Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 987: Do not break up

If I didn't tell her, I was afraid that she would be angry.

As for why he wanted to prevent her from opening a medical clinic, the most likely thing was that she didn't want outsiders to know that she could be a doctor.

He is so diligent, how could she make him embarrassed.

Don't know it all.

She can be treated as a doctor Weiliang, but she is Xia Weibao now, not Weiliang.

Wei Liang and Yan Yuexian had never seen each other, so they ran over to her for no reason and told her to heal her.

Anyway, there are so many doctors in the world, and the treatment of infertility is so advanced now that it can always be cured.

She is confident, but not conceited, and never thought that the world would change without her medical skills.

Some time ago, she was walking on the street, and someone stuffed an advertisement book to show her. There were advertisements everywhere about painless infertility.

After turning on the phone, Xia Weibao retrieved the call history and sent a text message to Gong Sirui and told him the address.

Then went out to buy food under the pretext and left.

She did not eat, nor did Yan Yuexian.

Going downstairs and packing a copy, when he came back, Gong Sirui hurried over. Xia Weibao handed him the packed meal and left.

Gong Sirui frowned as she watched her leaving. Didn't it mean that Xia Weibao and Yan Yuexian had a bad relationship? How could they teach the piano and go to the hotel together?

He didn't know what was going on with these two people, he just wanted to see Yan Yuexian now.

Yan Yuexian was waiting for Xia Weibao in the room. She frowned when she heard the doorbell. Why didn't Xia Weibao bring her room card?

Although puzzled, she got up and opened the door.

Yan Yuexian was startled when he saw the tall figure appearing at the door.

I want to close the door subconsciously.

However, Gong Sirui had already taken a step ahead of her, stepping in with a long leg, blocking the door.

Looking at the woman whose eyes were red and swollen from crying in front of her, the anger in her heart was suddenly extinguished because of her saying that she had broken up.

Only distressed.


"What are you doing, we have broken up." Yan Yuexian said blankly.

No need to ask, Xia Weibao must have told him the address.

Yan Yuexian gritted her teeth secretly, Xia Weibao, you traitor!

Actually betrayed her!

"Yan Yuexian!"

Gong Sirui's tone was a bit heavy, and Yan Yuexian shrank in fright.

This was the first time he spoke loudly to her.

Seeing her timid appearance, Gong Sirui felt distressed and softened her voice.

At the same time a little panic, "We don't break up, I don't agree!"

Yan Yuexian bit her lower lip tightly, tears falling down her eyes.

She doesn't want to break up, but what can she do.

Seeing her crying, Gong Sirui's heart became a ball, and he took her into his arms with one hand, "If we have something we will solve together, you and me."

"Brother Rui, what should I do."

Yan Yuexian burst into tears, she was helpless.

When things developed like this, she didn't know what to do.

After all, she is just a college student who has not yet left school, and her family has protected her so well that she doesn't know how to deal with it.

She didn't dare to find her brother. It is estimated that the attack on Yan's family will not be small.

"It's okay, there's me."

"It's true that I can't get pregnant, I'm sorry..."

Yan Yuexian's voice became lower and lower, she didn't keep it from him on purpose.

But, too greedy for his gentleness.

At the beginning, he agreed to associate with him for the benefit of the Yan family and wanted the two to form an alliance.

I wanted to wait until the two cooperative relations stabilized before breaking up.

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