Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3627: Dongfeng Imperial City [2 in 1]

Chapter 3627 East Wind Emperor City [two in one]

Jin Mo's beauty is unparalleled in the world, and she has become a sage of red face. After practicing the sage of red face, her temperament is even more dusty.

Even this demons are obsessed with it.

"That's right. In the future, you will stay with the deity and serve the devotion with all your heart. The deity will let you survive this calamity."

The demon man, in a high-minded posture, pointed at Jin Mo with a paper fan in his hand and said.

"Daydreaming!" Jin Mo responded coldly to him.

As for Jin Mo's words, he seemed to have not heard them at all.

After turning his eyes, he looked at Shi Feng again, and said, "As for your little white face, um ... this deity can be obtained by this deity. The deity is in a good mood and will not kill you. I will abandon your cultivation and give Let ’s raise them.

At that time, I will show you that the happiness you get by staying with your deity after serving her deity is simply what you can give. "

Discarded, captive!

This demonic group treats Shi Feng as a beast at all.

"You are, really annoying, **** it!" At this moment, Jin Mo's turn was cold.

Then she saw her right hand leaning forward.

"Oh, my big beauty is angry!" The Mozu man was calm and calm.

Then he spoke again, and ordered the magic soldier behind him: "Okay, Shiyue magic soldier, you shot it, remember, don't hurt my beauty, otherwise, the deity will never forgive you."

"Observe!" The top ten demons sang aloud.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the ten great demons flying up at the same time. At the same time, Daodao was soaring into the sky, and rushed out from above the ten soldiers.

Each magic pillar revolved violently like a tornado, and the ten magic pillars also began to move rapidly in an extremely mysterious trajectory, constantly changing orientation.

In order to change the color of the situation, the sun and the moon are dark, looking at that scene, as if the end of the world is coming!

"Good mysterious magic array!" Shi Feng looked at the front, and said, "The ten soldiers of the realm of the **** king, urged this magic array, and their strength reached the peak.

These ten magic soldiers are this man's arrogant capital? "

In Tianheng mainland, with such a force, it is almost possible to walk sideways.

However, they were very unfortunate today and met Jin Mo and Shi Feng.

Then I saw the palm out of Jin Mo, facing the ten magic pillars just a pinch away!






The roaring sounds continued to ring at this moment.

I saw the ten powerful pillars of fierce whirlwind and unparalleled power, and they all collapsed.


Even the movement caused by the collapse is earth-shattering, as if ten mountains collapsed together.

"This ... what's going on?" That Demon man, that disdainful face, suddenly changed dramatically at this moment, his face was extremely shocked.

It had already become so ahead, he already knew what was going on there.

I just didn't expect that the powerful Shiyue Demon Soldiers and the Shiyue Demon Formation that they concluded would be ...





The screams began to ring.

After Jin Mo broke through the Shiyue Formation, he directly killed the ten demon soldiers, and ten demon corpses violently attacked, the blood of the demon splattered, and the broken limbs fluttered.

For such ferocious aliens, Jin Mo will not relent.

Immediately after that, he saw that the Demon man's body moved suddenly, soaring into the sky.

The Shiyue Demon Arrays were all destroyed, and the Shiyue Demon soldiers were all killed. If they stay here again, they will be killed.

I didn't expect to meet such a powerful human race here today.

Enter this continent, although his father often warned, do not underestimate the Tianheng continent.

However, seeing the hordes of small and weak creatures on this continent, he almost forgot his father's words.

Really, I thought that I was the first in this Tianheng continent!

"Huh! Don't want to run away!" Jin Mo looked at the flying Demon Man again and hummed.

This devil's speech tunes himself, and even humiliates his beloved.

"Ah!" The man of the Mozu sensed immediately, a violent suction came.

Then, I felt my own body, flying backwards, and flew towards the two people.

Turning around and turning his head again, he saw the beautiful face of the allure once again, already covered with endless killing intention.

"No! Don't kill me! Don't kill me." This demon man yelled at Jin Mo, as if begging.

Hearing that shout, Jin Mo asked, "Those who have been killed by you are also begging, but have you ever been soft?"

"I ... I have softened my hands, I have softened my hands!" The Demon man quickly answered.

Anyway, it is true or false, no one knows.

"Trust you a ghost!" Shi Feng said.

Then he said to Jin Mo: "This person has a different identity. Try to extract his soul."

"OK." Jin Mo nodded slightly.

It's just, "Ah!"

Jin Mo had just twitched his soul, and a scream of screams so loud that it sounded from the mouth of this man of the demons.

Followed, soon silent.

The demon body that flew violently towards this side was motionless.

Jin Mo said to Shi Feng: "He has already lost his spirit."

"Well, I already know." Shi Feng nodded and said.

Regardless of these demons and protoss, it is so difficult to stay alive.

During the operation of Jiuyou Gong, the demon blood that surged in this sky and sky swarmed towards Shi Feng.

These demons have been destroyed, and the power of Shi Feng's soul is sweeping wildly in this city.

Soon, the whole city was once again shrouded in the power of their soul.

Shi Feng said to Jin Mo: "This city is already a waste city. There is no soul. Let's go. Let's continue."

"Huh!" Jin Mo nodded slightly.

Then, I suddenly remembered something and said, "You said earlier that there are three cities, is Dongfeng Imperial City?"

"Yeah!" Shi Feng nodded and said, "We don't pass by Dongfeng Imperial City."

"I ... want to go to Dongfeng Imperial City." Jin Mo said.

"Oh!" Shi Feng said, "Oh," and said, "If you want to go, we will pass the Dongfeng Empire."

It seems that this Dongfeng Imperial City has nothing to worry about her.


Thinking of this, Shi Feng said to her, "You have already seen it all the way. Today's Tianheng continent has long been an injustice.

The Dongfeng Imperial City, I am afraid, has already changed.

Before you enter, you need to be mentally prepared. "

"I know." Jin Mo nodded.

"Ah!" Followed, sighing softly.

Then she said, "Princess Yanyu of Dongfeng Empire, when we came to the Tianlan Empire, they agreed with me. I felt that we had many, many similarities, so they formed Jinlan and became good sisters.

And now ... I don't know what happened to her. "

Talking, Jin Mo said with emotion.

In fact, she should already know in her heart that the end of her sister's encounter.

"Check it out and you will know." Shi Feng said.

"Huh!" Jin Mo nodded slightly.


Tianheng mainland, Dongyu, Dongfeng Imperial City!

"Hurry up!"

"Quick! Defend! Defend!"

"Do your best, be sure to defend! Be sure!"

"Defense! In order to survive! Only by resisting these aliens, we don't have to die!"



The shrieks of exhausted shouts kept ringing in this world.

Daodao figure, suspended above the Eastern Imperial City.

At a glance, there were hundreds of thousands of people, all of them human!

Hundreds of thousands of people at this moment actually connected their power into a line, gathered in the large city of Dongfeng Imperial City.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"



Outside the moat, there are dense figures.

There are protoss, and even more demons.

The amount of urging force keeps raging towards this moat.

Many of these protoss and demons have reached the level of the **** king, even those who climb to the top and beyond.

It stands to reason that these forces are united together to break the large array of Dongfeng Imperial City in the Eastern Region, but it is easy.

But ... is blocked by these hundreds of thousands of forces.

Many of them are not so convinced that they can block the powerful aliens.

Some people doubt that the absolute strong should be hidden among them.

However, for the people of Dongfeng Emperor City, this is naturally a great thing. The brave did not want to disclose, and no one said anything.

"It is said that Dongyu has almost fallen. We Dongfeng Imperial City, but a city that rarely survives!"

"I heard that the other cities are already dead and bloody, so terrible! Hey!"

"We are lucky to survive in Dongfeng Imperial City."

"Well, yeah! Thanks to the powerhouses hiding it!"

"Hey, I just don't know, how long can we keep the Dongfeng Imperial City! Those aliens seem to be more and more!

If this continues, I'm afraid ... "

"Today, this is already very good. We can only take one step and count."


The head of Dongfeng Emperor City Emperor Palace, the emperor stood on the top of the company accompanied by the ministers, and always looked up.

At this time, just listening behind him, there was a terrified roar: "Your Majesty, it's not good, the seal in the teleportation altar was ... broken!"

"Ah! What!"


"Ah! What a surprise!"

When the shouts were heard, the ministers suddenly changed their countenances, and screamed in shock.

Dongfeng Emperor City is now occupied by the Quartet, and it stands alone.

The Emperor Dongfeng had already asked someone to seal the teleport altar in the imperial city to prevent aliens from transmitting to the imperial city through the altar.

The result was unexpected ...

In this case, the Dongfeng Empire will inevitably be more dangerous!

"Notify the city's magician, no, the people in the city who have not entered the battle, including you. At this moment, all go to the teleportation altar and destroy the altar completely!"

The Emperor Dongfeng quickly ordered these ministers.

"Yes! Follow your orders!"




Hearing the words of the Emperor Dongfeng, the ministers shouted out loud.

This includes the lives of all of them, naturally unsatisfied, and the statures flickered all at once, and in an instant, only the Emperor Dongfeng remained above the palace.

After seeing everyone disappear, the Dongfeng Emperor looked up again and looked up.

"Ancestral ancestors are blessed! Definitely, we must hold on!" At this moment, the Emperor Dongfeng began to secretly pray.

However, what he can do now is only so.

Tianheng continent has countless countries. It is said that it controls the country's emperor, and martial arts are good throughout the country.

However, the emperor of the Dongfeng Empire was an incapable practitioner of martial arts.

At first, it was scorned.

However, since the emperor died, he inherited the throne for so many years, but he managed the Dongfeng Empire in an orderly manner, with good weather, and Guotai Min'an.

Some people even call him a generation of emperors!

But ... In the face of true absolute power, this Dongfeng Great Empire had to bow its head to the Tianlan Empire a few years ago.


Tianan City!

Shi Feng and Jin Mo are also standing on the space teleport altar of Tian Ancheng at this moment.

Their next city is the Dongfeng Imperial City.

However, Shi Feng had previously sensed that the altar in Dongfeng Imperial City had been sealed.

So he used his means to forcibly break that seal.

"Well, we should be able to enter that Dongfeng Imperial City." Shi Feng said to Jin Mo.



Immediately after, they saw a white light rushing up from the altar, and in an instant, they engulfed Shi Feng and Jin Mo.


In the Dongfeng Empire teleportation shrine, many figures have gathered at this moment.

One by one, they are urging all their strength, and continue to blast at the altar.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom!"



The sound of blasting burst out loud on the altar.

Ancient altar, crazy storm.

The ancient and broken altar looked more and more broken.

It's just that ... the whole altar was not completely broken.

"Everyone must destroy this altar, otherwise, if aliens enter through this altar, the situation of our Dongfeng Imperial City will be even worse!"

Exclaimed a magnificent man.

As he shouted these words, he saw his face panicking.

This is an ancient cross-domain space transmission altar. I don't know how many years have passed here.

It used to be thought that this altar would not collapse a few times before it would collapse.

Therefore, in general, there is no major event, and you are not willing to use it at all.

But now I didn't expect that when I really wanted this thing to collapse, it was so solid.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The roar was still loud.

However, at this moment, everyone suddenly saw that a white light descended from the sky, entered the temple of teleportation, and fell on the old and broken altar.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

The whole altar suddenly shook even more.

"Ah, no!"

"not good!"

"No, there is an alien invasion! Some aliens have entered our Dongfeng Imperial City!"

Immediately, just listening to the panic of shouts, in this shrine continued to resound, one after another, showing extreme panic.

Soon, the white light had dissipated, and two extraordinary figures fell in their eyes ...

(End of this chapter)

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