235 – Lion’s Roar Training # 6

“I just said it reflexively, reflexively!”

Sihoo’s face turns red as if he realized his mistake. Besides, she is covering her flat chest with her arms. She’s dressed and bandaged, what the hell’s the point of that?


I thought there was some truth in Shihoo’s words.

“Wait. Sihoo. You have a point.”


“Isn’t that what I said in the first place? I just felt something. You’re using a skill in a kind of sealed state right now.”


“If you break the seal and use it, you will definitely be able to increase the power. Don’t you agree with that part?”

“Uh… Yes.”

Sihoo answers as if he is suspicious.

“So let’s take off the bandage and try it on.”

“That’s a bit like that! You can do that by yourself! To be honest, it’s embarrassing to have your heart thump every time you do something without a bandage!”

No such blatant words here…!

But you say it’s rocking like that?

“No, that’s right.”

For a moment, I imagined Shihoo’s body moving… It’s a very specific imagination because I’ve already seen it myself.

Shake it off!

“But, as embarrassing as it is, I can take off the bandage… I can demonstrate it by myself. But. Only then can I see it objectively?”

“What is objective!”

Shihoo, who still couldn’t erase his doubts, said with a blushing face while covering her chest with his arms folded.

“There must be an observer. If I saw it myself, wouldn’t I be able to judge more accurately how much the skill I used improved after breaking the seal?”


As if Sihoo realized the truth.

“That’s right.”


“Personally, I’m curious. How far Sihoo’s level has risen. Sihoo. We’re already in the same boat. We should always know about each other’s level.”

“No, you’re saying it so grandiose… Of course it is.”

Sihu and I are involved in some kind of conspiracy involving the Emperor and the Void Princess. We are already united.

“So let’s take a look at the ability of Sihoo Lee who broke the seal!”

For Sihoo, the seal is that bandage. I don’t know, but since I’m restricting my body, I’m sure I won’t be able to exert full power.

But how much stronger would it be if you unleashed it?

Looking at it this way, it seems that Sihoo has a gimmick that changes from a man to a woman when she puts on her power, but Sihoo was originally a woman.

“Geuncheolah…! Actually, I just want to see my heart sway!”

“Hey! You brought it up first!”

It’s true that I want to see it, but that’s not what I meant!

“That’s true!”

“This is being framed!

“Okay! Let me try!”

“Yeah! Ishifuda is a really cool man!”

“It’s not a real man!”

ㅡ Cheo-eok.

Looking at Sihoo who put down his sword, he said.

“Then let me go to the bathroom…”


To be honest, even if I know that Sihoo is a woman, since she has been living with her for a while, even if she treats me like this, I feel natural.


Soon after entering the bathroom, Sihoo came out.

With the door open, only her face was exposed.

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“Are you okay?”

“Geuncheol, put on a bandage.”

“What. No, hey. Just go to the next room… Get that bra or something. It’ll be there, right?”

“Sah, I don’t actually have a normal bra.”

Was it like that?

“No? Really?”

“It’s embarrassing even if you have it! Externally, you’re a man! How can you have women’s underwear!”

“I’ll have to get one soon to use it. Anyway… Here.”

When I handed over the first-aid kit, Shihoo, who only stretched out his hand to take it, closed the bathroom door. There was a gurgling sound for a while.


Sihoo came out of the bathroom with a grim face.


That chest.

State full of overwhelming volume.

I’m wearing an oversized boxy tee, but it’s all exposed.

“Where are you looking!”

“Your energy has changed.”

“Don’t lie! All eyes are on you! You’re looking at my breasts!”

“Hey, don’t worry about that! Now, here! Grab the sword!”

“Ugh… That’s embarrassing.”

As Sihoo said, my gaze was focused on the chest. Anyway. Sihoo grabbed the sword.

“Then let’s begin?”


“No, but I think it will work better if it’s properly held… After all, it’s kind of okay to just leave it out.”

“Try it.”


Like that.


Sihoo stepped on the floor.


They radiated magical energy from their eyes.

A truly amazing blow was swung into the air.

ㅡ Giying.

Just one sword attack. However, there were three tracks. The afterimage of blue magic that appeared belatedly informed them that three attacks had been carried out.

“Wow! Something feels better!”

While I was blankly looking at Shihoo’s chest, I liked Shihoo’s eyes as if he had realized something.

“Geuncheol-ah! How was it! I think I’m getting a little better!”

Sihoo who likes while admiring innocently. This guy also really likes self-improvement.

“Uh. Should I call it a more open blow? Maybe it’s because it’s the second time I’ve seen it, but it was kind of cool.”

“As expected, there are restrictions. Haa. But you can’t fight outside dressed like this. It’s really difficult.”


I don’t know if it was a reflex action, but Sihoo, who was sitting on my bed, grabbed his right chest and sighed.

“That’s what it is. It’s fine as long as there’s no fear of being found out by anyone. Suddenly the seal is undone and we fight with all our might.”

“I think it’s going to work! You’re telling me to suddenly cut my chest and fight!”

“Looks like it could be a bit visually confusing. And isn’t that what you’ve already done?”

Obviously, when fighting a white centipede-like flying monster in a higher dimension, Sihoo fought with his chest exposed.

“Please don’t bring up that memory…!”


“Cheer. Anyway, Geuncheol. I’ll come back with a bandage on.”


Sihoo went back to the bathroom. A squeak is heard. But what the hell would you do with a bandage? I know everything, but I just feel that way.

“Okay. Are you feeling better now?”

Sihoo, who came out again, lost all sense of volume.

“Is it better?”

“Don’t obsess over my breasts! Ah, but Geun-cheol? Didn’t you tell the chairman that you received Lion’s Roar training today? Show me that too.”



“Is it okay? Even if it’s just the two of us, we can sing loudly.”

“Ugh… That’s not it.”

“It’s nothing special. It’s the first day. It’s just that I watched the flow of magic for a while in the morning. I’ll have to do it for at least a week to see the effect.”

Even though I’ve been trained by a peerless master like the chairman, it’s only for a short time and not even a day has passed yet.

A superhuman skill cannot be mastered in one day. Even if you have talent, you have to put in the time.

“That’s right. But I want to hear it once I finish it next time.”

“I’ll let you hear it.”

“Ugh. Cancel.”

“Listen! Why don’t you go to karaoke! You said I was singing strangely!”

“It’s true!”

Well, after arguing with Sihoo, we ate and spent time, we sent him back to his room.

“Awesome bastard.”

Three strikes in an instant… It would be difficult even to imitate it. As soon as Shi-hoo leaves, he grabs the knife and imitates it, but it doesn’t work either.

“You have to be strong.”

As expected, getting that fragment in your hand is the fastest way to become stronger. Because I felt like I was flowing into my energy along with my memories.

More than that, kitty dude, he told me to prepare this the other day, but there’s no news.

ㅡ Tiring.


A message came and I checked and it was Kitty.

[Geuncheol, send me brother gold]

“Crazy! Arrest them all!”

These are the gold ghosts!

* * *

A sense of daze.


It has been like this ever since I came home.


After taking a shower, Yuuri sat blankly on the bed for a while. How to say, the body does not have power. Her drowsiness sets in as she feels the warmth.


The shoulders are warm.

My shoulder was rubbed by Kim Geun-cheol earlier. She was quite good at massage. It was so good that I felt as if the fatigue that had accumulated over the years had been relieved.

Is that why?

I feel tired.

“A bastard.”

I secretly pretended not to, but in fact, I was very angry.

I was worried because I heard that the baby is sick. Even if it was true that she secretly did something fun by herself, she couldn’t stand the fact that she casually yelled at herself.

I didn’t show it too much because I thought it might be okay to say it harshly once.

I can’t deny that I am angry.

By the way.


I let go of my anger.

I don’t feel any anger.

I could only feel the warmth from my shoulders.

ㅡ Fetish casting.

Remembering the feeling I had when I received the massage earlier, I felt that feeling again. Warmth. From shoulder to back. And with her breasts. The warmth spreads out and covers the upper body.

ㅡ Fluffy.

I lose strength from my body.

As she lay down, Yuuri closed her eyes as she felt drowsiness rushing in.

“I’m sleepy…”

Extreme drowsiness felt when waking up early in the morning on a Monday. Drowsiness made worse by wanting to sleep more but not being able to.

Usually, such drowsiness was felt only in the mornings on weekdays, when one had to wake up, and never on weekends, when one could sleep to one’s heart’s content;

Is it because your body is warm?

Now such drowsiness rushed in.


Wu Yu-ri burrowed into the blanket and surrendered to her languor. With her crossed arms clasped around his shoulders.

‘Kim Geun-cheol took a look at the ten-colored flag…’

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