Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1818: Mr. Lu knows that his mother is pregnant 3

Is it his or...Long Xuanye's...

This is a crazy question.

Lu Hualiang didn't dare to think further.

He didn't want to think about that, she was not like that.

He believed she would not do anything to betray him, but he did not believe in Long Xuanye.

No matter what happens, she is his wife!

This will never change!

It's just very distressed that she suffered.


Lu Hualiang gave an expressionless expression, and everyone quickly evacuated.

When the people of the Yanxia Group retreated to the manor, they found that their way was blocked.

At the gate of the manor, twenty men in black costumes stood neatly.

They were all pale and expressionless, but their solemn eyes were chilling.

There is no popularity among these twenty people, like a corpse.

There is no emotion, only killing.

The strangest thing is that these people all hold long swords!

Neil and Yang Jian looked at each other, and both saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

In this era of hot weapons, there are people who use swords without guns?

Do these people still want to use swords to carry their guns!

Lu Hualiang's eyes slowly narrowed, and these people were filled with lifelessness, like a sharp weapon for murder.

If he guessed right, these people's training methods should be dead men of the ancient emperor's family!

Now is not the time to think about this, he is anxious to chase Xia Weibao.

"After you break!"

Lu Hualiang dropped a word and led a group of people from behind the manor, detouring to chase.

Seeing that he wanted to leave, the dead men moved.

Obviously, he was still in front of him just now, and he was already behind him in a flash.

No one can even see how they move!

Neil is shocked, so fast!

Suddenly, everyone moved, and the two men behind Lu Hualiang were about to shoot, only to find that the muzzle was grasped by a pale hand.

Then, the bone-like hand jumped up like a poisonous snake, slammed their necks, and with a click, their necks were twisted.

The speed is so fast that they don't even have a chance to shoot!

In an instant, several people fell down at the same time, all from Yanxia Group!

The speed of these people is really too fast, like ghosts, coming and going without a trace.

Neil was so angry that he exploded several national curses. Their people wanted to shoot but couldn't aim. These people in black were all monsters!

Yang Jian held a short gun in his hand, and with a bang, a dead soldier was headshot.

At the same time, another dead soldier had already caught him, too fast, he had no time to fire a second shot, so he could only fight in close hands!

He is the head of Lu Hua Liangming's bodyguard, and he has nothing to say.

However, playing against these dead men was actually at a disadvantage!

Not to mention the others, except for Yang Jian and Neal who can defend, they are all vulnerable!

And Neil's protection of Xia Chuyan is also controlled everywhere.

Hundreds of people in Yanxia Group lost one third in an instant!

Lu Hualiang was the main target, so ten dead men chased after him.

Before Lu Hualiang and others got on the bus, the dead men had caught up.

The people behind him shot quickly, bursting into random bursts of fire.

However, these ghostly figures flashed, and they all avoided the bullet!

They are too fast, and looking at the way of dodge, it seems that they have been specially trained, and they are still trained in how to avoid bullets!



Lu Hualiang walked in front and heard a scream from behind.

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