Some things can be solved by taking things slow, while others can be accomplished in one go. Whether it is better to do it quickly or slowly depends on the specific situation and specific analysis, and it also depends on the position of the analyst.

Historically, the Western Wei Dynasty's conquest of Shu was a bit logical and natural, and it perfectly fit into the process of the civil strife in Nanliang. It was a situation where God fed the people. Even the Great Magister Liu Xiu's pacification of Shu was not as smooth as that of the Western Wei Dynasty.

For Li Tai today, of course he does not want to conquer Shu too early.

The reason why Jingzhou General Mansion has grown so fast, in addition to a series of achievements in external expansion, is also because the incremental prospects brought by the civil strife in Nanliang have not yet been fully digested. Once this period of expansion ends and the situation stabilizes, the next The next step will naturally be the adjustment of the internal order. I am afraid that the Jingzhou General Manager's Office will no longer have the autonomy and independence it has today.

Now that his right to speak has not been weakened, it is of course necessary to create a situation that is more favorable to him as much as possible.

After thinking for a while, he took advantage of this train of thought and continued: "The reason why the military affairs were good last year was not only because of the deep love between King Wuling and Ladu, but also because of his eagerness to be self-reliant and not wanting to fight with me too much. Now you can also take advantage of this opportunity. He has this ambition and sends envoys to punish him, forcing him to do something for me, and lose his character to entertain me. If he doesn't allow it, he will be attacked from both sides, and I am afraid that he will capture one of them in a day, and in a long time, there will be a hundred, and the people and the land will be trapped. We will no longer be enemies, and we will be able to capture Shu at our fingertips."

When Yu Wentai heard this, he clapped his hands and laughed and said: "Yes, yes, Bo Shan's plan is very good. If I can make him cut meat and feed it to me, there is no need to rush for temporary success. Besides, what do I think of his disciples?" Gong, I will definitely panic and ask for help, and soon everything will be mine!"

Although last year's battle did not go smoothly, it does not mean that the Western Wei Dynasty has no deterrent effect on Shuzhong. Although the previous Western Wei Dynasty was a small scum among the latter three kingdoms, it was much stronger than today's Nanliang. Even if Li Tai had not come out of nowhere, he would still be able to deal with the Xiao family's losers.

Even if the Western Wei Dynasty could not threaten the survival of Xiao Ji, the Shu regime in the short term, there was still a strategic threat. Once it started a full-scale war with the Western Wei Dynasty, there would be no strategic options left. The only way was to trap Shuzhong, and there was no way to attack Jiangling before Jiangling's troops were fully recovered.

Today's Wuling King Xiao Ji is like a porcupine covered with sharp thorns. If you bite him hard, it will definitely hurt, but if you just say a few crazy words, he may take out his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys for you to eat. After all, for him, the friction with the Western Wei Dynasty was a minor conflict, and the fundamental conflict with Jiangling was a matter of life and death.

After giving a brief compliment to express his agreement, Yu Wentai looked at Li Tai and said with a smile: "What I saw in Yibo Mountain, this time I ask for help from Shu, where should I start?"

"Shu Brocade! The people of Shu regard this as a rare commodity. Thousands of gold in Hexi are hard to find. It is a treasure obtained by the gathering of workers in Shu. Now it can be traded with other people in Sichuan and cannot be resold to others. If I can get Shu brocade, I can own this Shu brocade." The land is rich in resources, and we can use this to open up the Hexi trade route and benefit all directions!"

After hearing this question, Li Tai didn't hold back and said it calmly.

When everyone present heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up. The word "Sichuan Brocade" alone has a refreshing effect, which shows that its value is highly recognized nowadays.

Changsun Jian, who has done a lot of research on Li Tai's various operations in recent years, heard this and said with some uncertainty: "Excuse me, Mr. Taiyuan, does this strategy follow Guan Zikeru's strategy?"

Li Tai was obviously stunned when he heard this question, and the others also had blank expressions on their faces. They were a little unfamiliar with this Guanzi Kelu.

Changsun Jianjian mentioned everyone's knowledge blind spot, so he explained with a smile: "I borrowed several volumes of "Guanzi" from Longyuan Academy before, and found out that Guan Zhong was in the same position in the volume, because I saw that Lu and Liang Zhiqi were in the industry. , so he admonished the King of Qi to serve him, and sent people to search for and buy this product, causing the two countries to pursue profits and waste farming..."

Hearing this, Li Taicai gradually remembered this story. Similar stories include going to Chu State to buy deer, Dai State to buy white fox skins, etc. They are all economic warfare operations that manipulate prices to attract people to pursue profit and thus abandon farming. This seems to have an allusion to Qi Wan and Lu Zhen in later generations, but in fact Qi Wan and Lu Xi only meant to refer to high-end silk fabrics, which does not fit in with these stories.

"Boshan is good at managing everything, so it is not surprising that he has such a strange plan. Does what the eldest grandson Sima said is in line with Boshan's plan?"

After Yu Wentai listened to Chang Sun Jian's allusion, he looked at Li Tai and asked with a smile.

After Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what do you mean by talking on paper? This is just nonsense after learning a few concepts.

Not to mention whether he had this intention, in what era did Guan Zhong use tactics?

At that time, due to productivity constraints, the production capacity of manual production was already limited, so labor could be lured by manipulating prices. But the Shu brocade industry in Shu has been developing for hundreds of years, and it already has mature technology inheritance and industrial scale. How can it be easily influenced?

There is also the fact that Qi State has the advantage of fish and salt, and it has the national strength and foundation to launch an economic war. We, the poor people in the Western Wei Dynasty, have nothing but a sincerity to vilify the people and fight against crimes.

Li Tai remembered that Changsun Jian used to be a very steady person, but why did his mind become a little less bright because he was wandering in the ocean of knowledge in his own collection of books? Is it because of the loss of luck?

"Guan Zhonglu relied on things because he was unable to control them. But now the people in Shu are afraid that I will attack them. Although they talk about trading with each other, they actually seize them. This is not the same as the wisdom of the previous sages."

In order to prevent everyone from misunderstanding, Li Tai explained again.

When Changsun Jian heard this, his old face turned red. Damn, he was thinking too complicated. He thought Li Boshan was going to engage in some high-end economic war, but it turned out to be a simple rip-off!

Although Changsun Jian miscalculated, others were very enthusiastic about the plan proposed by Li Tai. Nowadays, Shu brocade occasionally flows out of the market, and the prices are very high. However, the market demand is very strong, not only in Guanzhong, but also in other regions. If we can use this to grasp the circulation channels of Shu brocade and grasp the source in one fell swoop, what benefits will there be? Naturally it is very impressive.

"If it goes as planned by Bo Shan, Shu Zhong is willing to pay tribute to me, and using it properly can indeed greatly benefit the national economy!"

Yu Wentai was most interested in the money coming in. After briefly asking people nearby about the market situation of Shu Brocade, he immediately said with expectation, but then he said with some uncertainty: "Such heavy goods, Shu Brocade I’m afraid China may not give in easily.”

After hearing this, Li Tai also nodded and said: "Things are indeed as the Lord thinks, and they may not be as satisfactory as everyone wants. But apart from sending envoys and giving orders, there are not all other ways. It depends on how much effort Duke Zhang Wu uses. "


Director Yu Wen was just sitting in the table and listening to the discussion, but he didn't expect Li Tai to turn around and bring the topic to him, and he was quite surprised.

"Yes, now Zhang Wugong is in charge of Longyou and controls the Di and Qiang. If he can intimidate the local area, he can cut off all the westward commercial roads in central Sichuan and cut off the way for goods to come in and out. Then all roads in the east and west of Sichuan will be dead, and I can only hope , and King Wuling is eager to gain something to strengthen his power, and he is forced to ask for it from outside, so he naturally allows me to ask for it and dare not disobey it. "

Li Tai looked at Director Yuwen again and said with a smile, "Now we are the two general managers in the junior high school. I am not the only one who is very busy. I will find something for you to do. You should also get busy!"

Since the overall productivity development in Guanzhong is still relatively backward, there are not enough commodities to be put into trade. Therefore, even if the Hexi Corridor is controlled, the value of the benefits of east-west trade is still not fully reflected.

Productivity limitations are hard indicators, not obstacles that can be circumvented by opportunism. Only by capturing a high-quality source of goods like Shuzhong can we gradually strengthen our voice in business.

Of course, aside from these clichés, one of the important reasons why Li Tai made this suggestion is to get Yuwen to take the lead, so that the deterrent power of the Qinzhou General Administration can be released more externally, instead of just being used to balance the country. What!

The Di and Qiang tribes he mentioned were only minor problems for Longyou. Stubborn enemies like Tuyuhun needed to be braced to deal with them.

Although the current Western Wei Dynasty does not have the strength to wage war on multiple fronts, for the sake of longer-term planning, the necessary confrontational momentum must be created. Everything cannot be improvised. Even if there is no current plan to conquer Tuyuhun, it must be Use some precautionary and sanctioning measures to limit its development, and then I will give it a try when I take power!

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