Option 1: Repair the colony ship and return to the universe to embark on a journey of exploration.

Although the colonial ship was badly damaged, it was not impossible to repair it, and it was only a matter of time.

However, it has been calculated that even if the colony ship is repaired, the colony ship will not be able to rush out of the planet on its own power alone.

Colonial ships don't have any anti-gravity systems.

Option 2: Build a new spaceship and start your journey through the universe.

The STC database contains a complete set of technologies used by colonial ships.

It's not hard to design a new ship.

With Li Meng's current computing power, it will only be a matter of two or three days.

However, it has been calculated that it will take a hundred years for technology to advance before the newly built ship can break away from the planet.

Because the gravity of this planet is too heavy, thirty times that of Earth.

Even the transport boat was lying on its stomach and could not take off at all.

Option 3: Build a new spaceship, and then build an acceleration orbit long enough to catapult the ship into space.

Although the solution is feasible, because the spacecraft is unmanned, there is no need to consider the load capacity of the pilot.

As long as the acceleration is fast enough, it is not impossible to catapult the spacecraft into space.

The probability of success is calculated to be high, as high as 70%.

However, the mass of the ship could not exceed 10,000 tons.

Once it exceeds 10,000 tons, the acceleration orbit does not have enough power to accelerate the spacecraft to the specified speed.

And a spaceship of less than 10,000 tons cannot house the STC universal factory.

Without the STC Universal Factory, there is no point in breaking out of the planet.

These three plans, in order to calculate their feasibility, wasted three months of Limon time.

But in the end, all three plans were abandoned by Li Meng one after another.

Li Meng also realized one thing.

That is, he is trapped on this strange planet.

"Let's move the terminal server underground first......"

After thinking about it for a while, Li Meng made a new decision.

The surface is still too dangerous, and there is no telling if an asteroid will fall and hit the colony ship one day.

You know, this planet doesn't have an atmosphere.

Even a football-sized asteroid can explode with great power when accelerated by the planet's massive gravity.

"Also, if it is unmanned, it is a little inappropriate for manned construction machinery...... "

While browsing the STC database, Li Meng found a problem.

The construction machinery recorded in the STC database is manned.

"Then let's design a new construction machine!" Thinking

of this, Li Meng returned to the data terminal and began to integrate the existing technology.

In the sea of data, Li Meng entered the high-speed computing mode.

The lights in the ship suddenly dimmed, and all the power rushed to the terminal server.

While Li Meng was designing a new construction machine, the Iron Nu Guards were not idle.

A large number of iron slaves dismantle useful equipment inside the ship to disassemble it.

It is then refined through the STC universal plant to extract useful raw materials.

For a moment, looking at the destroyed colonial ship from the outside, sparks burst from all over the colonial ship.

Time passed day by day.

Compared to Earth, the day on this planet is relatively long, with 49 hours.

From sunrise to sunset and back to sunrise, there is an interval of 49 hours.

"Spaceship?" On

the seventh day, Lemon spotted an uninvited guest.

Just outside the planet's orbit in the universe, a blue streamer suddenly emerged, dragging out a trail that would not disappear for a long time.

It was a halo caused by the ship's departure from hyperspace.

A bloated starship sails into the planet's orbit.

Through the ship's optical equipment, Li Meng observed it.

The spacecraft is not large, about two hundred meters long.

The shape is relatively round, like half a ham sausage.

It swept across the starry sky like a meteor and disappeared into the eastern horizon.

This scene made Li Meng, who was in the midst of high-speed calculations, stop the operation as if he was down.

"Alien civilization spaceship?"

Or is it that humans like him who have escaped from Earth have established a new civilization in the galaxy?

The appearance of the starship made Lemon frantically calculate the possibilities.

The logbook in the database of colonial ships is blank and only the time is recorded.

There is no record of when the colonial ship set sail and when it crashed.

He wasn't alone on the colonial ship.

Ten thousand more were trapped in the hibernation pod, but like Lemon, they all died.

The hibernation chamber only slows down the growth cycle of life, and cannot make life time stand still.

Over the course of about 3,000 years, humans trapped in the hibernation chamber have all died of old age.

It is possible that there is not just one colonization ship, but many, many more.

Otherwise, the act of the unknown alien civilization to save humanity would be meaningless.

Because the probability of survival of a colonial ship is too low.

"He may not be alone on this planet...... "Lemon

quickly realized.

He had thought that the planet was ownerless, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The appearance of that starship proves a lot of things.

"Go and see!" "The

design of the new unmanned construction machinery unit is almost complete.

It will be as versatile as STC.

In the sea of data, Li Meng began high-speed computing again.


"I don't know if it's feasible or not...... Through

the electronic eye inside the ship, Li Meng observed the STC factory.

Time flies quickly, and before you know it, most of the month has passed again.

It's another day, and the sun has just risen from the other side of the planet.

In the space where the STC Universal Factory is located, the dim lights are bright again.

Just an hour ago, Li Meng completed the design of the new construction machinery.

It took more than an hour to transfer the complex design data into the STC database.

The construction machinery he designed was the product of optimizing the existing technology to the limit.

In a way, some technologies have made leaps and bounds.

Under Leemon's control, the STC's precision equipment began to become noisy.

The roar of "buzzing" machinery reverberated through the space.

Conveyor belts begin to feed various sorts of raw materials into the various refining and casting facilities.

Everything is in order.

Half an hour later, the first finished product rolled off the production line.

What emerges from the laser printing device is a mechanical object the size of a little finger.

It resembles a small metal snake, with sharp blades lined up like scales.

Gold Eater, this is a new tool designed by Li Meng.

It uses electromagnetic force to link together nearly 100 of the same miniature parts.

The shape can be changed according to your needs.

The parts of the Gold Eater are universal and can be freely combined.

As the first Gold Eater went offline, the Gold Eater was born like flowing water.

On the conductive conveyor belt, the Gold Eater is activated as the arc flashes.

Gold devouring insects snag their way around the conveyor belt like snakes.

Whenever they get close to each other, blue arcs of electricity erupt from the Gold Eater's body.

They crawled towards each other, tightly linked.

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