At night, Gran Apartment.

“What? She is risking her life! Why doesn’t Captain Jones persuade her…”

David took the initiative to call Locke and told him about a series of actions taken by the Wilshire Police Department against the Copernicus Organization today, as well as follow-up information.

When Locke learned that Anna Davis would patrol with Nathan tomorrow, he stood up from the sofa in surprise.

In addition to the Wilshire Police Department’s full-scale investigation of the illegal activities of the Copernicus Organization, the top leaders of the Western Division went to Johnny Dyson, the boss of the Copernicus Organization, today and asked him to hand over Sam Brown and his girlfriend Funayi, and cancel the reward for police officer Nathan Fillion.

But Johnny Dyson refused, the negotiations broke down, and the situation became more tense.

So Anna Davis, the commander of the Wilshire Police Department, made a heroic decision and announced that she would accompany trainee patrolman Nathan Fillion on patrol next, using her identity to protect Nathan, maintain the dignity of the LAPD, and deter criminals who want to take the reward.

The level of police inspector is absolutely upper-middle management in LAPD, and the status is absolutely different from that of trainee patrolmen like Nathan.

LAPD Second-level police inspector

Once Anna Davis gets into trouble, LAPD will definitely investigate to the end and completely eliminate the entire Copernicus organization. There is no doubt about this.

The famous Los Angeles mafia Drana family finally collapsed under the long-term suppression of LAPD.

No gang in Los Angeles, even the black gang with low IQ, dares to retaliate against LAPD openly.

Killing police officers is absolutely taboo and felony in the United States. Unless they are forced to a dead end, no gang dares to kill police officers, let alone a middle- and high-level management.

This is why when the brainless leader of the Menodi organization said that he would return to Los Angeles to retaliate against LAPD and DEA, he was wiped out by the big gang Santoni organization in Tijuana in a blink of an eye.

Because once a public official is killed, the entire US-Mexico border will be in turmoil.

To some extent, LAPD is the largest gang in Los Angeles. Its means of revenge are more brutal than many gangs. It can directly wipe out the whole gang, and even there may be no casualties due to technical reasons.

The biggest difference between LAPD and gangs is that LAPD can legally kill people.

Therefore, the value of Anna Davis’s amulet is absolutely reliable.

However, Locke searched the Copernicus organization yesterday and checked the various crimes they committed. The members of this organization are all fanatical white supremacists. Their mental state is not normal at all. They are a group of lunatics. You can’t use normal people’s logic to speculate their behavior.

Anna Davis wants to use her identity to protect Nathan and put pressure on the Copernicus organization. Tang and his team are afraid to act rashly, but this operation has a very high risk coefficient and the chance of capsizing is very high.

After hanging up David’s phone, Locke wanted to call Anna Davis as soon as possible to persuade her to withdraw this decision. There is no need to take risks.

Emotionally, Anna Davis is her mother’s good friend. He has known her for almost ten years and doesn’t want her to get into trouble.

From a utilitarian point of view, Anna Davis and the police family behind her are his biggest connections in LAPD, and he can’t let this thigh get into trouble.

But after thinking about it, Locke felt that his call was not important enough. He was just a junior in Anna Davis’ eyes, so he called Marian.

After listening to Locke’s words, Marian also realized that Anna Davis’ decision was too risky, and decided to call to persuade Anna.

After hanging up the phone, Locke remembered that he hadn’t had time to tell Marian about the Mendez brothers and sisters, so he could only talk about it later.

While Marian called back, Locke continued to search for the Copernicus organization on Google.

Suddenly, he saw a news report that Johnny Dyson, the boss of the Copernicus organization, attended the KKK rally last month and claimed that he would let the KKK see the execution and influence of the Copernicus organization in Los Angeles.

Then, Locke followed this link and searched further, and found that although the Copernicus organization has been promoting white supremacy, it has never been accepted by the KKK and is not an official branch of the KKK.

This discovery made Locke’s hair stand on end. He realized that Nathan was being rewarded for more than just damaging the clothes of Sam Brown’s girlfriend, Evelyn.

This reward for the LAPD was clearly a deliberate plot by the Copernicus Organization.

What better way to prove their execution and influence than killing police officers!

This discovery made Locke feel that there was no need to wait for her mother’s reply. He could call Anna Davis directly.

Just as he was about to call Anna, Locke’s phone rang.It was Anna Davis’ call.

“Locke, Marian just called me, thank you for your concern…”

On the phone, Anna Davis told Locke that she was also very aware of the danger of this matter, but she had to stand up to defend the dignity of the LAPD, and the LAPD could not compromise with criminals.

She also mentioned to Locke that at her position, there were some things she had to do.

Locke suddenly realized that what he could think of, Anna herself must know better than him, and he just thought of the risks of this matter.

But he ignored what Anna Davis would gain from doing this.

First, she will be respected by the entire LAPD, which is indeed a brave thing.

Secondly, she will be recognized by the top management, and the negotiations broke down. The LAPD must maintain its dignity, and Nathan cannot be suspended and protected all the time.

At Anna Davis’ level, if she wants to be promoted to Commander or Deputy Chief later, it is no longer related to the specific crime-solving rate, but to expand her reputation and influence within the LAPD, gain the appreciation of the top management, and gain the support of the bottom.

Locke already knew that Anna Davis would not be able to withdraw this decision. After hesitating for a while, he told her what he had just discovered.

Anna Davis was silent for a long time and said, “Locke, this matter can’t be reversed. Thank you for your information. I will be more careful…”

Locke already had a plan in his heart and comforted her, “Captain, I won’t let anything happen to you!”

Marian called just after he finished talking to Anna Davis.

“Locke, Anna told you everything!”


Compared with the implicitness in Anna Davis’s phone call, Marian’s call was much more straightforward, and she gave Locke a political lesson directly.

She told Locke that Anna Davis was in her position and had to stand up to expand her reputation and influence in the LAPD.

This matter also concerns Anna Davis’ political future, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Even if there are risks, it is worth a try.

Locke hesitated for a while, not wanting to worry Marian, so he didn’t tell her about his new discovery.

This time he remembered the contract that said the Mendes brothers and sisters were deceived.

After hearing this, Marian asked him to send a copy of the contract over when he had time, as she needed to look at the terms first.

However, it was certain that the lawyer violated professional ethics and basic lawyer practices and did not protect the interests of the employer.

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