No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 399: Eat in Advance

Lin Bei was quite curious.

He quickly came closer to check.

"Eh? It's really human skin, no wonder it's so lifelike."

"Hmm... I think this appearance is similar to what Wang Ming described. She is probably the one who parasitized Wang Ming and Yang Chen."

Huang Kai stared at it.

Lin Bei poked it with his finger.

"No wonder I couldn't find her. It turned out that she was hung on the wall..."

"But where is the owner of this room? He must have been parasitized by a monster as well."

Dahuang glanced around.

There was no one in the room, but there was a pink suitcase on the bedside.

And it hasn't been opened yet.

Judging from the style of the suitcase, the owner of the room must be a girl.

"I'll look for clues."

Huang Kai stepped forward, feeling that it was time to show off his intelligence.

He opened the suitcase.

and rummaged through it.

In addition to some clothing, daily necessities, cosmetics, etc., I also found photos.

The one above is a blond foreign woman with a signature high nose bridge, fair skin, deep facial features, and very beautiful appearance.

"If my analysis is correct, she is the owner of this room!"

"Oh, Rhubarb, you found a blind spot."

Lin Bei nodded.

Dahuang was greatly encouraged and continued to think.

Monsters can absorb energy through photosynthesis, bask in the sun during the day, and split into new individuals at night.

"So...she must be parasitizing others now!"

"Well, you're right."

Lin Bei agreed.

Thinking of this, Huang Kai's expression became anxious.

"Let's go look for it quickly before anyone gets killed!"

"Then let's look for it."

Lin Bei agreed.

Immediately, the two left the room, holding the photo, looking for the blonde woman.

This is Huang Kai's serious search for someone since he became a lawful person.

It's a bit of a showman's possession.

He behaved mysteriously, like an agent performing a mission. He took out photos when meeting people, asked if he had seen the person in them, and told him to keep quiet...

Below the guest room building is a high-end hotel.

Huang Kai raised his chest and raised his head without moving his neck, but his small eyes were scanning back and forth to observe each customer.

At this time, a young waiter passed by.

He was stopped by Dahuang silently.

"Shh...Brother, don't make any noise, I have something to ask you."


The waiter looked stunned and looked carefully up and down, only to see Huang Kai put his hand into his arms, looking like a dog.

"Brother, I don't want to buy." The waiter said quickly.

"..." Huang Kai was speechless, "I'm not a seller! Such a precious can I sell it?"

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"Have you seen this woman?"

Huang Kai took out the photo and asked.

Hotel waiters usually come into contact with a lot of people, and logically they cannot remember them at all, but the woman in the photo is different because she is very beautiful and a foreign girl.

So the waiter was impressed.

"I've seen it before. I just came here not long ago."

"Where is she?"

Huang Kai's eyes were bright, and he secretly thought that it was him who finally found the clue.

The waiter didn't think much and pointed behind him.

"Just inside the corridor, the last private room."

"Very good! You performed well. Let Director Lin promote you another day!"

Huang Kai patted his shoulder.

He quickly turned around and faced Lin Beidao.

"Director Lin, I have found the target. It is in the last private room in the corridor."

"Let's go over and have a look."

Lin Bei walked straight into the corridor.

Far away.

You can see that the door of the last private room is not closed tightly, leaving a gap open.

There was light coming from inside.

Huang Kai thought about it alone.

After opening the door, what scene will appear in the private room? Will it be a ferocious monster eating people inside? ? ?

But as we walk in.

There were faint sounds of chatter inside.

"Master Xu, your face looks like this, can you still drink?"

"'s okay. I'm in a bad mood today, so I have to drink even if I can't!"

A hemming voice responded.

"This voice sounds familiar..."

Lin Bei recalled.

Then he tilted his head and looked into the private room through the gap in the open door.

I saw a young man with his back turned to him.

The head is covered with bandages.

He was muttering and sulking.

"My dad is serious. Why did he compensate them for the cruise ship? They were too unreasonable, right? They had the nerve to say it was from the Superpower Bureau."

"Master Xu, don't be angry, I'll toast you."

A woman with blond hair and blue eyes, with a full smile and flaming red lips, showed her charm.

Xu Mingchen was itching to see it, so he picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Around him, there were several young people, all of whom were Xu Mingchen's friends and children from rich families. They came to the cruise ship to play when they had nothing to do.

"Mr. Xu, you may not know that Lin Bei is really not an ordinary person. He has a high status. I heard from Tang Bo, the housekeeper of the Lu family, that Mr. Lu even apologized to him personally!"

"Tch, so what's the matter with his background? Isn't he just the director of the local superpower bureau? What's the big deal?"

Xu Mingchen shouted.

An older man next to him waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, brother Mingchen, things have already happened, don't think too much. Now it's most important to recover from your injuries, and it's not good to talk about people behind their backs. It's better for us not to discuss Lin Bei."

"What are you afraid of? I just said what happened to him?"

Xu Mingchen was very angry.

At this time.

A slender figure had walked into the door.

Standing behind him silently.

But because Xu Mingchen was talking excitedly, he didn't pay much attention to it, and still spit.

"My dad is too cowardly. What can I do if I don't give him the cruise ship? The worst case scenario is death! I'm going all out!"

"Cough! Cough cough!"

Several young men nearby coughed lightly.

Winked their eyes to indicate.

Because they all saw Lin Bei.

It's a pity that Xu Mingchen didn't understand.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you feel uncomfortable? You're not imitating me... Are you deliberately making me angry?"

"Uh, this..."

The others slapped their foreheads, and they couldn't bear to watch any more.

Xu Mingchen was annoyed and was about to continue talking.

But suddenly he felt his shoulders sink and was patted by a slender hand.

"Why are you here to eat in advance?"


Xu Mingchen heard this voice and immediately realized that something was wrong.

He quickly turned his head and looked up.

He saw a handsome face staring at him with interest.

"Uh... Lin... Director Lin?"

Xu Mingchen was stunned and couldn't speak clearly.

Huang Kai walked forward and said.

"From what you said just now... Xiao Kai, you are very dissatisfied when I beat you?"

"Ah? You... you all heard it?"

Xu Mingchen's face was purple like an eggplant.

He just wanted to satisfy his desire to talk, but in fact he was very afraid of Lin Bei.

But he really didn't expect.

He actually heard what he said.

He immediately cried out in his heart that it was bad!


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