Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1258: Xia Weibao is your daughter 9

"What's the matter! Who actually killed my brother!"

In the room, Tang Hu, with a fierce face, was angry.

In their territory, the boss was actually killed!

The other subordinates were also filled with righteous indignation, roaring angrily to catch the murderer.

"It's a woman."

"Yes, she is a very abnormal woman. She is injured and is being hunted."

"Damn, dare to make trouble in our Tangzhuang, catch her, and make her die better than life..."

"Yes, that's right, get her out..."

Tang Hu flushed his eyes. He was Tangzhuang's second in command. Now that Lord Tang is dead, he is in charge.

"Turn on the infrared device, absolutely can't let her escape, completely blockade, search! Dig the ground three feet and find her out!"


The boss was killed, and he was still killed in their lair. This is clearly to challenge the majesty of Tangzhuang and hit them in the face of Tangzhuang!

If the woman can't be smashed to pieces, how can they still be in Tangzhuang in the future!

Xia Weibao hid under a window in a certain room, looking at the dense red light in the air, her eyes confused.

She didn't know what it was, but her keen awareness of danger made her very clear that she must not touch that thing, or she would die!

Right now, I was really trapped.

Looking down at his shoulder, there is no medicine on him, and the blood is still flowing.

Search all the way below, she won't be able to hide here for long, if she is found, it is possible that five horses will be divided into pieces!

She hadn't seen many weapons here before, and she hadn't seen the red lasers before, so she didn't dare to force it.

What if there is a weapon more powerful than a rocket launcher.

Her limit is to pick up the rocket launcher, no matter how powerful it is, she can't pick it up.

The hand holding the wound had already been stained red with blood. He had lived for two lifetimes, and suffered such a serious injury for the first time.

Sure enough, there are people outside the world, there are heaven outside, the gutter capsized.

But for all this today, she has no choice.

Zhong Shixia was arrested, she must be chasing him the first time, who knows what will happen when it is late.

Xia Weibao closed his eyes, sensing the danger around him.

Emperor, where are you.

The concubine is in danger now, why don't you come to save me.

What she didn't know was that Lu Hualiang at this time was furious!

"What are you talking about?! What does it mean to be trapped by Tangzhuang!"

Facing Lu Hualiang's monstrous anger, Yang Li's calves trembled, almost unable to bear it.

"Zhong Shixia was arrested by the people in Tangzhuang, and the young lady chased him to save her, but she was trapped."

"Trash! The people sent to protect her are dead!" Lu Hualiang's eyes were red, and he wanted to rush to her right away.

He was so angry that he wanted to kill someone at the thought of her being jailed at this time!

However, it was too far.

He is in the southern hemisphere, she is in the northern hemisphere, and the flight takes at least seventeen or eight hours.

Lu Hualiang had never experienced such panic and fear.

She was in a dangerous situation, but he was thousands of miles away, anxious but beyond reach.

Yang Li's face turned pale, "Madam Young went into the women's clothing store to buy clothes. They were guarding outside, not knowing Madam Young had left the tunnel."

By the time he knew it, it was already news of the total martial law in Tangzhuang.

Those subordinates also knew that the situation was serious, so they quickly reported the news.

Lu Hualiang's expression was fierce, his eyes were bloodshot, "Immediately transfer our people in China to save people!"

"No!" Yang Li was shocked. Master, you have to stay sensible and not go to the doctor in a hurry.

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