Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 863: Get up and become a demon! 4

The people downstairs who were about to rush up were all startled by her sturdy appearance.

They pulled out their guns and swept at the woman upstairs.

Xia Weibao ducked in the aisle and touched a silver needle.

After the gunshots passed, the figure quickly flashed out, and the silver needle flew out as the hand flipped, and several screams came downstairs.

Then, a row of bullets swept over.

She dodges quickly.

The people downstairs did not dare to come up, they all had lingering fears.

Who is this woman! too frightening!

Just when they wanted to go up with their guns, they found a few screams behind them.

Everyone turned their heads in horror and saw that Xia Weibao appeared on the second floor like a ghost for some time, and solved a few people with bare hands.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to kill a person with a punch, but Xia Weibao is a person with internal strength, and dealing with these people is like cutting melons and vegetables.

The screams behind him caught the attention of the people in front, and everyone was frightened with their guns.

Xia Weibao hurriedly found a place to hide.

However, here is the lobby, with only a table and a few chairs, there is no place to hide.

She gritted her teeth and raised her hands at the same time. No one saw how she moved. After the gunshots were over, she stood there with a vicious expression, several bullets between her fingers.

There were two bullets between the nails...

This scene scared everyone.

Look at her like a devil.


Another bullet came from behind, and Xia Weibao heard the sound and argued, shifting his feet and avoiding dangerously.

Looking back, murderous madness!

White elephant!

Big chicken showed her the photo, this person is the culprit who killed the three chickens, the white elephant!

That compelling murderous intent came out of his eyes, even if the white elephant was a desperate, he was frightened to take a few steps back.

Xia Weibao's figure was like a ghost, and his speed was so fast that he almost teleported to the white elephant.

Su hand made a knife directly to the head of the white elephant.

After all, Bai Xiang is a figure of the gangster, and he still has the ability to react. When he realized the danger, he grabbed the person next to him and pushed in front of Xia Weibao, and quickly backed away.

Xia Weibao’s knife hand slammed on the man’s head, slamming——

The skull shattered and died on the spot!

The white elephant was frightened. It was not a human being, it was a devil, it was a murderer!

He backed away in a panic, yelling, "Kill her, kill her for me!"

Another row of bullets swept over, and Xia Weibao swept the chair beside him and smashed it directly at the bunch of people who shot.

Smashed those people holding their heads and rattles.

Seeing her bravery, those people were also scared, and quickly found a place to hide, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

Xia Weibao wanted to chase the white elephant, but bullets kept coming towards her.

After all, she is a body of flesh and blood, although she can receive bullets, she is afraid of a mistake.

If you want revenge, your own safety is also very important.

I can only give up temporarily to chase people, and deal with these people first.

Sweeping coldly, her eyes fell on the mahjong table in the middle of the hall, her eyes stern, her face like a Rakshasa.

Lifting his foot and sweeping across the table, countless mahjongs shot out.

Bang Bang Bang, all the obstacles in the hall were shattered, and those who were hiding were exposed.

Xia Weibao directly cleaved the wooden table with a hand-made knife, and countless broken pieces of wood were scattered.

However, the wood chips hadn't fallen to the ground, and the strong internal force burst out. The wood chips instantly contained endless power, and shot in all directions with blasting strength.

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