Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3776: Endless sea, go!

Chapter 3776 Endless Sea, go!

Knowing the strange power controlled by Leng Aoyue, there is no need to try to collide again after the second heaven of the gods.

Shi Feng opened his mouth and said to him: "I feel that although you are in control of that force, you are not completely in control.

It's very different from the force that erupted from your body. "

"Oh!" Leng Aoyue in the distance of Aoli, hearing the master's words, looked slightly.

"This ... Tu'er didn't feel it."

It seems that this strange power is indeed strange, even Leng Aoyue who can control it now says so.

"No matter how well you feel, since you can control this force now, it will definitely be a great help for you in the future." Shi Feng said.

"Well, Tu'er knows." Leng Aoyue nodded.

This can be regarded as a blessing by misfortune.

I originally thought that there was something bad about Leng Aoyue, but in the end, it made him stronger.

This matter can be regarded as a conclusion.


Time passed slowly again.

These days, Shi Feng is still sitting cross-legged in the ruins as before.

After these days of cleaning and repairing, the holy land of heaven and wasteland has been completely rebuilt and has gradually reproduced the sights of the past.

However, only the place where Shi Feng is located is still a ruin, and has become a wonder in the heavenly holy land.

Every time the disciples of the Holy Land pass by this ruin, they will turn their gaze to reverence, because this one is here.

Today's reverence, in addition to the absolute identity of this one, there is this one, at the bottom of the Tianhe at that time, demonstrated the absolute strength.

On that day, it was him who entered Tianhe and saved everyone in Tianhuang Holy Land.

There are also visitors who enter the holy land of heaven and fright when they pass this ruin.

"The Heavenly Waste Holy Land has now been rebuilt, why is it still the same here."

When someone hears this question, Tianhuang disciples will proudly answer: "Because, our nine ancestors in the heavenly holy land, here!"

Today, the Nine Nine Saint Ancestors have indeed become the proud capital of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land.


"Master, the demon and the protoss army, we will arrive at Zhongzhou in a short time, we can now set off, and fight with those guys in the endless sea!"

On this day, Leng Aoyue came again in person and said to Shi Feng, who was practicing with closed eyes.

"Oh, is it coming soon?" Shi Feng slowly withdrew from the practice, opened his eyes slowly, and said to Leng Aoyue in front of Ao Li.

"Yes, Master!" Leng Aoyue's face was solemn and he nodded to Shi Feng.

"So, let's go!" Shi Feng said.

When he said this, his figure moved, and he got up.

Today, the sky is gloomy and the clouds are rolling.

Between the world and the earth, the cold wind blows.

The weather today is not very beautiful.

There are many holy places in the wild, already ready to go.

The sentient beings who have come to the Heavenly Waste Holy Land have already learned that the demon and the Protoss Army are coming, and they are all ready.

Afterwards, his head was lifted off and took off.

Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, and the powerhouses of Tianhuang lead the disciples of Tianhuang.

After these days of recovery, the Tian Gua Zi who cultivated the way of fate seems to have recovered and flew beside Leng Aoyue.

The rest of the forces, sentient beings, flew behind everyone in the sky.

"Ao Yue!"

"Brother Ao Yue!"

"Brother Leng!"


It was at this time that a cry of Taodao came, and several figures also flew to Leng Aoyue and Shi Feng.

These people, Shi Feng also knew that it was the forces of Tianhuang Holy Land, Shenhuo Temple, Tianyin Holy Land, etc., who came to help the warriors in the endless sea.

For example, the heavenly holy land is born with the holy lord, and the nine-star holy land is shining.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth, Reverse Tribulation!

"Meet the Nine Nine Saints!"

And these coming strong men immediately shouted respectfully to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng nodded slightly to them and said:

"You don't need to be polite."

These people are all friends of Leng Aoyue, that is, their own friends.

In the battle of the Endless Sea, the Heavenly Waste Holy Land was clearly at a disadvantage, and since they came to help each other, they were friends who could give everything for the other party, even life.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the three men's fisted hands dispersed, and they smiled, and nodded slightly to the Nine Nine Saint Ancestor.

"My teacher has not been limited to these etiquettes, you are free to be casual." Leng Aoyue said to them.



In this sky, a crowd of people looked around at once, densely, like an endless stream, like a surging river, and began to go to the endless sea.

"Aoyue, a few days ago, you have refused to disclose to us that this person's true cultivation behavior.

Just ask us to believe you.

Now that the war is imminent, you should stop selling Guanzi, but can you tell me, what kind of cultivation did your teacher Jiuyou Shengzu achieve? "

Behind Shi Feng, Tianyuan Shengzhu Yuanxie made a quiet voice and asked Leng Aoyue.

When Yuan Xie's remark came out, the Nine Nine Saint Lord Star beside him, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and the robbery of the Lord, all raised their ears to listen.

Not only they, but even Tianguazi, were actually extremely curious about this person's cultivation behavior.

Although he had seen the strength of this one with his own eyes, he still wanted to know how terrible he had achieved.

"It's not that I refuse to say it, it's me, and I haven't figured out how he can do it." Leng Aoyue answered them in this way.

But after saying this, he said: "To say Wu Dao Xiu Wei, he is now practicing in Tianshen, but his real combat power is far above that."

"Cultivation is in heaven for God?"

"Tenjin's cultivation of the heavens?"


After hearing Leng Aoyue's answer, Yuan Xie, Xing Yao, and Rebellion changed at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Xie spoke again: "As far as I know, the demon people of the Spirit Demon Continent, there are several ways of the soul in the realm of the gods!

According to the information received, there are two heavens, and even three heavens. "

Obviously, this Heavenly Source Saint Lord now shows some uneasiness.

Not only him, but even the two next to him.

They believe that even if Leng Aoyue said that his master Wu Daoxiu is far above the heavenly heaven, then the terror reached the heavenly heaven.

Even if it is even more powerful, Tianshen Yitian has the power of Tianshen triple heaven, is that already against the sky?

A few days ago, Leng Aoyue kept asking them to believe that he was, but now ...

"I knew that if you said these things to you, you would be like that." Their expressions naturally fell into Leng Aoyue's eyes.

After meeting the endless years with them, and also after a lot of major events, Leng Aoyue naturally knows what these guys are thinking.

Chapter two

"But ... now the master's martial arts cultivation practice, if the gods are so important, we are probably going to die in this battle."

The one who spoke was still the God Sovereign of the Heavenly Source.

The uneasiness on his face did not go away.

Yuan Xie said this, although the other two did not speak, but it also means the same thing.

This worry.

Leng Aoyue said, "Don't you believe me after meeting me for so long?

But I am really unsure. How can I let you come to my holy land to fight against the demons.

The martial arts combat power of our division is far from what you think.

In fact, I do n’t know that I do n’t know his real combat strength. Now, even he himself ca n’t figure it out.

But my teacher told me that his real power, I am afraid, has reached the eighth heaven of the gods, even, maybe even higher! "

"Tianjin Yaetian?"

"Could it be higher?"

"Tenjin's cultivation of the realm of heaven is so powerful?"


After hearing Leng Aoyue's words, the three people were immediately shocked.

"Really?" Yuan Xie said with some unbelief.

This is simply impossible.

For them, being able to enter the realm of the gods is already a matter of extreme antagonism.

However ... this person is saying that the God of Heaven is so important that he has this kind of ...

"I believe it!" However, when these few people were still in shock, the silent Tianguazi beside him said so.

"These are matters of our lives, Aoyue, Guazi, can't make a joke."

At this moment, it was the nine-star holy land holy lord, Xing Yao.

"Yeah!" Xing Yao's words fell, and the robbery nodded.

"As you all know, I am not a joke.

You, see for yourself now, if you believe me, you will go to the endless sea together.

Now if you want to quit this battle, it's too late. "Leng Aoyue said.

When speaking this sentence, the face was extremely serious and extremely serious.

"What is this?" Yuan Xie said: "You also know us, since you choose to fight, you will never step back.

Since you are in the war, even if you know that you will die, we will never look back. "

"That's it!" Xing Yao said.

"That's right." Reverse robbery also said.

Hearing these words from these guys, Leng Aoyue grinned.

It's no regret to be able to make such friends in this life.

I hope this battle can be won, everyone, do not have to die.

"Hey!" Hearing the words of these people, Tian Guazi, at this moment, let out a deep sigh.

At this moment, he seemed to remember something suddenly.

Hearing Tian Guazi's sigh, the few people looked at him immediately.

"Guazi, what's wrong?" Yuan Xie asked him immediately.

Tian Guazi suddenly realized that now, he should not be the time to sigh.

Just now, it was really involuntary.

He immediately opened his mouth and answered to him: "Nothing."

"I can see that you must have something." Yuan Xie said.

"Guazi, what's the matter?" Xing Yao also asked him.

"Couldn't you guess what?" The counter-robber realized what it was and immediately asked the sentence.

This little guy looks like that, but it is the first person in the war of destiny on the mainland.

And now he uttered this sigh, making them have to suspect that he had something to do!

And this matter, I am afraid it will be related to this war.

And sigh, could it be this battle, not good?

"Relax, I sighed because I thought of something that has nothing to do with this battle." Tian Guazi said so.

He didn't want to tell them what he had calculated at this time.

"Really?" Yuan Xie frowned, still looking suspicious.

"Relax, it's true." Tian Gua Zi replied.

"Oh!" Yuan Xie nodded.

"Hey!" With this sigh, Tian Gua Zi sighed in his heart.

Hopefully, things should not be as they calculated.

Hopefully, that one can use his absolute power to change his life!

When these words were secretly spoken in his heart, Tian Guazi's gaze gazed on the black figure in front of him.

It can be said that in this battle, the lives of all these people are pinned on him.

Everyone wants to live well.

All want to slaughter those invading guys and restore the old continent of God of War.


"Terrorist creatures calculated by Tian Gua Zi, will this battle really happen?"

"Can my black lotus really beat the murderous creature?"

During the flight, Shi Feng's mind has been flashing these problems.

Now that the war is imminent, he can't tolerate it.

"Anyway, it's a battle!"





Dao Dao phonetic sound, sang in my heart.

No matter what the opponent is, no matter what the opponent has, no matter what the opponent's strength is, they have to face it and they have to fight one.

Do your best!


The mighty army, and then the mighty surge forward.

Time passed slowly, gradually ...

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Just listening to the sound of waves, coming from the front, getting louder and louder.

Shi Feng looked up, an endless sea appeared in his own eyes.

The waves of waves are extremely fierce and violently beating like giants, fierce and fierce, extremely violent.

The endless sea is finally here.

But now, except for the violent giant waves, there is nothing else on this endless sea.

It seems that the battle between the demon and the Protoss Army has not yet arrived.

Afterwards, the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, together with the forces, all entered the endless sea, suspended above the stormy sea.

"Aoyue, how long will they be there?" Shi Feng said at that moment, and asked Leng Aoyue behind him.

"You can arrive tomorrow!" Leng Aoyue Shen Sheng replied.

Tomorrow can be reached, which means that tomorrow, in this endless sea, the outbreak of a world war will erupt.

"Well! Good." Shi Feng responded.

After answering this, he no longer has much.

Continue to watch the sea quietly, just like that, start to wait.

All sentient beings also began to wait.

A tremendous battle is coming, one by one, also showing tension, even uneasy.

"You said, can we survive?"

"It's hard to say, even though this nine-nine ancestor knew that he was strong, in fact, no one knew how strong he really was, and he didn't know if he could compete with the demon.

"Yes! I think so too.

Hey, forget it, don't think about it anymore, try your best to fight anyway, and now we have no choice.

There is no place for us to hold the war on the continent. "

"Yes! I have to escape! I can only go all out!"

Hopefully, we can all survive!

Survive! "

(End of this chapter)

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