Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 822: Princess in entertainment

As soon as this Weibo was published, the fans below seemed to have seen the photos of the male gods and frantically commented.

——God, my baby, are you serious, don’t deceive my pure heart

——The fruit of the male god, nosebleeds are about to flow out!

——Hold it, don't think, otherwise you will be too excited to fall asleep, vote, brothers and sisters, the votes go!

——Is it **** or lower body? Can i ask to be naked hahaha

Seeing her Weibo, the faces of the three beautiful men turned gorgeously black.

Depend on you, you actually betrayed your friends in order to canvass votes, Xia Weibao, your conscience will not hurt!

Han Luoqi was the first to repost Weibo.

Han Luoqi V: Repost Weibo: Let’s break up! @夏微宝

He Dongdong V: Repost Weibo: I don’t know this woman! @夏微宝

Qi Ming V: Repost Weibo: I don’t want to say more, friends! @夏微宝

At first, some people didn't believe that Xia Weibao could expose these people's photos, but now such an interaction, all of them are like chicken blood, excited!

——Wow, the interaction between the male gods and goddesses is so loving!

——Luo Goluo, it’s useless to break your relationship, Guozhao is already in the hands of the baby hahaha

——Dongge Dongge, are you sure you don’t know my baby? She has a picture of you in her hand.

——Brother Ming, Xia Weibao is so beautiful and cute, are you really willing to make friends, hehe

——I really like the interaction between them. Xia Weibao has a very good relationship with them, otherwise I would definitely not dare to post such Weibo

——Is it the only one who thinks that these three people dote on the baby very much, saying that they have broken up, but I read the taste of indulgence haha

Mr. Lu, who happened to pay attention to the follow-up development, had a gorgeous black face.

Here again, the whole world is robbing my wife's heart...

Although his wife had a happy life, he was also very happy, but tangled.

Seeing Xia Weibao, Han Luoqi and others reposting on Weibo, Lu Huashan was also interested.

Shanshan's cutest V: Xia Weibao is No. 1 on the list of beautiful women. I exposed the photos of brother Han Luoqi in women's clothing.

Li Xiaofei V: Xia Weibao is No. 1 on the list of beauties. I exposed Lu Huashan's **** photos.

Lu Huashan, "..."

Li Xiaofei, you traitor!

Lu Huashan V: Repost Weibo: Let’s break up! @李小菲

Han Luoqi V: Repost Weibo: From today on, I don’t have you as a junior! @珊珊 is the cutest

Han Luoqi V: Xia Weibao is number one on the beauty list. It was exposed that Xia Weibao was on the set and fell off the horse. Oh, the kind of face to face.

He Dongdong V: Xia Weibao is No. 1 on the list of beauty, exposed photos of Xia Weibao's split pants on horseback

Qi Ming V: Xia Weibao is No. 1 on the beauty list, exposed to Xia Weibao's set of sleeping and drooling photos

Xia Weibao was watching the excitement. At first glance, she was all exposed to her counseling, choking herself in one breath.

Spicy strips rushed into her throat, so hot that she let out a series of coughs.

Tears were coughed up.


These people are so cruel!

Leng Yan rolled her eyes at her, deserved it!

Who told her to expose the fruit to the first, make her own!

Watching several celebrities tearing apart each other on the Internet was a joy to watch.

The topic of #夏微宝拉票# has also been topped hot.

It is very common for celebrities to canvass votes. At the beginning, Yan Weiyang canvassed votes almost half of the entertainment circle, but they did not make headlines.

And Xia Weibao pulled the ticket, and it hit the headlines in an instant.

——Oh my God, Xia Weibao has such a good relationship with them, I really envy this kind of friendship

——Yes, almost all the people who have filmed with Xia Weibao have become good friends, and they are still good friends who can joke casually. Is this a personality charm?

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