Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 928: Xia Weibao taught me

"I also don't think it's possible. Yan Yuexian is so great, but just won a competition. The musical instrument competition is once a year, and there is a champion every year. It is impossible for all champions to be invited to the Sinology Association."

Yan Yuexian's friends looked at the faces of these people and smiled.

"Some people just like to deceive themselves and others. They saw that Yuexian is better than that piggy in the game just now. I don't know how many times it is better. I still can't eat grapes here.

It seemed that Yuexian would not be able to join the Sinology Association if he didn't admit it, hehehe. "

Everyone instantly felt slapped and flushed.

Angrily glared at the speaker, but couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Yes, whether they admit it or not, it is not decided by them whether Yan Yuexian can join the Sinology Association.

Talking about those runs is just to balance one's own mind.

But it was said directly, this is much more face-slapped.

Pei Hong took Yan Yuexian and found a quiet place to sit, and looked at the little girl in front of him with satisfaction.

"Student Yan, can I ask you some questions."

"Master Pei, you are too polite." Yan Yuexian said neither humble nor humble.

With this attitude, Pei Hong was a little surprised and nodded appreciatively.

This kind of disposition is better than Ruan Shushu. When Ruan Shushu faced him, he was a little timid and a little flattering.

Not calm enough.

It may also be due to the growth environment. After all, one is a daughter of the Presidential Palace, who has seen many worlds, and the other is just a child of an ordinary family.

"When you just played "Xiaoxiang Water Cloud", did you use Fuxi fingering?"


Yan Yuexian had such an expression, she guessed that Pei Hong was going to ask her this.

Pei Hong's eyes lit up, it was really Fuxi fingering!

He was a little excited, but as a master of the generation, he still maintained his basic demeanor.

Throw an olive branch, "I wonder if you are interested in joining the Chinese Culture Association and the Chinese Music Club?"

You can't miss the Fuxi **** that has been lost!

Pei Hong originally wanted to accept a disciple, but thought that he had just accepted Ruan Shushu, and another one would not be good.

Observe again.

Yan Yuexian's eyes lit up, "Can I."

"Of course you can. Fuxi **** is a **** that has been lost. The Sinology Association is to develop traditional Chinese culture. You are fully in line with this philosophy, and you are good at strength."

Yan Yuexian was a little excited, "Thank you Senior Pei, I will work hard."

She can finally join the Sinology Association!

At this moment, Yan Yuexian was grateful to Xia Weibao, and even forgot Yan Weiyang's hatred.

Pei Hong smiled and nodded, thought for a while, and asked the doubt in his mind, "By the way, can you tell me who your Fuxi refers to as the master?"

Yan Yuexian was agitated, and froze after hearing the question.

Her Fuxi **** was taught by Xia Weibao. Would you like to say it?

It doesn't seem to be good to expose others' affairs without consent.

After thinking about it, it seems that Xia Weibao has never said that she is not allowed to tell anyone. Then she said it should be fine, right?

Moreover, if you can join the Sinology Association, it is very beneficial for a star.

Thinking about this, Yan Yuexian decided, "Xia Weibao taught it."

If you can help her enter the Sinology Association, it can be considered a love.

Pei Hong was taken aback for a moment, then a little gaffe, "You said that star Xia Xia Weibao?!"

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