No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 445 Sneaking into the Hotel

"..." Huang Kai fell into silence.

Finally I know why there are so many monsters.

You deserve to be the center of attention...

Even the monsters are coming...

Since there was a call, Bai Chengxiao took advantage of the situation and asked.

"Instructor Huang, how is the situation there?"

"Oh, don't mention it. They are all monsters. We fought for several hours today and we haven't finished them yet."

"Oh, then you have to work hard!"

Bai Chengxiao encouraged.

Dahuang didn't know what to say. He originally wanted to express his condolences to them, but they ended up giving them condolences...


At this time, in a dark room.

There were several people around the conference table with very depressed expressions on their faces.

They sat in silence for a long time, and finally someone broke the silence.

"Senior Brother Yamano was killed by the lawful ones!"

"Alas, the lawful people of the Dragon Kingdom are very lenient, and they actually control us." Another person looked unhappy.

Among these people, the leader is a middle-aged man.

Yin energy lingered around him.

Can't see face clearly.

Seems very mysterious.

The middle-aged man named Murae is not considered a disciple of Onibuchi, but was refined by Onibuchi himself - a half-ghost body with the ability to possess people, suck essence, and other vicious methods.

In fact, Murae is not that strong, but now that Onibuchi and Yamano are dead and Jiuzili has chosen the general, he has become the leader of the remaining exiles.

"The key issue now is...the altar is occupied by the lawful ones, and not even the extraterrestrial monsters have been able to attack it!"

"Yeah, what should I do?"

Several people around him frowned, becoming more and more anxious.

"The altar is very important and cannot fall into the hands of the lawful ones!"

"Yes! That will delay the plan!"

"Without the foreign monsters, we have to rely on ourselves. We must take back the altar!"


Everyone was talking to each other, and the atmosphere was very noisy.

Murae pressed his hands down to stop them from talking.

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore, the altar must be taken back."

"What? Do you have any idea?"

The others perked up and fell silent at the same time.

Murae fell into thought.

"A forceful attack is definitely impossible. The lawful ones of the Dragon Kingdom are too powerful. We probably won't be able to defeat them together."

"You don't have to be a lawful person from the Dragon Kingdom, you can't even defeat Sikong Ying."

One person said without mercy.

Murae did not deny it, but affirmed it.

"Are you still using Sikong Ying? Actually... I can't even defeat Dazhi."

"..." The rest of the crowd fell silent. Are you trying to seize a woolen altar? The difference in strength is too big!

But Murae continued.

"Don't be discouraged, everyone. If force doesn't work, we can outwit you!"

"Oh? How to outsmart him?"

The others pricked up their ears.

Murae said.

"Although I am not good at combat, my lurking ability is excellent. I can sneak in quietly, then activate the altar and send a signal to the outside world."

"That's true..."

Everyone thinks this plan is feasible.

After discussion.

It was decided on this.

Yumurae quietly sneaked in...

Immediately, his figure turned dim and turned into a ball of black energy, dissipating out of thin air.

People waited for him to disappear and marveled.

As expected of a half-ghost, his latent ability is truly powerful.


The place where Lin Bei and others live is the five-star hotel above the altar.

At this time, members of the Self-Defense Force were guarding the perimeter of the hotel.

Although the monster has temporarily retreated, we cannot take it lightly.

It was dark and bright, and many guards stayed up all night.


There was a black air floating past him.

"Huh? What is it?" A guard felt the coolness and suddenly became more energetic.

The person next to me was confused and asked, "What's there? Are you confused?"


The other person didn't take it seriously.


Murae snorted coldly, feeling very proud.

At this time he had entered the hotel.

Those guards are nothing to be afraid of.

However, the entrance to the underground corridor of the hotel is guarded by Sikong Ying personally.

Murae floated three times to the left and three times to the right.

I didn't dare to go there.

So he floated to the upper guest room, thinking about possessing someone's body, and then looking for an opportunity to sneak in.

Murae enters a guest room.

I found a young man lying on the bed, with a thin figure and a delicate face. He was only wearing a pair of pink panties and looked gay.

Murae knew him as the weakest person in Sikong Ying's team.

"'s him!"

The black energy penetrated into the young man's body.

The pink pants suddenly trembled.

His sleeping eyes suddenly opened, and he sat upright.

It's like standing up like a corpse.

Murae looked at his hands, with a smile on his lips. Sure enough, he could control his body...


He got out of bed and got ready to get dressed and go out.

But suddenly.

A muscular man with bronze skin and eight-pack abs walked out of the bathroom.

Reaching out to grab his pants.

"Baby, you got up so early, what are you going to do?"

Murae turned his head to look at that face and was stunned when he found that it was Dashi.


What's going on?

Murae knew the members of Sikong Ying's team, but only as acquaintances.

Don't know what their relationship is.

"Baby, stay with me for a while."

Dazhi dragged him down on the bed.


Cunjiang cursed inwardly.

Now he understood that this guy was really gay.

His strength was similar to Dazhi's, and he was not sure of winning. If he was exposed, the plan would fail completely.

So... he didn't dare to resist too much, so he could only obey him temporarily.


Dazhi didn't seem to do much, and really fell asleep on the bed.


Until eight or nine o'clock, the sky was bright.

The sun was shining outside, and the sky was clear.

Lin Bei finally woke up.


Lin Bei stretched lazily, with a pair of sleepy eyes.


There was a sound in his stomach.

I was hungry when I woke up, and I was sleepy when I was full.

"Let's go and inspect the work."

Lin Bei jumped out of bed, wearing pajamas and slippers, called Da Huang next door, and went straight to the hotel breakfast area.

"Director Lin, did you sleep well last night?" Huang Kai asked casually.

"Not bad, I dreamed of a lollipop as big as a Ferris wheel."

Lin Bei's expression was exaggerated, and he gestured with his hands.

"Oh oh..."

Huang nodded, not knowing whether he wanted to ride the Ferris wheel or eat a lollipop.

"Director Lin, I'll tell you secretly, the Paw Patrol is on vacation at the beach, and there are bikini beauties."

"Aren't we on vacation too? We can also eat sushi."


Huang was stunned, are the two comparable?

I originally thought that if I told him, Director Lin would also go on vacation at the beach.

But it seems that he doesn't have any ideas.

Forget it...

The two came to the breakfast area and took some delicious food. Sure enough, there were sushi, beef tongue rice, sea urchin steamed eggs, etc., and they ate together.

Lin Bei thought it tasted pretty good.

But when he looked up, he found Dazhi and the thin young man sitting in the corner.

Dazhi was holding a spoon and stuffing rice into the young man's mouth.

"Come on! Eat, eat more!"

"Mmm... I'm full!"

The young man shook his head repeatedly, his face full of resistance.

But Dazhi was relentless.

"How can you eat just this little? You've been through so much recently."

The young man: "......."


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