No, I’m Invincible, and Horror Games Are Coming?

Chapter 220: He created a brand new legend

The black light swept across Lin Chen, and cut through the wall, ceiling and other things behind Lin Chen.


Seeing that Lin Chen didn't dodge, the demon king immediately laughed.

This is his killer move.

No one can resist!

All enemies touched by this move will be cut in half in an instant.

But before he laughed for long, Lin Chen's voice rang.

"what are you laughing at?"

The Demon King was startled.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

His smile froze, and he looked stiffly at Lin Chen, he was still standing there, nothing happened!


The Demon King shouted.

This human, with his flesh and blood, blocked his own magic light killing?

How could something so outrageous happen?

His magic light is accustomed to killing, and can easily cut steel in half.

But right now.

It's useless to this human being.

His body is harder than steel?

Is this still the human body?

I don't understand.

"Magic possession!"

The Demon King shouted, his body was churning with black energy, which was another powerful skill of his.

The black aura melted into his body, causing his body to skyrocket.

It seems that in an instant, it has become more burly.

He raised his hands again.

"Magic light is accustomed to killing!"

With the blessing of demonic energy to increase the power of the magic light to kill, this time, Lin Chen must be killed!


The black light erupted, approaching Lin Chen.

As always, Lin Chen didn't dodge, he just raised his left hand and blocked the black light with one hand.

The light blazed out in his hands towards the surroundings.


The castle, which was originally ruined, is now even more ruined.

The Demon King's attack lasted five seconds.

He dropped his hands tremblingly.

The pupils were trembling.



Not scientific!

A human, with just his left hand, blocked his magic light killing.

And he can clearly see that the light has been bounced off. What material is his body made of?

not understand.

But one thing, now the Demon King is very clear.

This human being in front of me is stronger than a hero!

If he is not dealt with, he will surely die today.

"I admit."

The Demon King wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm not your opponent."

"You are the most powerful enemy I have ever seen."

"If you stay here, I will definitely be killed by you today."


The Demon King raised his right hand.


There was a loud bang in the sky.

A black thunder pierced the sky and landed on his hand.

Lightning spread in his hands, engraving wonderful lines.

this moment.

The Demon King had his hair disheveled and his black hair flaunted.

His tattered robes rattled in lightning and storms.

Like a real devil descended to earth!

Lily and Xu Wen opened their eyes involuntarily when they saw this scene.

What a familiar scene.

A memorable move!

Three years ago, when she and the Brave were about to defeat the Demon King, he, the Demon King, also made such a move, making the Brave disappear from the world and never heard from him again.

Now, three years later, it's the same trick again.

the difference is.

This time, the person to attack is Lin Chen!

That was her last hope.

Three years ago, the hero failed to defeat the Demon King.

Now, Lin Chen will also be defeated by the same move?

"Do not!"

Lily screamed in horror.

Without hesitation, she rushed towards Lin Chen suddenly, she wanted to block this move for Lin Chen.

As long as Lin Chen stays here, then there is a chance to defeat the Demon King today!

"I used to be very weak and could only watch the brave disappear in front of me."

"I'm still very weak now."

"But, I won't let you disappear!"

Can't let the same thing happen again!

Xu Wen trembled.


The Demon King's strongest move.

The move that once made countless human race powerhouses disappear.

How many powerful players died under this move?

Even if Lin Chen is strong, there is no way to avoid this move that must be hit in the face of the devil.


It's all over!

"too late."

The Demon King saw Lily's actions and laughed loudly: "Just look at your teammates and disappear again!"

"It's impossible to beat me!"


Black lightning shot out from the Demon King's hand.

This lightning bolt is very strange, and at the same time of rapid speed, it is constantly changing its position.

It seemed that Lin Chen was completely locked in from all directions.

Unless he can escape thousands of miles away in an instant, there is no way to avoid it.

"do not want!"

Lily shouted, and at the same time reached out to Lin Chen, trying to push Lin Chen away.

But her speed is far less than that black lightning.

She could only watch the lightning approaching Lin Chen.

Is it all over...?

Lin Chen flipped his right hand, and a snow-white, translucent long sword appeared.

Mirror flower!

Kyoka who can block all attacks!

When the mirror flower crosses in this space, time seems to slow down.

From the beginning, Lin Chen never thought about avoiding.

What the brave cannot do.

He can do it!

Lightning came and hit Jinghua's sword.

Collision of book swords.

The body of the mirror sword glowed, it was a snow-white light, which instantly swallowed the black lightning and turned it into a white energy.

at the same time.

Lin Chen saw some pictures.

was transported away.

When he came back, it took 30 years for him to come back here.

Everything is different.

Lily died in battle, blood spilled on the ground, even if she detonated all the blood, she still couldn't hurt the Demon King.

Xu Wen was killed by the King of Heaven.

The last kingdom was also smashed by the army led by the Demon King. The princess burst into tears and jumped down from the city wall in despair.

The picture is only for a moment.

Only Lin Chen can see it, and it shows another ending.

It was the ending that he failed to block the lightning!

This is an effect of Mirror Foil.

Everything in the world is like a dream, like a fantasy, beautiful like a mirror flower.

Lin Chen waved the mirror flower.

White light rushed out from the sword.


The ground next to it exploded, and a three-meter-deep pit appeared in the castle.

after the explosion.

The whole castle was dead silent.


The whole world seems to be quiet.

Whether it's the Demon King or Lily, even Xu Wen's eyes widened.


Lin Chen, actually blocked that must-hit, unavoidable move!


The Demon King's face was bloodless, and he staggered back three steps.

His last resort was blocked by Lin Chen.

The one who has never missed, can make him reverse the desperate situation, and the emergency avoidance of the dead end has failed!


Lily felt that all the strength in her body had disappeared, and she sat on the ground weakly.

Immediately after.

Trembling and whimpering.


The Demon King's strongest move.


In the end, she did not watch her comrades disappear as she did three years ago.

Xu Wen was horrified, his mouth opened so wide that he could put a duck egg in it.

In nine years, no skill that any player could block, is now blocked by Lin Chen!

He did things that no one could do before!

He busted an undefeated myth!

He created a brand new legend!

Xu Wen knelt down.

Suddenly I understood why Lin Chen was able to defeat the five masters.

He is too strong.

Unpredictable strength, irrational strength, boundless strength.

just like……

The legendary god!

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