244 – Kitty What the heck # 5

“It’s a bit different from magic.”

It seemed obvious that the power felt in the treasure was something supernatural, but I don’t think this is magic again. I’m sure I’m not misunderstanding something like radiation.


I’m a bit reluctant to think of this as a f*cking thing.

Boff Don’t you think I’m some kind of Chernobyl worker? But it doesn’t really taste like iron in your mouth.

I immediately put the treasure in the bag.


Then the fireball reacted again.

“Are there any more?”

He’s just trying to move. Nothing more to see here. I closed the lid of the treasure chest and came out.

ㅡ Jerking around.

I walked through the dark basement in that state.

This feels like exploring a dungeon… A dungeon. Back then, when Kitty messed with me for the first time, it was like this in the basement.

ㅡ Poreuk.

The stopped fireball pointed down again.

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ㅡ Giying.

I put the knife back into the floor, drew a square, and went downstairs. This seems to have a fairly large basement.

The moment it went down like that.

“That’s it…!”

An ominous sound comes from inside.

ㅡ Kung kung.

ㅡ Kung.

The sound of heavy footsteps. There is a monster in this. Soon, it came into Lantern’s field of vision.

“The big one.”



[Enhanced type.]

It’s bigger than the guys I’ve seen before, and it’s muscular, and there’s something like white uppers sprouting from its body. Even his grip is as ferocious as that of an eagle.

“That’s it!”

Anyway, the guy who found me came running.


I jumped lightly on the ground and climbed back up the hole I fell into. At the same time, he came running after me and jumped and put his head into the hole.



Like a lightning strike.


I cast a clean downward slash and split the crown of the monster that followed me and thrust its head into it.


The guy who disappears leaving the magic stone behind.

“hehehehe, competent heroes fight by using terrain features well.”

This is what schools teach you. Heroes must know how to make good use of nearby terrain features. Because it will soon reduce the damage and suffocate the enemy.

I went down the hole again, took the magic stones, and continued my journey.

Looking at it, it looks like there will be more like that, but judging from the taste of the hand that just split the top of the head, it didn’t seem like there would be any problem with a head-to-head match.

ㅡ Tok Tok.

I knocked on the wall.

Even if we are surrounded by both sides, I think we can cut through the wall next to us and enter and fight. Or you could just charge at the guy behind you and finish him off in one hit before taking on the guy in front.

Right now, many different ways to slaughter the suddenly appearing monsters were raging in my head.

This means that I have become stronger, so I feel confident in the hand holding the sword. No problem. During that time, I got stronger through the real battles.

“Even I am afraid of myself.”

I walked while thinking that way.

“That’s it.”

The monster appeared again.


A player must win.

Immediately after catching him, I kicked off the ground and charged like a marlin through the water, thrusting my sword through the man’s neck.


The tip of the knife with magical power causes a small explosion to rip the guy’s head off. Surprise too fast. He lost his life to me before I could do anything about it.


Gather the magic stone and move according to the guidance of the fireball. While doing so, something like an iron gate came out.


I wrapped my sword and stabbed a knife into the doorknob. After cutting off the lock and shaking it a few times, the door opened.


Something like an altar caught my eye.

There is an altar, and on top of it are splendid decorations and beautiful jewels. I think this one is a bit big to put in a bag… I guess I can cover it up and tie it up. That kind of weight is no big deal.

“Is this right?”

ㅡ Hurry up.

A ball of fire that responds to my words.

“No, but why are you asking them to do 2D robbery?”

The only things I did after coming here were killing a few monsters and finding treasure by exploring the old castle and destroying it as I pleased. It literally feels like being hired as a mercenary.

Anyway, I won’t forgive you if you don’t pay the labor cost.

ㅡ Kwakak.

Anyway, after binding the treasure to the bag.


The fireball raised those letters.

“It’s over now.”

Now let’s find the fragments and go back. I’ll pay well for this errand. He says he’s afraid of bop, but he’s already said a few words out loud.

* * *

I came out of the basement and climbed onto the roof of the old castle covered in a mat. As I watched the surroundings from the highest place, I saw a familiar group of lights from the other side.

ㅡ Flashing!

This is where the debris is.

But I just looked at it.

ㅡ Flutter!

Is that watcher type Shebla you just checked? A large group of winged-eyed monsters are spinning around it. And something is swarming, it seems like there are a lot of Sheblas gathered around there.


Something difficult happens at the end.

It looks like I’ll have to show off my skills to find the fragment and return home. Judging up to that point, I came down from the roof, hid myself in a suitable place, and supplemented my nutrition.

Ionic drink with various vitamins and two protein bars. And even a fat supplement block specially designed for heroes who consume a lot of calories.

I don’t think I ate much, but I roughly calculated the calories and came up with a whopping 1,400 calories. Of course, even if you eat it, it just feels like you just ate a snack.

“Damn it.”

Check the remaining amount of mana while waiting for the nutrients to spread throughout the body. I didn’t even spend 10% here. This is possible because the use of mana is minimized even when killing monsters.

To be honest, even at the beginning of the semester, my sense of mana handling was so poor that I swung the sword while wasting my mana while wearing a sword all over my sword. But now that I’ve spent the entire first semester. I learned how to fight while properly controlling the release of magical energy.

There’s no problem since I’m training up to Lion’s Roar.

“Let’s go.”

The move was carried out again.

Towards the place where the debris is.



On the way.

The sevlars on this side were just quiet. Why are they not interested in that fragment? Both Zorah and Antilery tended to obsess over fragments.

Seeing them clustered in large numbers around the debris, whatever it is, weighs heavily on the judgment that these pups simply don’t have good senses.

Anyway, I went around them and reached the vicinity of the debris.


ㅡ Fluffy.

It’s literally stuffy.


“Gee uh uh!”

Several types of Sheblas are in a state of attacking the shield from time to time while circling around the shielded debris.

ㅡ Flutter!

The observer in the sky is also in a state of attacking fragments by shooting something like a beam once. It seems like everyone wants to take off that shield and take what’s inside.

If I just stretch out my hand, I can pass.

Knowing that, it was easy to set up a strategy. I entered the landmarks I had seen all along the way in my head and simply ran a simulation.

You don’t have to fight everyone.

All you have to do is run towards the debris, just like you would for a touchdown in rugby. Of course, it’s impossible to break through the siege because there are so many f*cking numbers right now, but with my skills, I can make a board.

ㅡ Cheo-eok.

After observing, I revealed myself to them.



Take a breath.


Explode the Lion’s Roar learned from the Chairman!


I can feel the air flow. It was clear that a kind of shockwave had just exploded around me. Still, there was some distance, so I couldn’t hit the enemies directly.

“That’s right?!”


I succeeded in turning off the aggro.



ㅡ Ururu!

The guys who had gathered around the debris almost like ants started running towards me with their mouths wide open.

Those speeds far exceed those of ordinary sprinters.

At first glance, it is only about 50 km/h.

Escape is simple.


I pulled the aggro and ran towards the road I had been looking at while pretending to be terrified. Just at about 50km/h.



Looking back, the frenzied monsters are chasing after them. Even the watchers in the sky… Huh?




What are those bastards screaming about!

“Crazy bastard! That’s my trademark!”

Soon the screaming guys started shooting something.



The beam gun I saw earlier. But it is not made of pure light. A form of projecting the energy of something in the form of a bag.


It wasn’t difficult to dodge. It’s because you just have to fly your body. Rather, the beam cannons that flew in haphazardly hit the Sheblas.

“That’s it!”


While running away like that, chasing after them.


After jumping vigorously and stepping on the window frame of the building next to it, it rose again and went to the roof.


—-Damn it!

Break that roof down and shoot yourself out onto the other roof. Go to another roof. Again to the roof. Then, I moved straight over the smashed pillar and landed on the road again.

“hehehehe, it’s late dude.”

You completely outrun the monsters.

Hundreds of monsters gathered there, wandering around and screaming.

ㅡ Cheo-eok.

Until the fragments, it is almost nonjudgmental. Except for about 20 fallen Sheblas, there is nothing in particular. There are observers floating in the sky, but their attacks cannot exceed my mobility.

—-Damn it!

So I sprinted in a straight line towards the debris.



A group of stragglers flock towards me in groups. As I ran, I checked their faces one by one.

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While holding your breath.

The moment they threw themselves at me.


Once again, the lion’s roar!




Then, a small shockwave was generated and the Sheblas that were rushing at them were thrown away. Looking at the guys who came up with their feet off the ground like that.


Pulling out the sword as if to strike.

“Damn it!”

Strongly advances and kicks vigorously.

ㅡCho Hak!

I can feel the taste.

A trail of swords spewing out like an explosion hit the Sheblas. The severed ones quickly turned to powder and disappeared, and after vigorously stepping on the fallen magic stones, they floated them up.

—-Damn it!

After catching all of them like grabbing a ball.


I just dived towards the debris.

So Ok.

As expected, the shield created by the fragments did not push me away. The moment I went inside without any resistance and held the fragment in my hand.

ㅡ Geeing!

Intense brilliance bursts out, and at the same time, I feel a strong feeling that my body is being sucked into something, and knowledge of the past begins to emerge in my head.

I wonder if this comes to mind.

Or where is it coming from?

I’m not sure, but I closed my eyes trying to read the information as best I could.


But what is this?

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