main output is tin gold fines and ternary lithium.

Sikkin is a precious metal and is generally used as a high-grade currency due to the difficulty of forging.

Similar to gold, it is brilliant, but its quality and function are not comparable to gold.

Sikkim is also one of the indispensable raw materials for many high-precision equipment.

Ternary lithium is an efficient energy storage material, which is generally used to make high-energy batteries.

As for the Eclipse Crystal, no corresponding manifest data was found.

It should be that there is no rare mineral such as eclipse crystals on the planet of Silia.

On a busy platform, a small gold-eating bug exits the ship along the ship's landing gear.

It glided through the ground with great dexterity and entered the warehouse area inside the rock wall.

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