“Knock… knock…”

“Locke, are you up yet? Marian asked me to call you down for breakfast…”

“Uh, right away…”

Locke had gotten up and was sitting by the bed in a daze. During this period, he would be in a daze like this every morning. When he heard the crisp sound outside the door, his expression tightened.

After hesitating for a while, he said again, “Thank you, Hannah…”


There was silence outside the door, and then light footsteps sounded, and the girl’s muttering could be heard vaguely.

“I’m not used to saying thank you!”

Locke smiled bitterly. Even 14-year-old Hannah could find his abnormality, let alone other people. It was really embarrassing for his profession!

That’s right, Locke is a time traveler. In his previous life, he was a Chinese, also called Locke, and his surname was Li.

When he was 6 years old, his parents died in a major car accident. After his relatives helped to deal with his parents’ funeral, they kindly sent him to an orphanage.

Because of his talent, he didn’t stay in the orphanage for long, and was soon adopted by a kind-hearted couple with blond hair and blue eyes.

After he was taken away from China, the couple immediately sold him, and then he was sent to a fully closed boarding school, where there were hundreds of orphans from different countries, races and skin colors like him.

The school belonged to a mysterious organization. Under the organization’s training, Locke mastered many skills, passed layers of screening, and finally graduated successfully.

According to the test evaluation, Locke was assigned to the logistics team and became a scavenger who could only survive in the gray world.

Mainly responsible for cleaning up the scene, destroying the body, or faking the cause of death, so that the death was turned from homicide to accident.

In the last mission, he didn’t expect that a time bomb was installed in the villa, and he and the villa were blown to pieces.

Recalling his own death, Locke had a calm face. In more than ten years of scavenger career, he saw the most corpses. He had long been accustomed to the darkness of human nature and was tired of being controlled and living in the dark.

Death was more like a relief for him.

He even knew that the explosion in the villa was not an accident.

It was just because he knew too much.

In front of the mirror, Locke stared at his face while brushing his teeth. It had been more than ten days, but he was still a little uncomfortable.

Compared with the gloomy and pale face of the public before, this face was too handsome.

Black slightly curly hair, deep blue eyes, delicate and three-dimensional facial features, handsome and sunny, a complete brat.

Locke, who had completely read the original owner’s memory, naturally knew that the original owner was not a brat.

On the contrary, the original owner was a complete villain and a jerk, with a violent temper, often saying “fuck”, fighting was a basic operation, and he advocated speaking with fists.

This is why his family felt that he seemed to have changed, because he was a cautious and sultry type, which was completely different from the original owner’s personality. It was too difficult to act, so he simply pretended to be silent.

Fortunately, the original owner, a Los Angeles patrolman, had just experienced the first gunfight in his police career, killing two drug dealers with a complete set of American Iai, and was on mandatory administrative leave.

His abnormality was taken for granted by his family as psychological trauma after murder, and his personality changes were regarded as sequelae of psychological trauma.

In fact, the time travel did not take Locke so long to adapt, and what really made him difficult to accept was this.

Locke sighed at himself in the mirror, and his heart moved, and a simple panel immediately appeared in front of him.

[Light of Justice – Police System 2.0]

Host: Rock Lee

Level: 1

Strength: 9 (Human Peak 20)

Speed: 9 (Human Peak 20)

Endurance: 9 (Human Peak 20)

Spirit: 7 (Human Peak 20)

Skills Mastered: Pistol (L0 Entry), Rifle (L0 Entry), Mixed Martial Arts (L1 Proficient), Car Driving (L1 Proficient), Chinese (L1 Proficient), Rugby (L2 Proficient), Mating (L2 Proficient), Swimming (L1 Proficient)

Justice Value: 500

Attribute Points: 1


Experience Card: Car Driving (5 years of experience), Pistol Use (5 years of experience)

Function Card: Bullet Avoidance Card

Learning Card: Spanish (5 years of experience)

After killing two drug dealers, the original owner was also hit by the out-of-control vehicle and fell into a coma. Fortunately, his physical fitness was first-class, and he only had a slight concussion and woke up in the hospital soon.

Well, of course, it was Locke who woke up.

Just when Locke was at a loss, not knowing how to deal with his family, this panel appeared in front of him, and he continued to faint.

At first, Locke even suspected that he was being experimented on by aliens.

After repeated attempts and research, he found that thisThis panel can only be seen by him, and it seems that it has no wisdom and cannot answer his questions.

Through this period of exploration and understanding of the original owner, Locke finally understood the function of this panel.

Now the level is 1, which means that it can be upgraded.

The four attributes refer to his physical fitness. This data can be summarized in eight words: well-developed limbs and simple mind.

The skills that have been mastered are more intuitive, that is, what he can do, the level is very low, a complete student, except for football, only mating is L2.

Well, by reading the memory, Locke knows how this L2 came from. This is the original owner who has been working hard day and night since high school.

The ancestors were right, it is true that diligence can make up for shortcomings!

Other justice values, attribute points, cards, etc. should be rewards for shooting drug dealers before.

Locke speculated that he should be able to use these rewards, but he didn’t dare to try them easily.

Through this panel, Locke has a more intuitive understanding of his physical fitness.

For example, the four attributes should refer to the comprehensive physiological signs of humans.

Referring to the panel data, Locke finally understood why the original owner could only play as a substitute in the football team after entering the university.

The original owner’s black teammates who were as strong and tall as chimpanzees were far superior to him in strength, speed, and endurance, and their attribute data were definitely more than 10.

There was no way, the physique of black people has always been the best among all races.

Otherwise, at a certain period, they would not be used as the main labor force.

However, his physique is only 9, and ordinary normal people would probably be lower than 8.

In terms of mental attributes, the original owner should be stronger than those teammates, but probably not much stronger.

The core of mental attributes is IQ. Locke is a little embarrassed for the original owner. After all, he is Chinese, but he did not inherit the best genes of the Chinese.

The original owner, Locke Lee, is a Chinese-American mixed-race. His father Todd, uh, Chinese name Li Bo, is an international student from China. His mother Marian Locke is a German-American, a blond and blue-eyed Germanic. Both are alumni of Yale University.

From the appearance point of view, in addition to the black hair that is unique to Chinese people, Locke inherited more maternal genes.

Locke has a strong frame, is 1.92 meters tall, and weighs 102KG. His body shape is more like that of Westerners, but he does not have the rough pores and strong body odor of Westerners.

This saves him money and makes him more popular, making his nickname of human aphrodisiac more worthy of his name.

Locke was selected to join the school football team because of his tall stature that was different from his peers in high school, and was admitted to UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) because of his football talent.


However, after entering college, his physical talent was crushed by the black people on the same team, and he eventually became a substitute. He completely withdrew from the team in his junior year and began to lose weight. He barely got his diploma in college by majoring in Chinese language and culture.

UCLA Football Team

After graduating from college, Locke successfully entered the Los Angeles Police Department. He had a great advantage with a UCLA diploma.

Although UCLA is not an Ivy League school, it is a well-known school in the United States, ranking in the top 20, while LAPD only requires a high school degree.

After 12 weeks of training, Locke successfully passed the assessment and became a trainee patrolman at the Wilshire Police Station of the West Branch of the Los Angeles Police Department, a first-level police officer, also known as a rookie policeman.

The probation period for rookie policemen is usually 18 months. Once they pass the probation period, they will be promoted to second-level police officers.

Strictly speaking, second-level police officers are the real LAPD, with independent law enforcement powers and protected by the police union.

Locke thought about not being a policeman. After all, in the happy America, gunfights are every day, and he is used to living on the edge of a knife.

The sudden gunfight two weeks ago shows how high the risk factor of the police job is.

With his current appearance and figure, he can go to Hollywood.

As a step back, he can go to the San Fernando Valley. This is his only L2 skill. I believe he can definitely make a name for himself in the San Fernando Valley.

But when he thought of the name of the panel, he had to give up this idea.

He had to be a policeman.

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