Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1647: Disturbance 2

"The skirt is inconvenient." The empress was embarrassed between her jeans and sweatpants.

Xia Chuyan was even more puzzled, "Why inconvenient."

"What if I encounter a gangster, I will defend myself... No, I will run away."

Xia Chuyan, "..."

Dear, you think too much.

With Summer and Nan Yi here, you need to do something when you meet a gangster?

Moreover, Xia Guo's public security is so good, how can there be hooligans in broad daylight.


"Second sister, do you think men like women to wear skirts?"

"That's for sure, lady in a skirt."

"Really." The empress's eyes lit up, she was a lady.

So I quickly put on my sweatpants, turned out a white long skirt, and put it on.

Very nice, lady, and self-defense.

It was worn like this in ancient times. Wearing a pair of trousers on the inside and a skirt on the outside are convenient and warm.

Where is it like now, wearing a skirt with bare legs, the wind is afraid of seeing the light once.

Xia Chuyan, "..."

She was almost unable to understand, what kind of show operation is sports pants + skirt.

He walked over and took off Xia Weibao's trousers. "Do you think it's ancient? Wear a skirt and wear pants."

"It's convenient."

"If you want to make it easier for you to wear pants directly."

"But I am a lady."

Xia Chuyan no longer wanted to speak.

"Sister Wu, what is the relationship between you and Summer now?"

"What matters is the host and the guest."

"Are you dating?"

Xia Weibao, "..." "No."

This is the truth, she did not date Hualiang Lu, she was married a long time ago.

"Are you going to keep your second sister secret? Don't you want to say it, but I have to wake you up for something. The campaign is about to begin.

It is important to win Summer, but the game cannot be ignored. "

Xia Weibao waved his hand indifferently, "I see, the first round is the cohesion of people. Xia Yongxuan has been in the Xia family for more than ten years, and I have only been here for more than ten days. No matter how hard she works, I can't win her. There is no need to waste that energy. "

In Xia's family, it is estimated that few people support her, if so, why bother in vain.

Anyway, the election is three rounds, just win the next two rounds.

Xia Chuyan wanted to say something, but was dragged away by Xia Weibao.

Seven of them are all handsome men and beautiful women. One stop on the street, you can imagine how eye-catching is.

Become the focus instantly.

Lu Hua's face sank, Nan Yi's eyes were more feminine, and although Long Xuanye didn't have too much expression, he could still see his displeasure.

Yang Zixin doesn't matter, he's here anyway.

Xia Chuyan was worried, not interested, but just accompanied.

Xia Yongxuan wondered how to approach Summer without speaking.

Only Xia Weibao, like a okay person, saw the bustling commercial street, and his eyes were almost dizzy by the colorful flowers.

Pulling Xia Chuyan around, she completely left her husband behind.

Seeing Lu Hualiang walking behind with a gloomy expression, Xia Yongxuan slipped an imperceptible smile around her mouth, and then deliberately fell behind a few steps.

Walking side by side with Lu Hualiang.

He looked at Xia Weibao tenderly, his strong sisterhood.

Then she pretended to say inadvertently, "The fifth sister looks so happy. She is in her twenties but lives like a child. I really envy her having a husband who loves her so much.

Their husband and wife must be very affectionate, and the fifth brother-in-law will spoil her carefree. "

While talking, observing Lu Hualiang's expression squintingly, he deliberately bit the words like husband and husband and wife love.

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