No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 55 Mutation: Origin

The girl is none other than Ji Yunqing, a girl known as the one who carries thousands of evil spirits on her back.

Director Zhao thinks.

She's a little too withdrawn...

According to the college culture, humanistic care should be given. ❊

But he remembered another thing. Ji Yunqing was a spirit that summoned bad luck. It was said that talking to him, looking at him, or even getting too close to him would bring him bad luck.

It works every time, and it works every time.

Very evil...

Only the legendary chosen one, with his own excellent luck, can offset the bad luck she brings.


Director Zhao is considering it.

Do you still want to talk to her...

What if something bad happens?

However, now that she is her own student, how can she teach without communication? ? ?

Maybe... I am the chosen one?

Director Zhao wanted to give it a try, so he mustered up the courage and said to Ji Yunqing.

"Yun Qing, I know what happened to you, but when you come to Longguo College, I hope you can feel the warmth and successfully integrate into this big family."

The classroom was extremely quiet.

Ji Yunqing kept his head down after sitting in his seat and never made a sound.

After finishing speaking, Director Zhao looked nervous and looked around.

But nothing bad seems to have happened.

He suddenly felt happy.

It seems that the rumors about bad luck attracting spirits are false...

Or is he the legendary chosen one?


It must be!

Director Zhao felt happy.

But at this moment, there was a sudden creaking sound above the head, as if something was about to break.


Director Zhao looked up.

He saw the ceiling fan falling down and blowing heavily on his face.



Director Zhao screamed and was knocked to the ground.

"Director Zhao, how are you?"

"Teacher, are you okay?"

"Quick, quick, come and help!!"


The students quickly stepped forward, removed the broken fan, and helped Director Zhao up.

"Pfft! Hahahaha."

Lin Bei happily slapped his thigh from his seat.

It was quite exciting to watch.

School is really fun...

"Ouch, it hurts! It hurts!"

Director Zhao covered his head.

I was horrified.

It seems that it is true that bad luck attracts spirits. Whoever talks to her will be unlucky...

How to teach this student?

I said I wouldn’t come, but the principal insisted on letting me come! !


Don't think about it anymore...

"I'm fine. Everyone, please go back and sit down."

Director Zhao endured the pain and said.

His eyes were just evasive and he didn't even dare to look at Ji Yunqing...

"Okay, let's start class. Today is the first day of school. I'll just tell everyone about it."

Director Zhao stood on the podium and said.

But the students below.

Everyone stared at Director Zhao and covered their mouths, as if they wanted to laugh.

But due to class reasons.

I had to try hard not to laugh...

Because Director Zhao was originally bald and had just been hit by a fan, causing a big bulge right on the Mediterranean Sea.

The picture is so beautiful....

It's hard to imagine....


"I can't hold myself any longer."

"I have no professional training. I want to laugh when I see him, hahaha."


The classmates murmured.

Director Zhao's face darkened.

"Ahem! Everyone, be serious, we are in class!"

"Yes yes yes!"

The students straightened their posture, closed their mouths, and pretended to be serious.

But when a person wants to laugh...

Even if I hold my mouth shut.

Smiles will also spring from your eyes.


Director Zhao sighed, but quickly cheered up.

"Everyone, please change your attention, listen carefully to the content of my lecture, and don't focus on my image!"



Director Zhao began to teach seriously.

"What I'm going to talk about today is "Mutation: Origins". The global mutation began about twenty years ago. In that year, flash floods, tsunamis, locust plagues, viruses, and various extreme weather disasters occurred frequently. It was just that people at that time I haven’t realized it yet, but it’s a sign of global change.”

"Then the first mutant beast appeared, and everyone thought it was an extreme case, until... it got out of hand. Large numbers of mutant beasts appeared, constantly destroying human cities, and... the thermal weapons that people relied on, It actually failed. You can imagine how desperate humans were at that time.”

"At this critical moment, a human being finally awakened. That was Li Tianming, Mr. Li, who was in his prime at that time. He burst out with amazing power and fought in various parts of the Dragon Kingdom to save the people from the fire and water."

"Speaking of this, we need to remember for a moment. I believe everyone has heard that Li Tianming has passed away and was hunted by other awakened people. However, that person has now been killed and paid the due price. "

Li Muxue, who was sitting in the seat, heard this and her beautiful eyes turned red again.

He turned around and looked at Lin Bei quietly.

I found that he was still listening to the story with relish.

It's like I didn't say anything about him...

Director Zhao continued.

"Of course, people have both good and evil sides. Since there are orderly people like Mr. Li, there are also some people who destroy order. They rely on their awakened abilities to burn, kill, rob and do whatever they want. With the development of the later period, they have formed a large-scale organization, that is: exile."

"Nowadays, many countries have completely fallen and become disorderly places. My Dragon Country is one of the few peaceful places, and it still continues the ancient heritage and civilization. However... With the increase of internal and external troubles, it is now in danger. So, here I want to say thank you to everyone, thank you for joining the orderly camp."

"No one can tell what the world will be like in the future. But all of you here are new hopes. The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every man. I hope that our heritage will not be extinguished, the fire will not stop, everything is not set in stone, and the future will be created by you!"

The students were overwhelmed and applauded warmly for a while.

I have to say.

Director Zhao's lectures are very solid.

That's also an old sow wearing a xiong mask, one set after another.

At this moment....

A sinister face appeared on the back door and window of the classroom.

I came to see what was going on.

Principal Zhang was really worried, so he came to see.

Lin Bei and the other four were in a class, and Director Zhao was the teacher himself.

He arranged everything.

Zhang Hongda looked around cautiously.

Like a scout observing the enemy.

However, the class was harmonious, as if there was no problem.

He looked at Zhang Tian, ​​who was sitting quietly.

He observed Lin Bei, and he didn't make any trouble.

Fortunately, fortunately....

But when he looked at Director Zhao.

He immediately showed a surprised expression.


What's the matter?

Why is there a bump on the head? ? ?


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