Lin Bei's warning bracelet flashed, and suddenly a 3D projection was projected, showing an old face, which was Dr. Wen Dong.

In addition to warning, the bracelet also has a communication function.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Lin Bei asked, looking down at the bracelet.

Dr. Wen Dong frowned: "I'll tell you what's going on outside!"

"Yes! What's going on outside?" Da Huang asked impatiently, always feeling that the red sky was not right.

"Extraterritorial civilization has arrived, and a total of 34 space channels have appeared in the world, countless monsters have emerged, and most of them are in densely populated areas, including more than 20 in Longguo." ❊

Dr. Wen Dong explained.

Those monsters are not all over the world.

At least there are none on this island now.

It may be because of the sparse population.

Da Huang looked anxious and asked quickly.

" strong are the monsters? Is everyone okay?"

"Don't worry."

Dr. Wen Dong comforted, "Those monsters are just the vanguard of extraterritorial civilizations. No powerful ones have been detected yet, so everyone can stay stable."

"Oh...that's good."

Huang Kai was relieved.

It seems that it is not as serious as he imagined, and it is still within the controllable range.


We can't delay now!

Because powerful beings will appear sooner or later.

"Let's go back and help!"

"Well, let's go."

Lin Bei nodded and agreed.

They planned to go back to Tianyan Island first, because it was relatively close, and there were a group of elite scientific researchers on Tianyan Island who had to be taken back to Kyoto.

Lin Bei and the other two quickly rushed to the seaside.

Jump on the ghost ship.

All the way back to Tianyan Island.


The Tianyan Island Supernatural Power Bureau was already overcrowded at this time, and there were more mechanical dogs or artificial intelligence to maintain order.

Obviously, after a few days of research, scientific research has made great progress.

Lin Bei and the other two came to the lobby on the first floor.

And saw a dense crowd of people.

It was like the Spring Festival travel rush at the train station.

"What are you doing? Are you here to seek refuge?" Huang Kai looked curious.

Li Muxue shook her head, "I don't think so. They are not injured, and there are no monsters on Tianyan Island."

Tianyan Island is very safe, and there is no space tunnel. I don't know if it is because of the small population or it was intercepted by Atlantis nearby.

Lin Bei stretched his neck and looked back and forth.

He found that Zhong Huang, the running dog in the crowd, was trying hard to maintain order, shouting for everyone to line up and come one by one.

"Hey! Zhong Huang, come here."

"Huh? Director Lin?"

Zhong Huang heard the shout, his eyes lit up, and he squeezed out of the crowd with great effort.

"Director Lin, you are finally back. Did you solve the parasitic monster smoothly?"

"It's okay, why is it so lively here?"

Lin Bei tilted his head and asked.

Zhong Huang hurriedly explained.

"They are all awakened people who came to register!"


Huang Kai and Li Muxue looked surprised.

After hearing what he said, I noticed that these people were all awakened.

There are so many...

Before, the number of awakened people was small, and the probability of awakening was about one in ten thousand, so most of them were ordinary people.

Zhong Huang nodded.

"Yes, since the Crimson Sky, it seems that the awakened people have increased due to the interference of the extraterritorial magnetic field. Now there are about one percent. If we don't have artificial intelligence to input information now, we really can't handle it!"

"Will the extraterritorial magnetic field... increase the probability of human awakening?"

Huang Kai and the others found it incredible.

Li Muxue suddenly thought.

If the earth is regarded as a living body, the invasion of extraterritorial civilization is bacteria, and the earth's energy is like an immune system, which promotes human evolution to resist alien species.

This planet is heating up...

Lin Bei didn't think so much and waved his hand.

"Zhong Huang, the vacation time is over, take the scientific researchers, we should go back."

"Well! Everyone is ready and waiting for you to come back!"

Zhong Huang nodded heavily.

Now many people in Longguo are in dire straits.

It's time to do our part!


They contacted the researchers and left Tianyan Island together.

The means of transportation they took had also improved greatly.

It was developed based on the data of Atlantis, a flying machine!

Made of the mineral material of the earth's core, it has strong defense and fast speed.

"Xiaoman, don't be afraid. Although you will encounter monsters when you go back, I will protect you." Huang Kai vowed.

"Uh... I'm not afraid."

Xiaoman said in a daze.

"..... Okay."

Huang Kai scratched his head. He was worthy of the person he liked. She was a brave and strong girl...

The blue tail flame of the flying machine erupted and slowly rose into the air.

Then it turned into a stream of light and quickly cut through the sky.

They crossed the vast sea.

Came to the land.

In the city below, there were gradually scars, high-rise buildings collapsed, dust was everywhere, and flames and thick smoke were rising in some places.

In the ruins, the roar of monsters was faintly heard.

And the people's cries for help.

The aircraft quickly locked onto a collapsed and tilted building. A five or six-year-old girl was hanging on the balcony, her face full of tears.

"Help~~Help~~Someone come and save me!"

The clear and tender voice of the child echoed in the devastated ruins, seeming particularly lonely and desolate.

But on the street, there was a young man wearing a lawful uniform, running towards the little girl.

"Save one more... Just save one more..."

Bai Chengxiao clenched his teeth, his whole body was wet with sweat, his face was covered with dust and scratches.

Because of his speed, he takes on rescue missions.

It started from the monster invasion and it hasn’t stopped till now!

Hundreds of people have been saved in times of crisis.

At this time, he was exhausted, his lungs were like broken bellows, he was panting violently, and his heart was beating wildly, as if it would burst at any time.

Sweat dripped into my eyes and it was too late to wipe them away.

His vision became blurred and his hands and feet became weak, but he still ran with all his strength.

At this seems like I have returned to the Dragon Team assessment time.

Instructor Huang was knocked down time and time again, but he never gave up.

"So... we can't let everyone down!"

Bai Chengxiao screamed in his heart, bent his knees, and jumped up with all his strength, like an eagle striking the sky.

Jump to the balcony.

Hold the little girl in your arms.


The originally broken balcony was immediately overwhelmed and tilted and collapsed.

Bai Chengxiao jumped again.

He fell into the ruins nearby, but due to exhaustion, his legs became weak and he rolled several times before finally stopping.

The sweat and dust on his face mixed together, making him look even more embarrassed.

But he quickly looked into his arms.

The girl's face was equally dirty and her little hands were still wiping away tears, but the two miserable people looked at each other with a sense of survival after a disaster.

Bai Chengxiao relaxed completely and lay on the ground with his back stretched out.

I don’t want to move anymore.


But at this moment, the ground suddenly cracked, followed by a violent roar, and a huge centipede monster came out.

Bai Chengxiao's nerves tensed up and he reacted quickly. He picked up the little girl and rolled her around twice to avoid falling into the crack.

But after he stabilized his body, the giant centipede monster in front of him raised his head.

A row of eyes stared straight at him.


Bai Chengxiao's heart sank. If he were completely victorious, it wouldn't be a problem to deal with the centipede monster, but now he was helpless.

He looked down at the little girl.

It was found that she had been frightened by the giant monster.

"Sorry, it seems I can't save you in the end."

Bai Chengxiao hugged the little girl and sat there helplessly, with a sad smile on his lips.

‘Run~~~Proud young man~~’

Suddenly, a burst of singing came from not far away.


Bai Chengxiao turned around and saw Tao's slender figure, lowering his head and patting his bracelet, muttering dissatisfied.

"It's been ringing all day long, can't it stop now?"


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