No one really thinks I'm stupid, right?

Chapter 316: A terrible loss

"Isn't it just drinking some water? How come you are injured?" Huang Kai came over to check.

"I don't care! Anyway, if anyone asks, just say I am injured, got it?" Lin Bei said very willfully.

"Okay, okay!"

Everyone nodded repeatedly, he was right.

"Well, let's go this time." Lin Bei stood up.

Then, everyone walked out of the swimming pool together. ✺

But it is worth mentioning that most people followed Lin Bei. Maybe because the monsters can disguise, they only trust Lin Bei now.

They are even more distant from Huang Kai.

Da Huang was speechless, but there was no way to say this.

He looked back and forth.

Only Wang Ming followed him.

"Brother, you are still good, you can get along." Huang Kai affirmed.

Wang Ming scratched his head.

"No... there is no room over there."


As everyone walked forward, they solved several parasitic monsters on the way.

These monsters spread quickly.

Moreover, many broken corpses after being gnawed were left, which looked shocking.

A moment later.

There was a crackling sound of fighting in the corridor ahead.

Da Huang raised his eyebrows.

Obviously, there were other awakened people besides himself and Director Lin.

Because ordinary people can't deal with monsters at all.

Let alone fight so fiercely.

The rest of the people looked at each other, curious about what was going on.


They came to the corner of the corridor, stuck out half of their heads, and stacked one on top of another in the corner, carefully observing the situation.

There was indeed a person in front, fighting with a monster.

They tore and wrestled, and the scene was very dangerous.

The man was almost bitten by the monster several times, but he escaped without danger.

"Eh? Isn't that Yang Chen?"

Liu Yue recognized the young man fighting with the monster.

The young man was wearing a security uniform and was a security guard in the hotel. He liked Xiao Dan, the front desk clerk.

Yang Chen was just an ordinary person at first.

At the critical moment of being attacked by the monster, he suddenly awakened

When he was on the verge of death, he burst out with great potential.

“Go to hell!”

Yang Chen shouted, holding the monster’s head tightly with both arms, and then twisted it hard.

There was a crisp sound of ‘crack’.

The monster’s head was twisted off.


Yang Chen sat on the ground, panting violently, the monster’s blood dyed his clothes red.

But he had no time to care at this time.

The head rolled to the side, still staring, blood seeping into the carpet, forming a dazzling color.


Huang Kai stared at him with small eyes.

I was just planning to help, but I didn’t expect that the monster had been solved.

“Who is it?”

Yang Chen shouted, and his bloody face looked like a frightened wolf, very alert.

Huang Kai walked over with a swagger.

“Brother, don’t be nervous, I’m a scientific researcher from the Ability Bureau.”

“Don’t come over here!”

Yang Chen shouted sternly, and at the same time felt strange, other parasitic monsters have super camouflage ability, why is this one in front of him not pretending at all?

"You are a researcher? I think you are a monster!!!"

"......." Huang Kai was stunned, "I fucking..."

Lin Bei really didn't bother to explain for him.

He walked over with a group of people.

Liu Yue said: "Yang Chen, he is really from the Supernatural Bureau, and he just saved a lot of people."

"Uh, this..."

Yang Chen scratched his head.

Seeing so many people coming over, it must be true.

Turned to look at Huang Kai.

His expression was a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't mean it, the key is that you really look like... cough! It's okay, hehe!"


Da Huang didn't care much, "Are you an awakener?"

"Oh, yes, I just awakened, and I almost died before!"

Yang Chen was still scared.

He is a B-level beast soul awakener, a cheetah.

His strength is not very strong, and it is difficult to kill a monster.

Huang Kai nodded.

"New awakeners, remember to register at the Ability Bureau."

"Uh... OK."

Yang Chen agreed, and at the same time he was wondering, the situation is so critical now, is it a matter of reporting?

There are still many powerful monsters in the hotel, whether you can get out is a problem.

"Yang Chen, shouldn't you be in the security room? Why did you run here?" Liu Yue asked curiously.

Yang Chen's eyes became firm, "I'm here to save Xiao Dan."


He was on duty in the security room, and saw the hotel change through the surveillance video. At the same time, Xiao Dan at the front desk was called upstairs by the guests.

Yang Chen has liked Xiao Dan for a long time, so he decisively gave up the chance to escape, and his first thought was to rush up to save people.

You know, he was still an ordinary person at that time.

But facing the terrifying monster.

But he was not afraid.

Such courage shows his loyalty to love.

After Huang Kai understood, he was quite moved and patted him on the shoulder.

"Not bad, brother, you and Brother Kai are both infatuated good men."

"Thank you."

Yang Chen was very happy to be recognized.

At this time, Lin Bei happened to pass by the two of them, muttering to himself, "Men like this often lose miserably."

Huang Kai: "..."

Yang Chen: "..."

Since there are still survivors on this floor, they naturally plan to rescue them.

Yang Chen was a little worried: "I saw through the surveillance that there is a powerful monster in front, probably A-level."

"A-level? Ha..."

Huang Kai grinned, "Newcomer, let me show you what real strength is!"

After passing this corridor, you will reach the luxurious guest rooms of the hotel.

In the middle of the corridor.

There are a lot of blood stains.

Several hideous monsters are gnawing on the corpse, trying to split the next parasite.

The movement of Lin Bei and others soon disturbed them.

The monsters all stopped gnawing, and looked at them with pairs of needle-like pupils.

The picture was particularly creepy.

"It's...them, A-level parasitic monsters." Yang Chen said in fear.

But Lin Bei raised his eyes and looked at them, treating them as air, and his footsteps did not stop at all, and continued to walk forward.

Because a red light flashed behind him.

Huang Kai had already rushed forward, and his figure swept past in an instant, killing the monster in seconds.

"So powerful?"

Yang Chen widened his eyes and felt incredible.


"Newcomer, don't envy me."

Huang Kai hugged his shoulders and said in a arrogant tone.

Yang Chen suddenly nodded.

"Well, you are not a scientific researcher."

"......" Huang Kai was ashamed.

But after solving the monsters here.

Yang Chen became excited.

"Xiao Dan! Xiao Dan! I'm here to save you!"

Through the surveillance, Xiao Dan entered room 2022128 at that time.

So he quickly ran to the door.

Now that he has become an awakener, he is powerful.

With a bang, he kicked the door open.

"Xiao Dan, I'm here to save you!" Yang Chen rushed into the room directly.

Looking around, he found that the quilt of the big round bed was trembling slightly, and it was obvious that someone was hiding inside.

Yang Chen's eyes were anxious, and he hurried forward to lift it up.

"Xiao Dan, I..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped.

The scene in front of him.

Make Yang Chen's eyes widen...


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