Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3787: Vicious Swamp

Chapter 3787 Vicious Swamp

Outside the vicious swamp, the dazzling blazing sun shines.

However, when Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, and Jian Tong entered the vicious swamp, the sky suddenly became gloomy.

Very gloomy, even blowing a gust of wind.

The three people's figures seemed to have been agreed at the same time.

Looking at the front and the bottom together, there is an endless swamp that extends to the endless distance as if there is no end at all.

"Vicious swamp poisonous fog, colorless and tasteless, you should be careful when entering."

Although Leng Aoyue felt that with the master's current strength, the poisonous mist of this vicious swamp should not hurt him.

However, he reminded this sentence.

"Well." After hearing Leng Aoyue's words, Shi Feng nodded gently.

Then he said to Jian Tong beside him: "Be careful, don't be careless."

"Okay, dear."

Shi Feng's tone was a little low and dignified, as if to say that sentence to her very seriously.

However, she had a hippie smile, as if she didn't care, and responded to Shi Feng.

She knew that no matter how dangerous the road ahead was, but as long as he was there, she would certainly protect herself.

Immediately afterwards, the three figures moved at the same time and flew forward.

All the magicians in the spirit demon continent are going through the vicious swamp to enter the war continent.

The vicious swamp, although it is also one of the fierce fierce battleland, but since those magicians can safely pass through the vicious swamp, it should be no problem.

Flying above the vicious swamp, it can be said that the sky above this vicious swamp is already within the range of this vicious swamp.

Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue can clearly sense that the invisible virulence has permeated the sky.

Not only the two of them, even Xiongmei, who was just a hippie with a smiley face, suddenly condensed at this moment.

Afterwards, Shi Feng swept the Nine Nether Nether Forces to Yin, and suddenly Leng Aoyue and Jian Tong were enveloped inside.

"Many years ago, I had heard that in this vicious swamp, lived a very fierce poison.

When entering this vicious swamp, as long as he meets the poison, Ren Xiuwei will be turned into poisonous water under the power of poison, and the smoke will disappear.

However, since the magicians of the spirit demon continent can pass through this vicious swamp one by one, it seems that it is just a legend.

Or maybe this poison is no longer in this vicious swamp. "

The three of them went forward, Leng Aoyue said to Shi Feng.

"Anyway, everything is better.

This vicious swamp gives me a bad feeling.

I am afraid that there is really something dangerous buried in it. "Shi Feng said this to Leng Aoyue."

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Leng Aoyue's face changed slightly.

The master is so strong that this vicious swamp will make him feel not so good?

At one time, in people's legends, it was nothing but a suspicion of the murderous creature of this vicious swamp, but it was only for the purpose of reaching the summit.

But the combat strength of the master?

As if seeing Leng Aoyue's doubts, Shi Feng said: "If things change today, everything will be different.

Just like the chaotic battlefield that you entered into the holy land, they all mutated into that.

Nowadays, the Continent of God of War has collided with other continents, and there may be new changes.

Like the vicious swamp below, it is highly likely that something will happen. "

Hearing Shi Feng's words, I remembered the chaotic battlefield that suddenly became completely different.

Leng Aoyue nodded clearly.

"Now in this world, everything should not be underestimated.

It is impossible to judge with the previous knowledge and vision. "

Shi Feng said this to Leng Aoyue again.

"The disciples understand, thank you for your teacher's teaching." At this moment, Leng Aoyue responded very respectfully.

"In this way, have you become so serious? It's easier.

In this way, people are quite suppressed. "Turning his head to look at Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue, Jian Tong said so.

In the vast swamp, when going deeper and deeper, the three people of Shi Feng can obviously feel that the invisible poison has become more and more violent.

Indistinctly, it seems that the void in front is boiling slightly.

"Indeed, it's not the same as the legend." Leng Aoyue said this again in response to the venom of the Quartet.

Today, Wu Daoxiu is in a half-step god, and after controlling the power in the body, the combat power has reached the **** double heaven.

Even, faintly going beyond the double sky, will reach the sign of the triple sky.

However, even this kind of him felt a little uncomfortable with the poison.

If he once climbed to the extreme and reached the extreme, after entering this vicious swamp, he might be difficult to get out.

"This world seems to be mutating as the master said.

I don't know what it will look like in the future. Leng Aoyue secretly said in his heart.

As time passed, this area of ​​the vicious swamp became more and more gloomy, and even became darker and darker.

All of a sudden, like three people, into the night.

However, the fundamental time, now, is just dusk.

The swamp of "Night" seems to be filled with even more unspeakable vicious danger.

At this moment, looking at the front, this vicious swamp is still endless, and there is no end in sight.

"It's weird." Suddenly, Leng Aoyue said this.

"What's going on?" Shi Feng asked him quickly when he heard Leng Aoyue.

"It seems that not only the virulence has mutated, but the range of this vicious swamp has also begun to mutate." Leng Aoyue said.

"According to the news, ordinary warriors, surpassing this vicious swamp, if there is no danger, it will only take half a day.

And at our speed, it should have been flying over this vicious swamp, but now ... "

Although the vicious swamp is a fierce land, there are many people in the world who are flying through the vicious swamp.

It's just that there are very few people who meet the legendary poison in the vicious swamp. It's hard to tell the truth.

It is after the collision between the Shenzhou Continent and the Spirit Demon Continent, Leng Aoyue secretly ordered people to come over and investigate.

Those people also went back and forth safely from this vicious swamp.

But now ...

"It's normal." Shi Feng simply said these three words.

After the great changes in the world, he has long been accustomed to these mutated worlds.

"Continue to go! But still that sentence, we should not be careless and always be vigilant." Shi Feng said again.

Since entering the world of this vicious swamp, his soul power has never been recovered. It has been sweeping in all directions and has been sensing all directions.

Be wary of all unknown dangers.

The sky is getting darker and darker.

Even static makes people feel a little depressed.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shi Feng heard Jiantong beside him, her face suddenly changed slightly, and then turned suddenly!

Chapter two

Jiantong turned around and there was nothing else behind her.

The darkness is dark.

Seeing Jiantong suddenly appearing this anomaly, Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue's flying figure stopped at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng asked her quickly.

Well, she just turned around suddenly, it must be her, what she felt.

"Just now, it seems that someone patted my back." However, Jian Tong said so.

This strange "dark night" immediately became even more strange.

Moreover, this sentence was even spoken from the mouth of a female ghost.

"Really?" Shi Feng asked her, "Will it be your illusion."

"It's not an illusion." Jian Tong replied very firmly: "I'm sure, just now, something really patted my back.

But ... but nothing. "

Shi Feng's soul power has always been felt. With the strength of his soul, it stands to reason that if someone approaches, he should be able to feel it.

In the endless sea battle, he devoured the souls of the magicians.

These magicians, who have purely cultivated the way of the soul, can imagine how powerful their soul power is.

After swallowing the souls of millions of magicians, Shi Feng, the spirit of heaven and earth, has already reached its peak.

It is about to reach the edge of breakthrough, at least there is still some lack of perception of the way of the soul.

Such a powerful soul power, logically speaking, basically everything is in his induction, not to mention something near them, and even patted Jian Tong's back.

Unless ... that is something that can completely avoid the power of his soul!

For this thing, Shi Feng, who has fought all the way and experienced multiple dangerous places, has encountered many times.

"Either, you enter me in the mountains of Xumi first," said Shi Feng to Jiantong.

However, after hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong slowly shook his head and said, "I don't want it, I want to be with you.

Moreover, I would like to see what exactly is behind me. "

Speaking of the last sentence, I only listened to Jian Tong's voice and suddenly cooled down.

At the same time, "Zheng!" A clear sound of Jianyin sounded.

Jiantong took out the sky sword that Shi Feng gave her directly.

Although she said that she did not fully integrate with this sword, but after these days of hard work, this sword can also use its power slightly.

Just can't fully play!

But for ordinary creatures, it is also extremely strong!

Hearing Jian Tong's words, seeing her like this, Shi Feng would not say anything.

"Then keep going," he said.

"Huh." Jiantong nodded, holding Tianjian in his hand, as if cutting it off at any time.

The vicious swamp, this void, gradually boiled more and more fiercely, the virulence is strengthening again.

"Dead!" However, at this moment, the flying Jiantong issued a burst of tenderness.

With this delicate drink, the sword in her hand immediately slashed back violently.

The space was suddenly torn by this path, and a fierce dark crack appeared.

Just after Jian Tong cut out the sword, a thunderous thunder thundered on Shi Feng and rolled black thunder, suddenly burst out of him, and swept violently in all directions.

However, under the mad thunder, Shi Feng can obviously feel that among the thunder, there are only three creatures: self, Jiantong and Lengaoyue.

There is nothing else!

In a moment of thought, the black mad thunder surged again.

Soon, all Shi Feng inhaled into his body.

"I didn't lie to you. Just now, something patted my back."

Looking at Shi Feng, Jian Tong said to Shi Feng very seriously.

"I believe in you!" Shi Feng nodded and responded seriously.

At this time, Jian Tong will not deceive himself for no reason.

So ... then, it should be something that cannot be sensed by the power of one's soul, even the Demon Black Thunder can't be reached.

Vicious Swamp!

This mutated swamp land!

"I have never heard anyone say that before entering this vicious swamp, there will be mysterious things that pat the back."

Leng Aoyue's solemn face frowned, saying so.

After saying this, he said again: "It seems that it is a mysterious thing that appeared after the mutation of the vicious swamp."

The master said that he believed this woman, and he naturally believed her too.

"No matter what it is, if I don't know anymore, I will definitely destroy it!"

Shi Feng said coldly.

This icy voice reverberated in this world.

This sentence, he is not just to Leng Aoyue, to Jian Tong.

It's more about the mysterious thing that slapped Jiantong's back.

Killing intention Ranran.

After speaking this sentence, a black lotus emerged from the top of his head.

Immediately afterwards, a huge, unmatched body with three heads and six arms emerged from above the black lotus.

The momentum is smooth, and only a moment has become the only one in this world.

Leng Aoyue raised his head and stared at the horrible black lotus, his face moving again.

Master, a powerful avatar, he witnessed his horror.

"Go!" Shi Feng said coldly again.

Three heads and six arms, three faces, staring at the three sides.

As Shi Feng's figure was flying, the body of three heads and six arms was moving quickly.

"Roar!" But at this moment, a very violent roar shouted in one of the big mouths.

This big mouth originated from gazing at the face behind Shi Feng's three people.

When this roar came out, I saw the two big hands holding the black staff and the black iron chain, suddenly violently violent.

Then, toward the space behind them, violently bombarded down.


At this moment, Shi Feng, Jian Tong and Leng Aoyue obviously heard a scream of fright.

The sound is very sharp, very harsh and unpleasant.

"Boom!" A burst of violent noise blasted.

As if heaven and earth collapsed, the universe was turned upside down.

This entire space has started a riot.

"Ah!" The screaming seemed as if it was extremely painful.

The three Shi Feng, who had already turned around, looked at the space where the black lotus was smashed.

In the riotous space, they faintly saw a white human-like figure, looming there.

The lonely boat, like a violent wind and waves, swings there frantically, looking extremely unstable.

"That's this thing?"

"I said, there is something." Jian Tong said.

"Humph!" Then she snorted coldly.

"Cut!" Immediately urged the Sky Sword in her hand, struck out.

A sword light, suddenly violently struck towards that white figure!

(End of this chapter)

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