"It's pretty good here."

Lin Bei sighed silently.

Later, Dahuang, Zhan Tianming and others also walked in one by one and were equally amazed when they saw the scene in front of them.

I didn't expect that this illusion formation was so wonderful, that there was a cave inside. ❋

According to Xiaoyu, the entrance to this formation will change with the position of the sun, making it difficult for people who don't understand its secrets to walk in.

The fox clan has a good knowledge of battle tactics, and even Xiaoyu knows a thing or two about it.

Therefore, she was able to lead Zhang Tian out of the illusion formation.

Zhan Tianming guessed that this was probably because the Fox clan needed to protect the seal. The formation was indispensable to the fact that the Fox clan could hold on until now, so they studied it painstakingly.

The few people walked forward and soon met other working Fox tribesmen.

Most of them are women.

Moreover, each figure is graceful and beautiful, exactly as described in Dahuang's divine book.

When they saw Xiaoyu coming back, their eyes showed surprise.

After all, she was captured by the army of beasts, and no one expected that Zhang Tian could actually rescue her.

"Sister Xiaoyu, is it really you?"

"Did I read that correctly?"

"Did Zhang Tianzhen really rescue you?"


People gathered around and sighed.

Zhang Tian broke into the army of beasts alone. You can imagine how many hardships he went through.

"Well, yes! Brother Zhang Tian rescued me, of course... thanks to his friends who helped me get rid of the curse, otherwise I still wouldn't be able to come back..." Xiaoyu explained.

Dahuang patted his chest and grinned.

"Hahaha, don't be polite, it's just a little effort."


They looked along and noticed several figures behind them.

"These are...human beings???"

"Huh? Do you need to be so surprised?"

Rhubarb is curious.

Several women shook their heads repeatedly. They lived in a deep mountain formation and did not go out all year round. Most of the fox tribe had never seen a real human being.

Just hear legends about humans.

Because the Fox clan was enlightened by the strong men of the human race a long time ago and helped them survive the crisis.

So their attitude towards human beings is very respectful.

Think humans are kind and friendly.

"Welcome, welcome... I didn't expect that so many people would come here."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to see so many humans in my lifetime..."

"Come with us to see the clan leader. He will definitely be very happy."


Several Fox tribe women Yingying Yanyan said.

Lin Bei nodded. Since he came here, of course he wanted to meet the leader of the Fox Clan.

Huang Kai looked around.

I feel like the needle doesn’t stick here...

If you can live in seclusion here, you will definitely prolong your life.

Led by several people, they walked towards the middle of the village.


The leader of the Fox clan has gray hair and wrinkles on his face. He is an old man with a waning age.

Logically speaking, he is also a god-level strongman, so there is no need to worry about longevity.

It's a pity that after years of fighting, he has suffered from hidden injuries and become ill, and his realm has declined.

The body cannot be repaired anymore, and coupled with the corrosion of time, it is getting worse and worse, and there is not much time left.

His old eyes were cloudy and dim, and he knew that his end was approaching.

At this time, he was sitting on the bed in the room, and there was a young man standing opposite him.

He is the leader of the younger generation of the Fox clan, and his name is Hu Tu

He is also the successor that the patriarch is optimistic about.

"Cough! Cough cough!!"

The patriarch looked at Hu Tu and was about to say something when he coughed violently.

The young man stepped forward quickly and patted his back.

"Master Patriarch, are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

The clan leader pushed him away and said: "After I die, the Fox clan will be handed over to your leadership."

"Don't worry, I will do my best to lead my people to survive."

Hu Tu promised again and again.

The clan leader glanced at him.

"Of course we must survive, but the most important thing is not to forget the mission of our clan."

"Master Clan Leader, although the strong men of the human race have been kind to our clan, we have been guarding the seal for nearly a thousand years, so we can repay it enough, right?"

Hu Tu asked.

The clan leader frowned.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If the seal is opened, there will be a bloody storm, and our clan will also perish."

"What is...in that seal?"

Hu Tu felt that what he said was a bit serious and couldn't help but ask.


The old patriarch sighed, "Forget it, you will assume the position of patriarch sooner or later anyway, so I will tell you this secret. In fact, what is in the seal is..."

‘Dong-dong-dong! ’

"Master Patriarch, Zhang Tian rescued Xiaoyu, and brought several humans with him." As the knock on the door rang, a voice from outside reported.

"Huh? Human?"

A glint flashed in the clan elder's eyes, and he staggered up from the bed.

"Welcome them to the living room to rest first. I'll be there right away."


There was a promise from outside the door.

Hu Tu scratched his head and felt quite regretful. He was about to know the secret of the clan leader, but was interrupted.

But also very helpless.

He followed the old patriarch out of the room.

Outside the door, there was a woman from the Fox tribe waiting. She was very beautiful and had a pair of charming eyes. She was Hu Lingling's fiancée, and they were childhood sweethearts.

Seeing the clan leader walking out, Hu Lingling quickly saluted respectfully.

"Lingling has met the patriarch."


The old patriarch responded casually, without even looking at her, and went straight to the living room.

Hu Lingling curled her lips when she saw this, and quickly held Hu Tu's arm, telling him to walk slower, and deliberately keeping a distance from the clan leader.

Then asked quietly.

"Brother Tu, how is the situation? What did you say inside?"

"Hehehe, don't worry, the patriarch said that after his death, he will pass the position of patriarch to me."

Hu Tu said with a smile.

Hu Lingling was very satisfied and glanced at the rickety back of the clan leader.

"So...you will be the clan leader soon?"

"Yes, when I succeed in taking the throne, I will marry you and hold a grand wedding so that all the women in the clan will envy you!"

Hu Tu said, gently picking Hu Lingling's chin with his fingers, full of teasing meaning.


Hu Lingling smiled coyly.


They came to the living room, where many girls from the Fox tribe were busy serving tea and water.

Lin Bei and others were sitting on the chairs, which was quite comfortable.

Dahuang would strike up a conversation with the Fox tribe girls from time to time, but they would retreat after a few words of agreement, indicating that they were not interested.

Huang Kai was thoughtful.

The sacred book says that the women of the Fox tribe are reasonable, considerate, and understand the hearts of men best, but now it seems...it seems that the record is wrong.

They seem to have quite a cold temperament.

So I thought that when I have free time, I must make a note in the sacred book to avoid misleading future generations...


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