Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3780: Giant War Giants

Chapter 3780 Giants and Giants

In the eyes, people saw the six big hands and slapped **** the black flame.

This also counts, after the protoss woman turned into this murderous creature, the two behemoths collided for the first time.

"Boom Boom Boom!" Under the beat, violent bursts of sound.

Earthshaking and powerful.

The whole world seemed to be shaken.

And everyone saw how powerful and horrible it was after the Protoss woman turned into a murderous creature, but the dark giant with three heads and six arms used his six hands to counteract the spitting out of the murderous creature. Dark flames.

Even under the madness of the six hands, the dark flames are constantly destroyed.

Toward the dark murderous creatures.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!"

As if seeing the black flames spitting out from the force of the destruction of the murderous creature, this murderous creature was startled and angry.

To her surprise, she had no idea that this was previously vulnerable in her eyes, as if it were like a ants, it could actually compete with herself!


This roar sounded as if the ancient dragon had made a roar, the sound of the dragon chanting, echoing the world.

Behind the dark murderous creature, the two flesh wings, also covered with dark scales, also slammed up, slamming left and right, and slammed towards the body of three heads and six arms.

Six big hands, still dancing.

Especially the two hands holding the dark soldiers, the dark staff, and the dark iron chain, struck **** the two fleshy wings coming from the fan.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Aw! Aw!" The dark flesh wing trembled violently, and it could be clearly heard that the dark murderous creature that the Protoss woman had turned into shouted with two extremely painful yells.

Immediately afterwards, under the violent movement of the remaining four large hands, the dark flames spit out from the murderous creatures all collapsed.

Taking advantage of this, the body of Black Lotus rushed forward, and in a flash, he rushed to the dark murderous creature.

Afterwards, the six big hands moved together again and again, and continued to smash towards the murderous creature.

It's just that the murderous creature didn't sit still waiting for it, and the two sharp seven-finger claws also danced wildly towards the front.

In this way, the two violent creatures were in close combat.

"Boom Boom! Boom Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"


The sounds of rage continued, and the void was constantly broken by their violent power, then healed, and broken again.

The violent power raged, and the darkness and hollow appeared continuously.

Seeing the two sides, it was really heart-wrenching and heart-shattering.

I am afraid that is the strongest battle they have seen in this life.

"Too ... too strong! This is so strong!"

"Actually, a battle of such a powerful thing broke out! I feel that if I get closer to that side, I'm afraid, I'll be in a state of soul?"

"This is simply a force that far surpasses us! What a terrifying force!"

"This time, we really thank the Jiuyou Shengzu! Fortunately, there are Jiuyou Shengzu, otherwise, the outcome can be imagined."

"Yes na! Yes na! Without the Nine Nine Saints Ancestors, we must be wiped out.

Jiuyou Shengzu is really too powerful. Worthy of being the teacher of the Holy Lord of Heaven and Earth. "


People fought again on the mainland of Shenzhou.

One by one, his eyes widened involuntarily at the moment.

When many eyes involuntarily look at the dark figure, they will show the color of sincere respect.

He is really the savior of all their souls!

"Different, some, different.

The rules of fate are changing. "At this moment, the three-eyed baby Tianguazi beside Leng Aoyue said this sentence.

"Guazi, you said yes?" Hearing Tian Guazi, Leng Aoyue turned his head and asked him.

Although he guessed a bit, what Tianguazi meant, he couldn't help but want to ask a clear question.

Tian Guazi replied: "Under my speculation on the power of fate, I only saw the murderous creature, but I never saw this horror incarnation of the Holy Nine Nine Saints.

It seems that there is no absolute fixed number of fate trajectories. "

"In my dream, I did not dream of this scene. It seems that the ending is not known at all."

Just as the voice of the Tianguazi fell, the third protector of the Tianhuang Holy Land, Fang Xiao, also followed the opening.

After hearing his two words, Leng Aoyue nodded slowly.

Then he turned back and looked at the one in front, murmured secretly: "Master!"

For this one, he has always had absolute confidence in him.

This was the case when they were on the Tianheng Continent. What they thought was impossible, this one did unexpectedly.

This one must not be inferred from common sense.

As long as this bit is present, there is nothing called a fixed number.


All the spirits of the Shenzhan Continent were shocked. The magicians of the magic camp of that side, under the order of the high priest Ka Jie, had long since retreated.

Keep away from the battlefield of that side, keeping a distance.

With their spiritual power, they are already physically weak.

Under such violent forces, they simply can't stand tossing.

Even if there is a touch of madness, I am afraid that you will die. Under that strength, the body is no different from the paper.


"That guy, once again beyond my expectations."

Shi Feng is also secretly speaking.

He once believed that the body with three heads and six arms might be able to contend with the gods Yaejeon under his own control.

And after the protoss woman turned into a murderous creature, he had fought with the gods of the Seventh Heavenly Power, and he speculated that the murderous creature would be above the eighth heaven.

As a result, the three-headed and six-armed body got rid of its own control, and after fighting with his consciousness, it turned out to be like this with the God Race woman above the Eighth Heaven.

"What ... what level of terror power does it belong to? Is the God of Heaven nine?"

Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Then, his eyes looked at the two warriors who danced frantically.

With these two soldiers, his strength greatly increased.

In the future, if all six of his hands are holding suitable soldiers for him, I don't know how strong they will be.

"What kind of existence does this black lotus body belong to? Why did he fall into the world of death?

It fell into the world of death, and the Nine Nether Demon was born in the world of death. What secrets are there in that world of death? "

Shi Feng's mind began to think about these.

Last time, his doppelganger returned to the subject. Now, he has no idea of ​​the world of death.

The apprentice of his apprentice is still in the world of death. I don't know how he is now.


"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Aoao! Aoao!"


Under the violent battle between the two murderous creatures, they continued to roar.

Against the other party constantly, launch the most violent and violent force.

Chapter two

The body of three heads and six arms is constantly being bombarded by the murderous creature.

And the murderous creature was also continuously hit by six big hands.

The existence of the two great horrors, the more fierce the fight, the more empty and chaotic.

A real world war.

At this moment, if no one has suppressed anyone, I don't know when these two murders will fight.

"Boom! Boom!"

Above the sky, the mad thunder was blasting violently.

Between the sky and the sea, there was still thunder and lightning.

It's just that the night, slowly coming, has already entered the night.

However, the battle on that side was not over at all, and there was no sign of ending.




Under the bombardment of the body with three heads and six arms, many of the dark scales on the murderous body had broken.

Large pieces of black blood poured out of her broken scales.

Continuously dripping towards the endless sea below.

Seeing this, Shi Feng naturally didn't want this blood to be wasted. His body was slightly shaken, and the black blood that fell down immediately changed the trajectory of the drop, and shot wildly towards Shi Feng.

"Oh!" The murderous creature seemed to see Shi Feng's motives, and then roared with great anger, his mouth wide open, revealing two rows of fierce fangs like a sword.

"Boom! Boom!"

She screamed in anger, obviously distracted.

However, the battle of such powerful men, if distracted, will pay an extremely heavy price.

At this moment, the two big hands kept bombarding his head.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!"

The dark murderous creature was so painful and angry that it did not dare to distract again, two claws, and danced violently, and flesh wings behind it, and quickly fanned again, against the three heads and six arms.

At the same time, he saw his big, open mouth, biting toward the body with three heads and six arms.

In an instant, Black Lotus's three heads and six arms moved back, avoiding the bite of this murderous creature.

Two big hands holding soldiers slammed the beast head like a fierce dragon.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!" The horrible murderous creature shouted again, and the sound of the roar was more violent than before.

Its emotions can also be seen as more violent and seemingly fierce.

In the dark terror, more and more blood shed, and these shed blood, still attracted by Shi Feng's strange power, was still shooting at him.

A large piece of black blood has now been sucked by Shi Feng, and his right palm is protruding out, facing away the black blood coming from the sky.

Black blood touched the palm of his hand and was swallowed by him.

When the black blood entered, he followed his palm and flowed to his more perverted Kirin Dantian.

"Sure enough!" As soon as the black blood enters Dantian and transforms into his energy, Shi Feng can clearly sense that the Dantian energy, which was originally difficult to change, has changed.

The energy is obviously increasing!

Immediately thereafter, more and more black blood poured into Shi Feng's palm, and then into Dantian.

The energy in Dantian continued to increase.

"If you kill this murderous creature and devour all of his blood, perhaps, I can go directly into the second heaven of the gods!"

Binocular stared at the horrible murderous creature again, Shi Feng said so secretly, that actually, he played the abacus of the behemoth.

If he could really kill this murderous creature, in addition to her whole body, there was also the power of her death.

Absolutely, unparalleled energy.

I just do n’t know if the Protoss woman knew at the moment that the abacus in Shi Feng ’s heart would be so angry.


"Ao! Ao!"

After a few waves of losses, the murderous creature transformed by the Protoss woman became more and more aggressive again and again.

Looking at it, it seemed as though he was irrational and wanted to avenge the revenge of the bombing just now.

In addition to bombarding the three heads and six arms, he was still biting at him constantly.

However, this time and again bite, were safely escaped by these three heads and six arms.

Compared with him, he is much calmer.

"Oh!" And biting the air again and again, she became more and more angry.

"It seems that this incarnation of Jiuyou Shengzu has the upper hand?" The warrior said.

"Well, the murderous creature became extremely violent. Although the offensive was fierce, it gradually lost its rules."

"If you continue this way, I am afraid that the Nine Nine Saints can really kill this murderous creature."

"But, kill this murderer earlier and end this battle!

Fight, come to an end soon! "

"Um. Jiuyou Shengzu, we will definitely win! Certainly!"


"It's not good, it's not good! What to do, High Priest Kachu."

Naturally, the battlefield there has always been the focus of magicians.

Next to Ka Jie, a middle-aged female magician asked Ka Jie anxiously.

"Hey!" Ka Jie sighed deeply at her words.

I originally thought that after this one came, this battle would be directly ended.

But I do n’t think ...

There are really too many accidents in this battle today.

It was originally thought that it was an extremely easy battle, just slaughter directly.

As a result ... everything went beyond their expectations.

Thinking of this in his mind, Ka Jie also knew that now he had to retreat.

Otherwise, as soon as the adult dies, they, the million magicians, will be left here completely.

Afterwards, Ka Jie raised his magic staff high and was about to announce: "Everyone ..."

However, when Ka Jie just announced these three words, he saw a sudden change.

The horror that had become extremely violent suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, the violent blow of the three heads and six bodies blasted forward, and actually hit an empty.

Three dark faces, exactly the same as Shi Feng, suddenly changed, and both eyes opened at the same time.

"Oh!" Then, a scream like a dragon yelled again.

The murderous creature that had just disappeared suddenly appeared in the body of the three heads and six arms, and the open big mouth was suddenly biting up.

"Boom!" There was a violent violent blast.

Although the three-headed and six-armed body has six hands, its legs are like ordinary people, with only two.

At this moment, the big feet of the two red fruits were bitten fiercely by the murderous creature.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Like a roar of extreme pain, this time, roar from the three big mouths of the three heads and six arms.

"Great! Great!"

"Bit it, finally bit it!"

"This Protoss Lord, great!"


The magicians who had been languishing suddenly got excited.

At this moment, it seemed as if he raised his eyebrows.

As if they were biting the big feet of the giant.

The repression and unhappiness just now have been discussed at this moment. The high priest Ka Jie who originally announced his withdrawal also slowly put the staff that was lifted up back slowly ...

(End of this chapter)

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