Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 837: Summer body!

Meng Songbai was a little bit disdainful. An actor, eager for quick success, can write what kind of calligraphy.

In his opinion, calligraphy requires a peaceful state of mind to write the soul. The place in the entertainment industry is too impetuous, and no one can calm down and delve into calligraphy.

Inwardly, he disdains to look at it.

It's just that Yin Mulan has said so, if you don't look at it, it seems too shameless.

So he said with a slight alienation, "Let's take a look."

In this tone, I didn't want to look at it.

Yin Mulan handed the phone over in a hurry. Meng Songbai was repellent from the bottom of his heart, so his attitude was a bit disgusting.

However, when he saw the picture in the video, his glasses fell off!

He quickly raised his glasses and stared at the live broadcast in the video with a pair of presbyopia.

The pen walks the dragon and the snake, and the flowing water is flowing.

Dragons fly and phoenix dance, iron painted silver hooks.

As Ru Yuehao flipped his wrist, the handwriting leaped on the paper.

Her calligraphy is not like a man's majestic and majestic style, but a woman's graceful and agile, yet chic and elegant.

Juanxiu fresh, exquisitely rounded.

The strokes of the outline, falling paper and clouds, changeable, high-interest and mysterious, silver hooks and jade saliva, strong and powerful.

this is……

this is……

Meng Songbai became agitated suddenly, his hands covered with old patterns trembled.

"Xia Ti! This is Xia Ti!"

The words written by the woman in the video are exactly the Xia Ti that he has spent countless energy researching, but is still unreasonable!


The others were also shocked, Xia Ti?

how is this possible!

There are many famous calligraphers in the history of our country, and there are many excellent fonts handed down.

Yan Jin Liu Gu is an excellent representative.

There is also a font that is very accomplished, but it has been lost, and now many people do not know this font.

That was the font dedicated to the royal family of Daxia Kingdom thousands of years ago, or Xia Ti for short!

Xia's style is very changeable, the brushwork is mysterious, the trend is complicated, and it is difficult to control, but the writing is very beautiful.

The best written among them are Emperor Xia Liang, Emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, and Queen Bao.

It is a pity that the royal fonts are precious and there is no dossier handed down.

Only some of the imperial decree left over, as well as the Buddhist scriptures handwritten by Empress Bao, can glimpse one or two.

Therefore, no one knows this font anymore.

Meng Songbai was so excited that the blood flow reversed.

When he was young, he accidentally saw records of this type of font. Later, in a collector's collection room, he saw a small page of Buddhist scriptures copied by Empress Bao.

At that time, he spent a lot of money and said all his good things, and bought the small page of Buddhist scriptures from the collector.

Work hard for more than twenty years!

It's a pity that the Buddhist scriptures have long been blurred.

For a thousand years, no matter how special the material is, there are signs of weathering, and the number of words is limited, so the research is not thorough.

The words written by Xia Weibao are exactly the same as those on that page of Buddhist scripture!

After everyone was shocked, they were a little confused, is it really Xia Ti?

Xia Ti was not widely circulated, and they did not know that there was such a font before.

They know very little about Xia Ti, all because of Meng Songbai's obsession and obsession with Xia Ti, so they have heard a little.

No one has seen the truth. Although Meng Songbai has studied it, he can't write it.

Meng Lao has studied Xia Ti, which has been unsuccessful for more than 20 years. Would an entertainer in the entertainment industry write?

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