Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1250: Zhong Shixia is missing 1

Yan Yuexian's eyes turned red when she saw Xia Weibao.

She thought of the king account...

After being played by Xia Weibao that day, she landed the next day and turned into a stubborn bronze. She was so distressed that she cried.

However, the worse was still to come, she spent a month without marking her level up, still hovering in bronze.

Blue accept, shiitake mushrooms.

Seeing the little beauty with red eyes, Xia Weibao stopped, "What's wrong with you."

Yan Yuexian's eyes were even more red, but she was embarrassed to say that it was because the king could not be hit, and she felt uncomfortable.

What if Xia Weibao says her skills are too bad.

So I sniffed, "My aunt missed my cousin, she became ill and fell ill."

Xia Weibao's heart aches for no reason, and suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, then you take good care of her."

After speaking, leave with Zhong Shixia and Zhai En.

Regarding the presidential palace, she did not want to mix up.

After talking about Zhai En's legs and face, Xia Weibao made a plan to take pictures and heal.

Zhai En has taken care of the Zhai family's affairs.

After destroying the Qiao family, he handed over the Zhai family to Mr. Summer.

He didn't have any psychological pressure to sell the family that had no feelings but ruined his happy family.

Just want to be a director, and then live a plain life with Zhong Shixia.

However, Summer said that he is still in charge of the Zhai family, but it has become a dependency.

Just like the Qiao family and Nanguo Group.

Zhai En did not object to this decision, after all, it was Summer who helped him this time.

As for the Zhai family, he put a name on it, let his subordinates take charge, and then continue to be the director.

Xia Weibao healed Zhong Shixia's face and helped Zhai En's legs and face. Such a great kindness was nothing in return.

The role of Mu Shi must still belong to her.

But Zhong Shixia's face is already healed, and a comeback is imperative, just to take this opportunity to gain a reputation.

So Zhai En decided to change the script.

Double heroines.

When Xia Weibao was hacked by Qiao Yuchu, Leng Yan deleted all of them, but did not explain.

It is still a scandal.

Zhai En directly announced the dual heroines through the official Weibo of "Games in the Game", starring Xia Weibao and Zhong Shixia.

This news shocked everyone!

Everyone is dumbfounded, isn't there only one heroine in "Game in Game"? How can you become a dual heroine?

Isn't Zhong Shixia already disfigured, the **** can still act? Not afraid to scare the audience?

Also, isn't it that Xia Weibao used power to bully Zhong Shixia to grab her role? What's going on now?

In the midst of everyone's confusion, Xia Weibao updated Weibo.

Xia Weibao V: Happy cooperation @钟诗夏.

At the same time, Zhong Shixia reposted and responded to Weibo, which he had not used for five years.

Zhong Shixia V: Repost Weibo: Happy cooperation.

Two microblogs, like a depth bomb, directly blow up their microblogs!

The headlines of the day were all about the two.




#Competitor or good friends#


All the topics are around these two people, and many people want to know whether the rumors from a month ago are true or false.

And whether Zhong Shixia's face has been cured, otherwise why would he take the scene again.

However, no one responded to them.

They are all old fried dough sticks in the entertainment industry, and they naturally know how to hype.

Halfway through talking, hook them up and let them guess.

As for the fact that Zhong Shixia's face has recovered, it is tight-lipped, this will be a seductive gimmick!

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