"Wuhu~~Take off!"

Lin Bei sat in the cabin, watching the beautiful scenery outside the window, with bright eyes and sunshine shining down, coating the soft clouds with a layer of golden color.

From a distance, it looks like cotton candy.

Thinking of cotton candy, Lin Bei opened his travel bag, took out a bag of cotton candy from it, opened it and stuffed it into his mouth.

Sweet, soft....

It's great to have snacks!

Their first stop is the border camp.

Because the location of the ancient ruins is close to the camp, they plan to land there and then set off.

About two hours later.

Through the window, Lin Bei can see the buildings in the camp below and the towering monitoring station in the disordered land. He is more familiar with this place...because it is also his territory.

The helicopter began to land and slowly stopped in the camp.

It was almost the same as the last time.

A group of people on the apron were waiting respectfully, led by Commander Xu Jianguo.

"Hey, Commander Lin, you are here, long time no see." Seeing Lin Bei walk down first, he hurried forward to greet him.

Lin Bei looked around and nodded.


Members of Ye Feng's team also came down one by one.

Xu Jianguo looked surprised.

I didn't expect that all the people from the Dragon Group would come, and there were also Zhang Tian and Ji Yunqing. This lineup is too powerful, and the whole plane is full of big guys!

The higher-ups just said that someone would pass by the border camp and asked Xu Jianguo to actively cooperate. I didn't expect it to be this group of people.

Such a luxurious lineup.

I felt that something big was going to happen.

Although Xu Jianguo was curious, he didn't ask, because he knew... some things were not for him to talk about.

"Leaders, do you need any help?"

"Nothing, we are just passing by."

Ye Feng said: "By the way, how is your situation here? Has anyone come to harass you recently?"

Xu Jianguo nodded repeatedly, as if he had found a savior.

"Yes, yes, there is an S-level strongman from an exiled organization, who often attacks the monitoring station with a team of people, and there are casualties, so we all have to go back to defend."



Ye Feng said that he understood.

In this camp, only Xu Jianguo is an S-level awakener. When encountering S-level opponents to harass, it is indeed impossible to defend.

After all, there are six monitoring stations, and Xu Jianguo is unable to split them.

The only way is to withdraw the monitoring station personnel first.

Only by guarding the camp together can we ensure safety.

And when awakeners of the same level fight, it is easy to defeat the opponent, but it is difficult to kill him.

Xu Jianguo said hatefully.

"That guy is very arrogant. He comes to the camp gate every day to shout. I have fought with him several times, but every time he runs away in the middle of the fight, I really can't do anything."

"Well, let's wait for him to come before setting off."

Ye Feng said casually.

Xu Jianguo was happy in his heart, thinking that the guy should come earlier today.

And Lin Bei walked around the camp.

Revisiting the old place and inspecting some work.

Huang Kai and Zhang Xiaoman followed behind and reminisced about the past.

"Xiaoman, do you remember where we first met?"

"Yes, it was the camp monitoring station. You saved me at that time."

"Then... do you remember what the first sentence you said to me was?"

"Emmm... I forgot that."

"You said at that time that I was so handsome."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"


Lin Bei and others were wandering around.

Suddenly a soldier found them.

"Commander Lin, the people from the exile organization are harassing again and are challenging us outside the camp. Captain Ye said... you can set off."

"Yes, okay."

Lin Bei agreed.

He understood what Ye Feng meant, which was to clean up the garbage at the door before going out...

A group of people came to the lookout at the edge of the camp.

In the disordered land in the distance, the desolation was still there, the cold wind was howling, and there were traces of fighting everywhere.

"Xu Da Turtles, you coward, dare you come out to fight me? You are hiding in the camp, you have no guts at all!"

A middle-aged man shouted in the distance.

Four or five young men followed him.

"That's right... come out if you can!"

"Aren't you Dragon Kingdom awesome? Come out and kill me if you can!"

"Grandpa will wait for you here today, if you don't come out, you are a dog!"


Xu Jianguo on the observation tower was embarrassed.

"These people are like toads, they don't bite people but make people feel uncomfortable, they come to harass me every day, and if I go out to fight, they don't fight seriously and run away halfway."

"Well, they can't run away this time, and they won't come again in the future."

Lin Bei smiled kindly and walked down the observation tower.

In addition to the scientific researchers, Ye Feng's team, a total of more than ten figures appeared on the desolate and disordered land.

Zhang Xiaoman and other scientific researchers walked at the back, far away.

They were not afraid of danger, they just didn't want to see the bloody scene...

"Hey? Why are there a few kids? Xu Da... Da... Da..."

The middle-aged man in the lead was still shouting, but he was stunned halfway through his words.

Because the young man in front of him had one green and one blue pupil, which was too iconic.

Dragon Group, Ye Feng!

Although Ye Feng's team is not the strongest in the dragon group, it is definitely the most famous.

Look next to him again.

There are also white-haired Luo Xue, Gu Xiyue, and Zhao Qiulin.

Damn it!

Full of content! ! !


To the right of the group of people, there was a girl with dead fish eyes and a young man with a delicate face.

Ji Yunqing and Zhang Tian, ​​two dangerous figures in the Dragon Kingdom, were also known to the exile organization.

Damn it!

What's going on?

Dimensionality reduction blow!

The middle-aged man at the head no longer dared to be arrogant. Instead, he was extremely frightened and his face turned blue and purple.

"Why...why? Why is the Dragon Group...appearing here?"

"Oh, sorry, we were passing by."

Ye Feng said calmly.

"..." The middle-aged man in the lead was speechless.

Is it too late to escape now?

I'm afraid that even if I run ten thousand meters, I won't be able to escape from their grasp...

A head-on attack is completely hopeless.

The only way to have a chance of survival.

Just control a hostage.

A few people glanced around and found a young man, eating potato chips leisurely and watching the fun with a leisurely expression.

He seems to be easier to bully...


Lin Bei made a meal of potato chips.

What are you looking at me doing?

He wiped the debris from his mouth, reached behind Li Muxue, and pulled out the demon-killing knife inlaid with two soul crystals.

It’s almost time to eat and play with the new toys.

When the middle-aged man saw him holding a weapon, he felt furious, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards him first.

【bite! System enhancement: The demon-killing knife becomes the 'Sword of Dawn'...the blood-drinking blade becomes increasingly hollow. 】


Lin Bei slashed with his sword, and the blazing golden light ignited, and the space was torn wherever the sharp edge passed.

This Horcrux has been systematically strengthened and is much more powerful than before.

The moment the middle-aged man was swallowed by the sword light, he was directly crushed into powder.

The blood has been evaporated.

It's like disappearing into thin air.

He is dead....

Not even a body was left behind...

There was only one soul crystal, which fell to the ground and bounced a few times.

"Well, not bad, the new toy is more fun than before..." Lin Bei grinned.


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