
The young man's face was stiff, as if he had eaten a fly when he remembered what had just happened.

"No, go and have a look quickly. Just treat it like I'm begging you."

"I won't go even if you beg me." ✩

Lin Bei still said.

Huang Kai started to add fuel to the fire, "It was haunted. It was too scary. The ghost had already killed seven people just now!"

"What? Seven of them have died???" The young man's eyes widened and he looked horrified. He didn't expect it to be so serious, so he quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, Sir, it was a misunderstanding just now. You sir have a lot, so don't argue with me. Come over and help me quickly. Our Miss Lu has been caught by a ghost!"

"That's okay."

Lin Bei finally stood up.

The young man was delighted when he saw this, nodded and bowed.

"Thank you sir, please."

Wang Ming couldn't help but feel happy when he saw that he looked arrogant before and turned into so respectful in a blink of an eye.

It's great to hang out with Director Lin...

Lin Bei and the other three walked over.

Looking at the blue water, the gloom is much darker.

The little water ghost had already disappeared.

Lu Xueyao's face was pale, her lips were trembling, and she was trembling all over.

The sun was shining brightly at noon, but Lu Xueyao still felt very cold.

The attendants hurriedly put several layers of bath towels on her, but it was still of no use.

Because this is caused by Yin Qi entering the body.

If an ordinary person is touched by a ghost, he will be seriously ill for at least three days.

"Sirs, please take a look at Miss Lu first. What's wrong with her?" A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came over. He was Tang Bo, the chief butler of the Lu family.

Tang Bo has worked in the Lu family for more than 20 years and almost grew up watching Lu Xueyao.

So I was very anxious.

Lin Bei looked around and found that the yin energy entering the body was far from death, but he would only be ill for a few days. Although it can be cured instantly, it is not necessary.

"Well, let her drink more hot water."


Tang Bo was surprised, does hot water have such miraculous effects?

But I have to believe it.

He quickly ordered the people next to him to prepare hot water for Lu Xueyao.

"Sir, what the hell was that just now? Why are you targeting our Miss Lu?"

"Water ghost."

Huang Kai explained: "Once you are targeted by a water ghost, it will be a fight to the death. If the ghost fails this time, it will look for you, Miss Lu."

"So serious?"

Tang Bo's eyes turned sharply, and he suddenly became more worried.

"Then what should we do?"

"Water ghosts usually appear in places with a lot of water. Just ask Miss Lu to pay attention. If you usually take a bath, it is best to use your mobile phone to record the whole process and then send the video to us. This will help us catch ghosts. "

Dahuang said seriously.

Tang Bo opened his mouth, feeling that something was wrong.

Is there such a thing as catching ghosts?

However, now that the ghost has escaped, he will not be caught for a while.

Lu Xueyao in the distance was still shaking violently, her whole body was cold, and she couldn't speak.

The entourage quickly carried her into the car and sent her home to recuperate.

This incident caused a great sensation.

After all, many tourists have seen it.

Lu Xueyao came in a grand and high-profile manner, but her departure was miserable. She was carried into the car on a stretcher...

It can be seen from this.

It's better to be low-key...

Lin Bei and the other three watched the excitement leisurely. After the Lu family dealt with Lu Xueyao, Tang Bo rushed back in a hurry.

His face turned dark, as if he had just been scolded by someone.

"Sir, the head of the Lu family invites you to our home. The banquet is ready."

"Want to eat? Then let's go."

Lin Bei agreed.

Then, they got into a car and rushed to the Lu family.

On the way, Wang Ming frowned slightly, seemed a little unhappy, and whispered to the two of them.

"Director Lin, Brother Kai, I think we shouldn't go when the head of the Lu family invites us!"

"What's going on?"

Huang Kai turned his head and asked.

Wang Ming explained: "Think about it, Brother Kai. As the owner of the island, Lu Cheng has long known that a special abilities bureau will be built on the island. As the host, he didn't invite us before, but now he has asked us to go to dinner. This counts. What's going on?"

"Eh? It seems to make sense. He didn't think highly of us before, right?"

Huang Kai reacted.

I sighed secretly that Wang Ming was worthy of being a top student with an annual salary of 500,000 yuan. He was very thoughtful and understood the ways of the world.

Lin Bei waved his hand.

"What's the point? If someone invites you to eat, go there. If you don't eat, you won't eat for free."

"..." Both of them were speechless at the same time.

It has to be Director Lin.


After a while, they entered a huge manor, lined with rows of luxurious villas, each one as magnificent as a palace.

The manor also has horse racing, golf courses and other facilities, and the area is very wide.

"Sir, we are here. Please follow me." After the vehicle stopped, Tang Bo opened the door.

"Yeah, okay."

Lin Bei nodded and got out of the car.

In front of you is a bluestone path, surrounded by green grass, and in the distance there are flower beds with various rare plants planted in them, and many gardeners are working hard.

It is estimated that all the staff needed to maintain the manor would have to number 1,800.

Huang Kai raised his head and looked around with emotion on his face.

"The Lu family is so rich! This manor is really nice. Director Lin... is it almost half as good as yours?"

"Well, just give it a try."

Lin Bei didn't care about this.

Next to him, Wang Ming was secretly stunned. Such a big manor was only half the size of Director Lin's house.

Director Lin is indeed a great man.

But I thought about asking myself to work and pay back 35 billion.

My heart aches...

Led by the housekeeper Tang Bo, several people walked into a villa, which was luxuriously decorated and very spacious.

There is a long table in the middle, and the banquet is ready.

"Mr. Lu, I've invited you here."

"Well, you go down first."

A powerful voice came.

In front of the hall, stood a burly middle-aged man, who looked to be about fifty years old, with gray hair on his temples, but he was full of energy, with bright eyes, and a hint of arrogance.

"Welcome, I didn't expect that these few would take up the banner of the Superpower Bureau at such a young age. They are really young and promising."

Lu Cheng said, looking at Huang Kai, "This should be the leader of the bureau, right? I am old and have inconvenient legs and feet. I apologize for not going to greet him."

"Well...although I have leadership qualities, I am not the leader. He is the leader, our Director Lin."

Huang Kai introduced it seriously.


Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows, thinking that he knew countless people, but he was mistaken today!

"I'm sorry, Director Lin, please sit down quickly, including the two of you."


Of course Lin Bei was not polite and sat on the chair swaggeringly.

Wang Ming was murmuring in his heart.

I felt that Lu Cheng was not very sincere. He just said that they were young and put himself in the position of the elder first.

He also said that his legs and feet were inconvenient, so he did not go to greet him.

But looking at him walking like a dragon and a tiger, how can it be inconvenient?

Mostly he wanted to show off his power.

It is not that simple for the Superpower Bureau to control an area, because there will always be thorns in the side who think they are rich and powerful and want to be the local emperor here...


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