Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 956: No hands and mouth

Lu Hualiang paused, his eyes darkened, he really wanted to hold her head and kiss him hard.

However, this is a public place, which is not convenient.

Xia Weibao blushed with his concentrated eyes, which was embarrassing.

Put on the sunglasses again so that no one can tell that she is shy.

Lu Hualiang rubbed her two red ears and chuckled lightly.

Xia Weibao's face became hotter.

I picked up the water and was about to unscrew it, when I saw a couple walking by in front of me.

The girl stuffed a bottle of water into the boy's hand, and then whispered, "I can't open it, you can help me."

Then the boy took the water very thoughtfully, unscrewed it, and handed it back.

The girl laughed very sweetly, and the boy rubbed her hair.

Xia Weibao suddenly thought of what Xu Jiayang had said, that men like girls with little birds, and girls who need protection will make men feel fulfilled.

After reflecting on myself again, it seemed that I was far away from Xiaoniaoyiren.

So she screwed back the bottle cap that had been unscrewed, and handed it to Lu Hualiang somewhat coquettishly.

The voice was so loud that I was getting goosebumps, "My husband~ I can't twist it~"

This sound made Lu Hualiang horrified. Wife, are you normal?

Although he didn't know what she was doing, he took the bottle of water, twisted it lightly, and opened it.

Lu Hualiang, "..."

Well, he stopped talking.

Suddenly remembering the words of the little couple who had just walked over, Lu Hualiang laughed dumbly.

Does she feel that she is a lady by pretending to be unable to unscrew a small bottle cap?

Xia Weibao's face was reddened by him, and his face was a bit uncontrollable.

"I want to eat ice cream, go buy it."

"What kind of ice cream do you eat in the winter."

"I'm going to eat, go, go."

She will dig a hole if she doesn't go.

Lu Hualiang had no choice but to buy it for her.

Behind him, Lu Huashan came up, "Brother, where are you going, help me twist the cap first."

Xia Weibao grabbed Lu Huashan and shook her head. It was really useless. He couldn't even unscrew a bottle cap.

She took the water in Lu Huashan's hand, lowered her head, looked at her right hand, holding her own bottle, and holding Lu Huashan's in her left hand, she didn't screw it anymore.

But it doesn't matter, there is still a mouth without hands.

So the Queen Empress bit the bottle cap in Lu Huashan's surprised gaze, and snapped the bottle cap off with a click.

Then he spit it out to the trash can next to him, three-pointer, really accurate!

Push the water back into Lu Huashan's hand, "Drink slowly."

Looking at the back of Xia Weibao walking forward, Lu Huashan was messed up in the wind.


In the chaos, I saw Xia Weibao approaching Lu Hualiang, taking the ice cream in a whisper, and then stuffing the water into his hand.

"You hold it for me, it's so heavy, my hands are sore."

Lu Huashan, "..."

Look down at the water in my hand, and think about how Xia Weibao looked like a day ago, doubting that in life...

I want to keep up, but I feel that I am shiny and swollen.

Obviously she and Xia Weibao are a pair, why do you feel that you have become the thing invented by Edison?

The three of them looked for a place to rest for a while, Xia Weibao finished an ice cream, and then pulled Lu Huashan to line up to play the pendulum.

When it was almost their turn, Lu Huashan received a call, and there was a temporary contract to discuss, and she had to leave first.

Although very reluctant, there is no way.

Can only leave reluctantly.

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