Beverly Hills.

Locke was busy in the kitchen with Marian. On the weekend family day, Marian wanted Locke to make garlic ribs, so she asked him to practice again today.

Just like last time, there was still a little flour on his apron, and he still looked embarrassed. There was no sign that he had slaughtered five people in the afternoon.

Locke also realized that if he didn’t leave the LAPD, he should be able to make a name for himself in Hollywood.

Under Marian’s guidance, Locke’s control of the oil temperature when frying ribs this time improved a lot.

The color of the ribs was uniform golden yellow, and it looked delicious.

Marian couldn’t help eating a piece, and she licked her fingers with satisfaction, praising: “Locke, I suddenly feel that you may not be worse as a chef than a policeman. You have such a talent…”

It must be said that Marian is still graceful and charming at the age of 45 because of her good exercise habits and high maintenance costs.

Locke looked at his charming mother and joked, “Marianne, did you charm daddy like this?”

Marianne smiled proudly, “Of course not, your father is a very conservative and reserved person. You know, he is a pure Chinese, not an ABC. If I did that at the beginning, he would be scared away, so I pretended to be a nerd, wore black-framed glasses, and often met him in the library, and then back and forth…”

Locke couldn’t help laughing, “I remember you always told us that it was Todd who took the initiative to pursue you…”

Marianne’s proud smile froze instantly, and she gave Locke a middle finger, “Bad boy!”

Then she shrugged and admitted generously, “Yeap, I took the initiative to pursue your father at that time…”

Locke asked curiously, “Why? I mean, you are a native American, from Texas, and daddy is Chinese…”

Marianne tilted her head and pondered for a moment, spreading her hands and said, “I don’t know, maybe this is love. I was madly attracted to him at the time and wanted to understand him. Well, in your father’s words, he said that in China, it is called love at first sight…”

She suddenly thought of a past event and couldn’t help laughing: “At that time, Jester thought I was crazy, or that your father had cast a magical Chinese magic. Well, you know, Jester had stayed in Hong Kong, China for a period of time, so he knew that there was an ancient magic in China. If you like someone, put a kind of insect into her mouth, so that the two people can fall in love…”

Isn’t this the legendary love Gu?

Locke was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that his grandfather knew this.

Marianne put her hand on Locke’s shoulder and continued to laugh: “So, the first time I took your father to see Jester, Jester put his M1 Garand against your father’s head and forced him to hand over the antidote…”

Locke could imagine what this picture was and couldn’t help laughing.

This is indeed something that grandpa, a Texas redneck, would do. The first time his son-in-law came to the house, he greeted him with a gun.

He asked, “Was Todd scared to death at that time?”

Marian glared at him unhappily and said seriously, “Of course not. He loudly told Jester about our love and promised to stay in the United States. Jester later said that your daddy was very brave, and it was his bravery that won his recognition…”


Locke listened to Marian telling her love story with Li Bo, and a smile unconsciously overflowed from the corners of his mouth. He felt soft in his heart. It felt good to have a family.

He no longer needed to worry about the family breaking up. He could hear that Marian still loved Li Bo.

At dinner time, the Locke family was eating dinner, and the TV in the living room next to them was playing CNN’s evening news.

Suddenly, Locke and Marian turned their heads to look at the TV, which was playing a breaking news.

LAPD suddenly launched a large-scale operation, dispatching SWAT and other police officers, hundreds of LAPD, to wipe out the Los Angeles white gang Copernicus Organization and arrest all the backbones, but the boss of the Copernicus Organization, Johnny Dyson, escaped and has been wanted by the whole city.

On TV, CNN helicopters hovered over the scene of the operation, and LAPD police cars were densely packed on the ground. All LAPD were fully armed, and the scene was solemn and cool.

Locke regretted not participating in this operation, which was definitely a rare big scene for LAPD.

Then the LAPD press conference was broadcast, and the spokesperson officially classified the Copernicus Organization as a terrorist organization.

He also reported the kidnapping and murder of the LAPD by the Copernicus Organization in the afternoon, and proudly said that the kidnapping incident happened in a short time.In just half an hour, the LAPD cracked the case, the police officers were rescued safely, and five terrorists with automatic rifles were killed on the spot.

When the news released the images of the two kidnapped police officers, Marian rushed to the TV and screamed, covering her mouth: “OMG, Anna was kidnapped this afternoon! Locke, send the phone over!”

Locke was also shocked. He didn’t expect the LAPD to react so quickly. They immediately opened fire on the Copernicus organization after Anna and Nathan were rescued.

This is revenge!

It is worthy of being the largest gang in Los Angeles.

Locke handed Marian’s phone over, and she asked, “Do you know that Anna was kidnapped?”

Locke replied guiltily, “I know…”

Seeing Marian’s face change instantly, he hurriedly explained, “I knew she was rescued soon, so I didn’t tell you, so you don’t worry…”

Marian glanced at him coldly and dialed the phone, “I’ll settle with you later!”

At this time, Captain Jones appeared on the TV. This was a shot of the Cortina community where the crime took place in the afternoon. It should be that after the rescue incident, LAPD was blocked by the media and had to respond to the case.

A black female reporter grabbed the right to ask questions and asked sharply, “Why was LAPD able to rescue the two kidnapped police officers so quickly this time?”

This reporter definitely had ulterior motives when asking this, and the implication was too obvious!

Captain Jones frowned and replied, “Because a caring citizen provided us with key clues, we were able to find the kidnapper’s hiding place so quickly. For the safety of this citizen, we will not release any information about him. OK, that’s it. Please pay attention to the LAPD press conference for the official announcement. Thank you. I still have a lot of work to do…” Locke’s mouth curled slightly. Hehe, caring citizen, it seems that Anna Davis has settled the matter. Suddenly, he felt a chill on the right side. He turned his head and saw Marian staring at him coldly, “Is there anything else you haven’t told me?” Locke hesitated for a moment and was about to speak, but Marian raised her hand to stop him, “Don’t say anything, Anna should tell me later, I believe her more now…” Seeing Locke’s puzzled expression, she continued, “Anna is on her way, she will visit us at home!”

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