Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 911: Slap! 1

Looking around, she did not see her car.

"You came by taxi?"

Xia Weibao smiled and did not answer.

He wants to think so, just think so, she flew over, and this couldn't be explained.


Gong Sirui opened the car door blankly, and Xia Weibao thought this man was really rude.

If he took Lu Hualiang's car, he would open the door for her and then protect her into the car.

In the car, the two were silent, just like Gong Sirui sending her back to the dormitory, without saying a word.

Xia Weibao was not a talkative person either. Since people didn't want to talk to her, she simply went to sleep with her eyes closed.

Gong Sirui gave her a blank expression and focused on driving.

Yan Yuexian said in front of him more than once that Xia Weibao hit her rose garden, and he would naturally not have too much contact with people she didn't like.

Back at Huangcheng University it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and Gong Sirui sent her to the door of the studio.

Xia Weibao said thank you and went to filming without stopping.

The night scene was shot tonight. She has been two hours late. It is estimated that Director Shen will be mad!

Fortunately, she is now big enough, and after explaining that something has been delayed, Shen An'an doesn't blame her.

Let her quickly put on makeup.

It was taken until almost dawn before Xia Weibao dragged his tired body back to sleep.

I woke up in the afternoon and continued filming. There were only two scenes. After the filming, Han Luoqi took her around again.

I happened to meet Ruan Shushu's two good friends, Xiaoxue and Xiaolan. From their conversation, I heard that Ruan Shushu did not return last night. When he came back this morning, he was very haggard and had a fever.

Xia Weibao didn't take care of it either. He just had a fever. Just go to the hospital for a consultation.

At eight o'clock in the evening, go to the piano practice room to teach Yan Yuexian to play the piano.

Yan Yuexian has been practicing for the past two days, and his proficiency is better than Xia Weibao expected.

High talent, strong comprehension ability, and hard work.

Xia Weibao had thought that if an apprentice who received a guqin passed on Fuxi fingering, he would choose Ruan Shushu, but now it seems that Yan Yuexian seems more appropriate.

It's just that the little girl seems to have some opinions on her.

"The day before yesterday you asked me to pick a score for practice competition. I chose "Xiaoxiang Water Cloud", how about it?"

After Yan Yuexian asked, she looked at Xia Weibao cautiously, wondering if this first line would work.

She is more proficient in this song, and has worked hard for the finals.

Xia Weibao was startled, as if she didn't expect that she would pick this score.

Seeing that she shouldn't, Yan Yuexian bit her lip, "No way, then I'll change it."

In terms of practicing piano, she has a deep respect for Xia Weibao.

Because the level is too high, she is like a **** to her, even better than her teachers abroad.

However, her respect for Xia Weibao is also limited to Qin, what should she do in normal times, should be targeted.

"No, no problem."

She was just a little surprised.

When Ruan Shushu pestered her to learn Fuxi fingering, he also picked this piece.

"Xiaoxiang Water Cloud" is one of the ten famous Guqin songs, written by Guo Chuwang in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The Southern Song Dynasty was turbulent and drifting away. Guo Chuwang wandered everywhere, feeling that the affairs of the country were drifting away, so he borrowed water and clouds to express his depression and nostalgia.

Through guqin's unique chanting, kneading and other techniques, the music is sometimes bold and vigorous, using clouds and water to cover up, depicting the vastness of the smoke and waves, expressing the incompleteness of the mountains, the drifting emotion of the times and the patriotic passion.


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