No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 368: Foreign delicacies

SSS-level awakeners are considered powerful no matter where they are, and Atlantis is no exception.

"Hello, my name is Yu Xia. I heard that you reported that someone of ours colluded with the exiled members?" the young man asked.

"We are not reporting, we are investigating."

Lin Bei emphasized again: "You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will become evidence in court."


Yu Xia took a breath.

He originally thought it was a cooperative relationship, but he regarded himself as the subject of investigation...

"What happened? I really don't know."

"Your people handed the mechanical spiders and mechanical wolves into the hands of the exiled members and attacked us. Do you have to be responsible for this?"

Lin Bei asked.

"Mechanical spider? Mechanical wolf?"

Yu Xia looked confused.

"You said those bionic robots are the first generation products. They have been eliminated and all destroyed. How could they appear in the hands of exiled members?"

"How is it impossible? I was bitten by a mechanical wolf."

Xiaotuzi didn't want to do it at first.

Because the exiled members brought seven mechanical wolves around to hunt him, if Lin Bei hadn't helped treat his injuries, he would have died long ago.

Yu Xia frowned.

There have indeed been a lot of strange things happening in the city recently, and there are some vague rumors.

"Okay, then you guys go to the Law Enforcement Bureau with me first, and we'll investigate this matter slowly."


Lin Bei nodded and didn't embarrass him any more.

The three of them got into their self-driving car and soon arrived at the law enforcement bureau.

It’s also full of technology here.

The front desk and some windows are all served by artificial intelligence.

Lin Bei glanced around.

I think it's really interesting.

In the future, I will have to introduce some technological means to my own superpower bureau.

Huang Kai stared at Yu Xia's mechanical prosthesis and asked casually.

"How did you get those legs of yours?"

"Oh, it was bitten off three years ago while fighting an alien creature."

Yu Xia explained: "With our technological means, we can clone an identical leg, but the cloned leg is far less powerful than the original leg, and the mechanical prosthesis is stronger and can increase the strength, so I simply used it. "

"Have you ever fought against extraterrestrial creatures?"

Huang Kai was even more curious.

Yu Xia nodded.

"Well, outside the's very dangerous, otherwise we wouldn't be able to return to Earth."

"What a coincidence, I have also fought against extraterrestrial creatures."

Lin Bei next to him said that he thought of the archangels from outside the realm and the demons under the abyss.

Yu Xia grinned.

Knowing that his brain circuit was not normal, he didn't say anything more.

"You are hungry, I will take you to eat."

"Well, this is good."

Lin Bei is better at this activity.

I’m also more curious about what the people of Atlantis ate.

Yu Xia took them to the cafeteria. The space inside was very spacious. The food was also served by robots. The portions of each dish were accurate, no more and no less, and the hands would not shake like the aunt in the cafeteria.

And Lin Bei had never seen those ingredients before.

He picked up a green leafy vegetable and put it into his mouth, feeling very refreshed.

"What kind of dish is this? It's quite delicious."

"Um...we call it green cloudweed. The seeds are obtained from outside the region. The leaves look like clouds, so we got the name."

Yu Xia is very patient.

Although he knew that Lin Bei's mind was not normal and he had no strength, he still explained it to him.

After all, as a law enforcer, his personal qualities are quite good.

Lin Bei nodded.

Keep trying stuff.

I found a few ingredients I had never tasted before and they all tasted good.

Because if it doesn’t taste good, Atlantis won’t bring it back...


Lin Bei came to a conclusion.

There are delicious food outside the region...

Yu Xia looked at him.

"You have suffered a brain injury. I can help you find someone to treat it. With our level of technology, the chance of cure is very high."

"I'm not injured. I'm fine. I think you were injured. Do you want me to treat you?"

Lin Bei said.

"..." Yu Xia was speechless, thinking about it, she might as well forget it.

After Lin Bei finished eating, he was not honest and wandered around to watch.

After all, this canteen is very advanced.

There are robots everywhere and they can talk, which is very interesting.

Lin Bei walked to the door.

The door opened automatically.

Very smart.

"I'm going to see Director Lin. You two can talk first." Huang Kai stood up and walked over.

Yu Xia stared at the silly little Tuzi and asked in a low voice.

"Actually, you are their leader, right? You just pretend to be weak."


Xiaotuzi shook his head repeatedly.

"No, can I be a leader? I'm just a little guy."

"Okay, forget it if you don't want to say it."

Yu Xia grinned.

He felt that Wutuchak would definitely not understand the scanning function of his glasses based on his knowledge.

It can be seen that his combat power is 100,000+

But it doesn't matter, because sooner or later it will be exposed...

Lin Bei and Huang Kai came to a corridor.

The sensor door behind him closed automatically.

"Director Lin, what do you think of this place?" Huang Kai asked thoughtfully.

"'s pretty good."

Lin Bei nodded, "I think the people here are of high quality, and they don't look like they can collude with exiled members."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

Huang Kai didn't understand.

Lin Bei pointed above him.

"Because there is a surveillance camera above your head..."


Lin Bei and the others continued to walk forward and found that there were really few living people in their law enforcement bureau, and most of the positions were replaced by machines.

But at this moment, a series of "bang" explosions suddenly came from a room in front.

Lin Bei looked up.

Through the transparent glass, he finally saw another living person, a girl, wearing a white coat, holding a pistol in her hand.

The explosion just now was obviously caused by her experimenting with a gun.

Her pistol had a very strange shape, and the muzzle was as thick as a forearm. There was a red light flashing at the back, and it was obviously inlaid with a soul crystal.

"This thing seems to be quite interesting."

Lin Bei seemed to have discovered a new world.

At this time, the sensor door behind him opened, and Yu Xia and Xiao Tuzi came over.

"Oh, it's okay. Our researchers are doing experiments. Didn't they scare you?" Yu Xia explained quickly.

"So she is a researcher. What a coincidence. We are also researchers. Let's go and have a look."

Huang Kai stared at the girl in the white coat and said.

Because he seemed to see some shadows of Xiao Man in her.

"You? Researchers???"

Yu Xia found it funny.

The technology here is hundreds of years ahead of them, and they are still embarrassed to call themselves researchers...

Especially Lin Bei.

His brain is injured, what else can he research?

Huang Kai saw what he was thinking.

"What do you mean? Don't you believe it?"

"I believe it, I believe it..."

Yu Xia nodded repeatedly, thinking that he would take them to see what a high-tech laboratory is. "Let's go, I'll take you to see it."


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