Noble Emblem

Chapter 15: Level up (medium)

Just in case! In response to Liang Lidong's questioning, the old village chief stopped speaking after saying this sentence.

It's just a trip to Winterwinds. Is there a need to go to a hidden place to find the help of a "black mercenary"? It is logically unnecessary, but Liang Lidong does not think that the old village chief just talked casually. The other party may have foreseen that their trip to Winter Wind City may happen something that should be related to Kyle, after all, Liang Lidong ' Appeared 'In less than three days in this world, the range of activities is also near the village, it is impossible to avenge people in Winterwind City.

If his guess is correct, the village chief should want to borrow his hand to remove some of the troubles Kyle caused, but this trouble should not be serious, otherwise he would not rest assured that Liang Lidong took his grandson to Winter Wind City alone, After all, Kyle is the only lifeblood of the Reed family, and what he said just now should remind Liang Lidong that if he can't handle it, he can go to someone he knows to help.

A small village chief can lay hidden piles in the city? Liang Lidong feels that this is unlikely. The village chief looks like an ordinary person. If he is a professional, according to the situation in the game, the village chief should add a level suffix after the name displayed in the system ... but he does n’t, not only He, Belin and Kyle are also ordinary people. Although Kyle is much better than ordinary people, they are still ordinary people, not professionals.

If it is in the game, this should be regarded as a ‘mission’, but at this time Liang Lidong has not received any system prompts, that is to say, the mission system has also failed.

Soon, Kyle took Belin into the house, because she heard that she was going to Winterwind, and the girl seemed very happy. She deliberately changed a light brown linen skirt without patches, and also dressed herself slightly. Old The village chief told the couple a few words to make them listen to Liang Lidong's words, don't make arbitrary claims, and then slowly go upstairs to prepare for a lunch break. Liang Lidong looked at the old man's shaggy back, then turned around and asked Kyle, "How long haven't you been to Winterwind City recently?"

"It's been about half a year." Kyle thought for a while and said, "I haven't been there since I raised the tax from scratch."

Xi Liang Lidong drank his saliva and continued to ask, "Have your grandfather not been to Winterwind City in half a year?"

"That's not it," Kyle recalled, saying, "Grandpa will go once a month, but he has something to do every time, so he can't bring me."

When I heard this, Liang Lidong understood that it really should be a little trouble about Kyle. He thought for a while and laughed, "Be prepared for both of you, and we will start in a while."

A few minutes later, the three appeared at the village entrance. At this time, the weather was too good. The sun was shining directly on the yellow mud road, and the original muddy road was sunk into pieces of cracked 'fish scales'. The transpiration of the hot air constantly twisted the scenery in the distance. Give Liang Lidong a stick of textile weaving: "Teacher, if you walk in such weather, it will be easy to get heatstroke if you are exposed to the sun for a long time. Although it is ugly, it is very practical."

Now many children have changed their mouth to call Liang Lidong a teacher, and Kyle did the same. He looked at Liang Lidong's fine skin and tender meat, and his skin was better than the noble girls. Some were worried that he couldn't stand such a poisonous sun, but in essence His worry was completely superfluous. Liang Lidong has spent eight years in the game world. He has grown from an original novice to a well-known powerful player on the server. He has experienced many things, long adventures, missions, and a hundred times worse environment. He has also experienced It was just that the scorching heat of the afternoon was not taken seriously by him.

And most importantly, he is a professional, and his physical attributes are not bad. There are seven points. According to the game evaluation, this is already a ‘good’ level. The general environmental climate has been unable to affect his physical health.

"No!" Liang Lidong waved and thanked the other person for his kindness: "Well, how far is Winterwind City from here?"

"If you walk normally, it will take about an hour and a half."

"That's not enough time, you have to speed it up."

Qi Liang Lidong flicked his fingers and launched the ‘driving fog’ talent. The three were shrouded in the center of a thick fog of 100 meters, and the noon sun in summer could not penetrate this dense fog, but the three were in it, and their vision was not affected, and they felt very cool. Liang Lidong used the driving talent at this time, not just for comfort, but to speed up walking. In "Flanged Continent", there are many skills, talents, or magics that can enhance their own movement speed, but there are relatively few skills that can increase the movement speed of allies on a large scale.

The 'driving fog' skill can not only enhance the movement speed of allies, but also be considered as silent movement. If used at night, it can be used as a group stealth skill. Not only this, this skill can also weaken the enemy's vision, Listening, and speed of movement are simply BUG's bloodline magic, used in large-scale legion warfare, it can definitely occupy a great advantage in an instant.

Although friendly targets can only enjoy half of the bonus effect now, the effect of 1.5 is replaced by the speed, which is the traveling speed of 1.5 meters per second. The walking speed of normal people is generally about 1-1.5 meters per second, that is to say After the thick fog, Kyle and Belin only walked normally, but the effect was already equivalent to a trot.

"Magic is really amazing." Kyle looked around in the dense fog, and he felt that he was walking faster and with less effort. Although this experience has been done once, he still admires the charm of magic.

Bebelin followed Kyle, her lips moved, and then she sighed slightly.

Because the walking speed has become faster, the three of them only took about half an hour to reach the bottom of Winter Wind City. There were many people in and out of the city gate, and then everyone nearby saw a thick fog covering the road in the distance, floating at an unpleasant speed ... This weird situation made everyone understand at once When a caster came to this city, they wanted to avoid the dense fog, but the road was so large, less than five meters, and the skill of driving the fog was now 100 meters in radius, and they could not avoid it at all. .

Those who run fast are hiding in the city, and those who ca n’t run can only watch themselves as they are “swallowed” by the thick fog. Nothing is seen in front of them, and no sound is heard, as if in this world Only myself ... Fortunately, this feeling soon disappeared. The dense fog disappeared in an instant. Three people appeared at the center of the road. A young man wearing a red priest's robe also There are boys and girls.

The young man had bright golden hair, shimmering golden light in the sun. His skin was fair and his eyes were bright and clear. Several soldiers responsible for guarding the gate of the city were stared at him, feeling a panic, Quickly bowed his head, afraid to look at him. The surrounding civilians watched the youth lead the boys and girls into the city. The soldiers guarding the gate not only did not dare stop him, but also stepped back and saluted to pay respect.

Winterwind City is very large, and the roads in the city are paved with black slate. Liang Lidong walked to the right of the road, with Kyle and Belin following behind him. The three did not deliberately occupy the path, but it caused the effect of the path ... The oncoming people saw Liang Lidong and immediately hid to one side and let him pass by before leaving, and those who fell behind did not dare More than three of them.

Xi Liang Lidong's robe with blue magic luster, magic cape, and magic cloth shoes are reminding everyone around him that this is a spellcaster, and people should not be near.

In Winterwind City, there are several casters who settle down and live here, so the residents in the city are very clear about the consequences of offending the caster.

"The caster is amazing." Kyle sighed again, looking at the careful expression of the surrounding residents.

There was a crossroads in front of him, and Liang Lidong turned to ask Kyle: "Do you know there are alchemy items for sale in the city?"

Kyle replied, "There is a mercenary union in the west of the city. I think you should have the alchemy items you need."

"Lead the way."

Kyle immediately walked ahead. Compared with the people in the village, the people in Winterwind City dress more cleanly and have more tricks. At this time, it is noon, the sun is poisonous, and usually no aristocratic lady will come out. Not bad, in Belin's view, these city people are really pretty.

The mercenary union is a force that spreads throughout the "French Continent". Where there is wisdom in life, there are almost such branches. On the surface, this power is very powerful, but in essence, the mercenary union is just a platform that provides a platform for nobles, rich and professional to contact. Regardless of whether they are nobles or professionals, mercenary unions cannot effectively attract them. They can earn a lot of money by drawing commissions, but they do not have much political say.

The mercenary union's facade is very large, and there are several fierce guards standing outside. Normally, ordinary people are not eligible to join the mercenary union, but Liang Lidong ’s robe, which is very conspicuous, has shut up the guards as if he did not see the two villages of Kyle and Belin. Baby.

In the game, Li Liang also went to the mercenary union to take many tasks, so he was familiar with the doorway. He walked to a handsome waitress and asked, "What kind of conditions are needed to buy alchemy items here?"

"As long as you can prove your identity as a caster, you can buy it." The waitress looked at Liang Lidong in a believer's robe ~ ~ and then said: "I don't think you need to prove it, please go to the second On the floor, someone will entertain you. "

Magic items can only be effective if they are worn by the caster. It can be said that there is no way for the caster to impersonate. The believer's robe over Liang Lidong is the best proof of identity. The admission conditions of the mercenary union are exactly the same as in the game. As long as you prove that you are a caster, you can buy alchemy items. As long as you prove that you are a professional and registered with the mercenary union, the union will release the task list to the affiliate Members watch.

On the second floor, a male waiter came up and asked Liang Lidong's intentions. Then he took him to a large room next to it, where there were many counters, with colorful items on it, from the roots of the plant to the Animal specimens, and all kinds of gems, everything.

Liang Lidong intends to buy some materials to make magic scrolls and teach students to get character experience. Similarly, making magic scrolls can also get character experience, and he has more experience than teaching students. Liang Lidong plans to return to the village to make a few later. Zhang Scroll, waiting for midnight, when the system settlement experience, should be able to mention the character level from '0' to '1'.

炼 Parchment paper processed by alchemy, broken sapphire fragments, micro rubies, water tree roots, and sapphire dust ... Liang Lidong bought more than a dozen sundries and put them all in the space backpack. The middle-aged man in charge of selling goods is also a caster. He is wearing a black robe with red magic lines on it. After seeing that Liang Lidong's purchase was missing, he took a moment, then suddenly realized that he immediately leaned in, and Liang Lidong was almost like: "Sir, you have space equipment, are you a colorless magic tower? "

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