While Zhang San was thinking, there was a noisy sound from the main training ground.

It turned out that the second goalkeeper (substitute goalkeeper) was injured in the training match!

Raul hurried over to deal with it, and John also took Zhang San there, hoping to find other opportunities.

Suddenly, Zhang San had an idea that he could choose the goalkeeper himself!

Amid the shouts of the crowd, Zhang San watched the substitute goalkeeper being carried out of the field.

It turned out that his head accidentally hit the goalpost while making a save, and his head was bleeding on the spot. Judging from his appearance, it was probably a concussion.

Due to the insufficient number of substitute goalkeepers, today's training match came to an abrupt end.

Zhang San thought to himself: Thank you for the opportunity, I will never let you down.

So he stepped forward and said to Raul:"Mr. Raul, I think I can try the position of goalkeeper."

Raul looked at the young man in front of him with eager eyes, and for a moment he couldn't figure out Zhang San's thoughts.

"Zhang, can you be the goalkeeper?"Raul still has some concerns.

"Of course, I started out as a goalkeeper, and later moved to midfield. If you don't believe me, you can let me try."Zhang San started to talk nonsense.

Raul looked at John doubtfully.

John was also confused: What's going on? Zhang San can also be a goalkeeper? Wu Di didn't say that!

But John nodded anyway.

"Okay, I'll let you try it, but after this, you won't have any chances to try out for other positions!"Raul's plan started to take shape, so he decided to do John a favor.

""Thank you, coach!" Zhang San was excited.

While changing his equipment, he was thinking: Haven't you seen pigs run before eating pork? With such a golden finger, can't the goalkeeper position be done with hands? Unfortunately, there is only a 60-second chance to regret. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, I will change another club.

After making up his mind, Zhang San stood in front of the goal. He had never played football from this perspective before. Standing behind all his teammates, a new feeling came to him.

The referee blew the whistle and the game continued.

The players of Team B vaguely felt that the new goalkeeper was a little unreliable. For their future starting spots, the players in the midfield and backcourt suddenly exerted their strength, fighting for every ball, for fear that Team A would hit the penalty area.

For a while, no one cared about the gate guarded by Zhang San.

This made Zhang San a little anxious. Isn't this the substitute Team B?

Why can't the main force of Team A attack?

No chance at all! How can

I stay without performance!

But Team A deserves to be the starting lineup. After adjusting in the backcourt, they stabilized the situation and continued to attack.

The front and midfielders of Team A cooperated, and the three players advanced steadily.

With continuous two-on-one passes, they broke through the defense of Team B.

The left winger dribbled the ball into the edge of the penalty area, and the player in the middle rushed over, and the goal was instantly in a state of panic.

Zhang San's heart moved, here it comes!

The left winger hit the middle!

The player in the middle missed the goal, and the right winger who followed up from the back point shot!

The ball flew into the upper right corner like an arrow from a bow!

Zhang San stood in front of the goal without any reaction...

The ball went in!

A wonderful combination, a wonderful shot!

Zhang San looked back at the ball in the goal: I still can't react! He silently went back 20 seconds!

The screen flashed, and the opponent's midfielder was still making a combination....

Too many replies!

It's a pity that there is no time. Zhang San stared at the right winger and prepared to save the ball in advance.

Shoot! The ball went straight to the upper right corner!

But Zhang San blocked it with both fists!

The whole audience was shocked!

Before the defender of the team could react, the center forward of Team A took a supplementary shot!

The ball brushed Zhang San's shoulder and went into the goal!

The ball went in~!!

Zhang San had just blocked the shot with an unstandard posture, and now he was adjusting his gloves by the goal post.

Blanch! He recited silently again.~~""Rewind 3 seconds!"

In an instant, Zhang San fell freely, and the opponent's forward had already kicked the ball!

Zhang San quickly raised his fist and blocked the ball for the second time!

The ball was smashed out by Zhang San. It worked!

Zhang San was secretly happy, and time could be split and used!

The ball flew out and was cleared by the defender of his team.

"Hey bro, you're awesome."

"Your two consecutive saves are simply like Buffon possessed!"

Listening to his teammates' praise, Zhang San seemed calm on the surface:"Just attack with confidence, I will guard the team's goal!"

In fact, Zhang San's heart had already been cheering!

I have a cheat~~ I can do whatever I want!

Seeing Zhang San so calm, his teammates were in awe. This oriental man made people feel reassured for some reason.

Raul and John in the distance also saw Zhang San's consecutive saves.

The facial expressions of the two were extremely complicated, and in one sentence they could be summed up as two faces of confusion.

"Incredible, John, you brought a versatile player! My team is just in need of a good goalkeeper!"Raul said to John with great joy.

"This is Zhang, the magical oriental boy. Old friend, it is right to sign Zhang!"John strikes while the iron is hot:"Our first stop is Santander, I came here with sincerity."

Raul stroked his beard and turned his eyes to the backcourt of Team B.

Zhang San's save was indeed good, but the save posture was not very professional, even a little weird, which might be because he had not been a goalkeeper for a long time.

As the head coach, he really needs to consider the overall situation and continue to see the performance.

At this time, Team B passed the ball back in the backcourt, and the ball came to Zhang San's feet.

Zhang San looked around and saw that the only center forward of the team was running to the midfield, and no one from Team A noticed him.

It was decided that it was you!

Zhang San made a long pass straight to the center forward a few positions in front of him~

In fact, it was not that no one noticed the center forward of Team B, but no goalkeeper had such a footwork in the past to pass a high-quality long pass.

But this time!

The ball fell comfortably on the path of the center forward.

Finally waiting for such a good opportunity, the center forward of Team B exploded instantly.

Go straight in!

The defender of Team A chased after him, but it was of no avail.

The center forward of Team B was in a 1v1 situation with the goalkeeper. He passed the goalkeeper and easily scored the goal!

His teammates came to celebrate!

The center forward pointed his finger in the direction of Zhang San, indicating that he had contributed to the goal.

Zhang San waved his hand from a distance.

"This Zhang really gave me a lot of surprises! After the game, we will go to the manager's office to discuss the contract in detail."

John was very happy after hearing what Raul said: Good job! Zhang, you did it!

However, what they didn't know was that Zhang San's performance was just halfway through.

The players of Team A looked unhappy. The substitute team was leading. If this continued, no one would have a good time.

So the players of Team A on the field became nervous and their movements became bigger and bigger.

The striker of Team A took the ball in the midfield, passed two people in a row, and passed the ball to the wing.

He received the ball on the wing and passed another person cleanly.

He dribbled the ball to the vicinity of the baseline...Inverted triangle pass!

The midfielder of Team A received the ball in the penalty area, but before he could make any adjustments, he was knocked to the ground by the chasing midfielder of Team B.

""Beep~" The referee blew the whistle and pointed to the penalty spot!


"My fault."The back midfielder kept apologizing to Zhang San.

Zhang San waved his hand to let him rest assured, and this move touched the back midfielder.

Team A was ready to take a penalty kick!

Zhang San didn't even look at the penalty kicker. He bent his body in front of the goal and stepped to both sides. He raised his hands to both sides and made a gesture of a white crane spreading its wings. You can kick it as you like, I will return it directly~

Looking at the weird posture in front of him, the penalty kicker smiled disdainfully.

3...2...1. Kick the ball~!

The ball flew lightly to the middle!

A spoon penalty, it was actually a spoon penalty.

Zhang San stood there without moving, watching the ball fly towards him, stretched out his hands to hold it~

The penalty taker's smile disappeared......

It turned out to be a smile transfer technique. Zhang San was looking at him with a smile on his face........

Team B cheered, and the back midfielder kept thanking Zhang San.

"Dragon Country Kung Fu!"

"That's so cool, man. Teach me that pose when you have time~"

Teammates also came over to high-five Zhang San.

Team A was a little awkward.

"What tricks are you playing at the critical moment!"

"Yes, we are still lagging behind....."

When the penalty taker was complained by his teammates, the captain stood up and said,"Okay, everyone, the new goalkeeper of Team B has a good psychological quality. As the main force, it's time for us to show them the real tactics!"

As the captain kept encouraging, Team A also regained its strength and pretended to catch up.

In the following attacks, two of them directly threatened the goal guarded by Zhang San, but both missed the goal. In the almost last counter-attack before the end of the game, the midfielder of Team B made another mistake and was intercepted by the forward of Team A in the backcourt.

Then they ran forward in different directions. After the left winger got the ball, he accelerated and sprinted to get rid of the defender.

A neat cross from the bottom!

The ball drew an arc and hit the middle.

In the penalty area, Team A had three points to respond!!

It hit the target!

The center forward of Team A headed the ball first!

"I'm going to score!"

At the moment of the goal, Zhang San started the backflow for 3 seconds and saved the ball.

Then the header from No. 2 went straight to the bottom corner.

"Come again!"

Backflow 3 seconds!

Zhang San rushed out again, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the third point was in place. A nearly zero-degree angle flower kick shot!

Zhang San used another 3 seconds~

This time, due to the limitation of his body position, Zhang San blocked the goal path with his butt!!

This is the limit of Zhang San's body~

He was rushed out again~

Three consecutive saves!

Zhang San is like a god descending to earth, one hammer three!

The striker who shot the goal covered his face in annoyance, his eyes were always staring at the direction of the goal, as if there was something dirty!

Today, Zhang San is possessed by the goal god, and no one can score!

At this time, the referee blew the final whistle, and the game was over.

The players gathered around and kept praising Zhang San

"You are even more Cech than Buffon!"

"You are better than Pusedo (the second door of concussion)!"

"This three consecutive saves is the best I have seen in the past few seasons!"

Team captain Seth also came over:"Boy, you are very good, especially the last save, Miguel shot brilliantly, you saved beautifully!"

Zhang San said modestly that as a goalkeeper, he just did his job well.

Seeing Zhang San so humble, Seth was even happier:"Brothers, let's welcome the new brothers in our own way!"

Team B's back midfielder Orio in the crowd directly picked up Zhang San, and then everyone picked up Zhang San together and kept throwing him into the air.

In a training match, Zhang San directly conquered his teammates!

Raul and John were relieved to see the situation here~

Especially John, his face showed three layers of wrinkles that he had not seen for a long time, as if he had picked up a huge sum of money.

I was ready to change clubs, but I didn't expect to have an unexpected gain!

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