Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3575: Who is ahead, who is behind? [2 in 1]

3575-Lady [2 in 1]

Skull Yan said those words to Shi Feng and Jin Mo. Shi Feng slowly sensed that Skull Yan was getting more and more wrong.

The shape of Shi Feng and Jin Mo immediately met at this moment.

Seeing Shi Feng stop, Skull Yan also stopped.

When Shi Feng saw the black skull face, a fierce light flashed.

A white object shaped like a butterfly appeared in Jin Mo's hands, and the power of Mori Han suddenly appeared.

Just in case, Jin Mo sacrificed this secret object to protect himself and Shi Feng.

"Don't be fooled by evil things, wake up quickly!" Shi Feng screamed at the skeleton Yan.

With the shout of Shi Feng, the dark skull trembled.

Gu Yan's skull face followed.

"Master ..." Followed, he shouted to Shi Feng again.

At this time, Shi Feng felt that his suffocation and killing intentions were fading.

"How are you?" Shi Feng asked him immediately.

"The situation is not so good, the voice has been bewitching to me." Skeleton said.

"Relax, try it in my mysterious space." Shi Feng said.

Skeleton Yan is really crucial. If he loses his mind, he and Jin Mo will soon face a dangerous situation.

Skull Yan and his Thunderbolt Axe are absolutely unstoppable.

"OK." Skeleton Yan said.

Shi Feng already sensed that he had let go of his mind.

As soon as he thought about it, Skeleton Yan shone with a white light, and was immediately sucked into Shimei Mountain by Shi Feng.

"How?" Shi Feng moved again and asked him quickly.

"Wait!" Skull Yan replied.

Shi Fengjing waited, Jin Mo turned his head and looked behind him.

In the eyes, she didn't see the darkness again. Slowly, she let go of her heart, turned her head, and looked at Shi Feng.

"You can also hear that voice bewildering." Skull Yan said to Shi Feng.

"Master, while I'm conscious now, I'll conclude a contract with my master and servant. If I get out of control, you can also manipulate me." Skeleton suggested.

This is a good way.

Shi Feng nodded slightly, his heart moved again, and white light flashed again.

The skeleton Yan who was inhaled by Xu Mishan appeared again.

Shi Feng had already sensed it, Skull Yan had been letting go of himself.

Slightly move your right hand to conclude a fingerprint.

"You are so powerful that the people in front of you are nothing but ants. Do you really want to recognize him as such?"

"What about your pride?"

"Don't forget, at first, as long as your old master didn't die, you will never become a person who looks like a human and a ghost does not look like a ghost. What about him? What did he do?"

"Did you not realize it? If you have concluded a master-slave contract with him, then you will be under his control forever and ever?

Even if he continues to torture you, he can only endure and cannot resist. "

"Destroy him! Are you really willing, he and his woman have been stimulating you?"

"Woman! Destroy him, then the woman next to him belongs to you. What a beautiful woman, the world is unique and unique. Isn't it true that you don't mind?"

"Stop doing stupid things, and kill him again. With one axe, you can put him in danger.

You are, the strong black Yan! In this world, you have surpassed countless strong ones! "


The sound of Daodao still echoed in the skull of Gu Yan.

The skull face of Gu Yan flashed the complex face constantly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Skeleton's face must be certain, yelling loudly: "Give me away! Get away! This seat, you do not need to give pointers!"

At this moment, a white mark appeared on Shi Feng's fingerprints.

Soon afterwards, Shi Feng printed and struck Skull Yan, hitting his heart.

The Dawson White Mark was immediately shaken into the skeleton.

The seal of master and servant between Shi Feng and Skull Yan was concluded in an instant.

"Thank Master!" Become Shi Feng's slave, Skull Yan thanked him.

After the previous loss of reason, Skull Yan knew very well that as long as he was captured by the voice of deceit, he would lose his mind completely and be controlled by the voice of deceit.

There is a master-servant mark with Shi Feng. As long as the mark does not die, he will be manipulated by this new master, even after losing his mind.

"Go!" Shi Feng spit out the word again.

After Skull Yan, he realized that this ghost place is not simple.

Even the powerful fierce creatures such as Skull Yan can be deceived by something, it is hard to imagine what is here.

Today, they have only one way to go and have no choice.

Backward, there was that terrible dark erosion.

To the left and right, above the rolling green river, there are more weird and unknown dangers.

"Huh!" Jin Mo's pretty face was full of solemnity, and he nodded.

The white thing from the sacrifice was not stowed by her, and she has been urging Nathan's power to continue to protect her and Shi Feng.

Immediately afterwards, the three figures twitched and continued to fly forward.


Flying forward all the way.

During the flight, the black skull face of Skull Yan kept changing.

Although he successfully concluded the contract with the master and servant of Shi Feng, let the voice continue to confuse him.

Even Skeleton Yan said to Shi Feng, let Shi Feng always pay attention, he is very likely to lose heart and lose his mind at any time.

"Well! When did these two men appear in front of us?" Suddenly, Jin Mo made a sound of surprise.

Shi Feng also saw that a man and a woman who had been surpassed by them had even flown in front of them.

These two people have obviously been taken by them, far behind them.

What is going on here?


"Huh?" And when Shi Feng and Jin Mo were surprised, Xin Fu flew in front of her, and her face moved suddenly.

She also felt the three figures in the back, and above her face, she suddenly appeared surprised.

He remembered that the dark skeleton and the magnificent man and woman, especially the woman, were beautiful and beautiful, making her jealous.

These three evil spirits had previously flown in front of themselves and Qi Qi.

But at this moment ... it appeared behind me.

But soon, Xin Fu thought that they were the evil spirits here, and it was no surprise.

It was just that they flew towards themselves again, Xin Fu's heart lifted again.

Last time, although the three evil spirits did not kill their two, who knows what will happen this time.

It is impossible to measure what the evil spirit is going to do with normal thinking.

As Xinfu panic, a gentle voice passed into her ears: "Don't be afraid, there is me! In this life, I will be by your side to protect you."

The sound was naturally inspired by the crickets beside her.

Xinfu turned her head and looked at him, but saw Qi Qi grin and smile at herself.

She smiled very sunny, yet with an unspeakable tenderness.

"This is, Qi Qi?" And looking at such Qi Qi, Xin Fu had such a feeling from her heart.

Along the way, he felt more and more that the Qi around him was different from the past.

Especially at this moment, he really felt very different.

It's as if it's been reborn, it's like a different person.


"Did I promise him in a hurry, and then rejected him, so that made him ... like this?" Xin Fu thought in her heart.

The next moment, he saw Qi Qi flying beside him, his body suddenly moved and moved behind him.

Then he turned around and faced the three evil spirits rushing behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Xinfu heard a cold drink: "Xinfu, let's go! Leave me alone, live for me!"

Xin Fu has sensed that Qi Qi at this moment has opened her arms and urged her full strength.

Looking at his posture, he is already trying to block the three evil spirits for himself.

It was like trying desperately with those three evil spirits.

Unconsciously, Xinfu's heart rose inexplicably.

Thinking back to this life, this is the first time for a man to do it for himself, so!

At the expense of his own life, he strives for a chance to live.

Thinking of this, Xin Fu's eyes were sore and faint, and tears had flashed.

Immediately, she turned around and shouted at Qi Qi from the other side: "Qi Qi ..."

When she shouted these two words, she saw that Qi Qi turned around, and a gentle smile appeared on that face again.

This smile fell into Xin Fu's eyes at the moment and looked very charming.

She found that the moment when Qi Qi was so charming, she was drunk.

Qi Qi said, "Xin Fu, I love you!"

Hearing these five words, Xin Fu's heart trembled.

Heart is moving! Even, it has a wonderful feeling.

"Yi Qi!" Xin Fu shouted again.

And at this moment, that Qi Qi had turned back, and that wide back fell in Xin Fu's eyes.

This back is often seen on weekdays, but at this moment, looking at it, in such a dangerous situation, Xinfu felt extremely solid and extremely at ease.

This ... Maybe it's called security!


"This person wants to work hard with us?" Shi Feng said, looking at Qi Qi in front of him.

"Oh!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng and Jin Mo suddenly heard a loud beast-like rage.

Space was boiling wildly.

Skeleton Yan has changed!

A dark cold light flashed, and the thunder axe suddenly appeared in the hand of Skeleton Yan.

A violent, fierce breath, Dun rose from the skeleton Yan body.

Looking at it this way, it seems that Skeleton Yan really lost his heart.

Shi Feng's thoughts moved immediately.

"Oh!" The dark skeleton shuddered under a roar.

Shi Feng immediately let the rising violent, ferocious breath to forcibly suppress back.

"Eh! Hey! Hey!" But skeleton Yan kept roaring, just like a wild beast that had gone crazy.

Seeing Jin Mo's face uneasy, Shi Feng comforted her: "Relax, he has been manipulated by me, and nothing will happen."


"Xinfu, you ..." A pair of Qi Qi desperately trying to move, his face moved at this moment, turning his head to look beside him.

I saw that Xin Fu, who had been flying far away, flew back to him and stood side by side with him.

When Xin Qi looked up, Xin Fu smiled at him.

She said, "I thought about it. At my speed, even if you block these three evil spirits for me, they will catch up with me sooner or later. If you really want to kill me, you will kill me sooner or later.

Instead of that, I might as well be with you, we, life and death together! "

Speaking of the last sentence, Xinfu showed her shameful face, lowered her head slightly, and some did not dare to see Qi Qi.

Seeing Xinfu like this, Wu Qi grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a touch of indifference, with a disdainful smile, eyes narrowed gradually.

But this expression only appeared on his face for a moment, then he was put away.

Soon, it was replaced by a touch of excitement and excitement.

This Qiqi's body once again trembled with excitement in his heart: "Xinfu, you ... are you ... accept me? Xinfu."

"Well ..." Xin Fu nodded slightly to him, "This time, whether we are alive or dead, we ... are ... always together."

As a girl, for the first time in her life, Xin Fu's cheeky face became more and more red.

"Xinfu!" Qi Qi was very excited and shouted the name again, followed by still very excited and said: "With you, I am dead and worth it!"

Xinfu smiled slightly. "If we live, we live together, and if we die, we die together."

When she said this, as if everything had been looked away, her face looked calm.

Looking at the three "evil spirits" that were getting closer, at this moment, there was no fear on his face.

"Haha, good!" Qi Qi laughed happily, showing a look of life and death.

With a slight movement of his right hand, once again, grab Xin Fu's small hand.

And this time, Xin Fu didn't hide anymore, with both hands, she gently touched them together.


"I feel that those two are weird!" Jin Mo said to Shi Feng.

"Huh! There is something weird." Shi Feng nodded, and then said again, "The power of my soul sensed that they had a wicked meaning similar to that of Skeleton Yan. Maybe they were also deceived by the mysterious evil thing.

Especially the man!

In this place, we must not be careless at all times. Shi Feng reminded Jin Mo again.

"Well, I know." Jin Mo nodded.

Bewitched by this kind of thing, Shi Feng has also met a lot.

Most evil things start with the "heart."

It's almost the same for Skeleton Yan.

Skull Yan's words seem like ... beginning from Shi Feng and Jin Mo scatter dog food?


When Shi Feng and Jin Mo approached the two in front of them, their flying figures suddenly flickered.

At the same time, Shi Feng thought of a move, but also manipulated Skull Yan to stop.

Looking at the two, Shi Feng said, asking them, "Why do you two appear before us?"

Although the two felt strange to Shi Feng and Jin Mo, they looked normal and heard verbal conversations between them.

Xin Fu did not expect that after the three evil spirits came over, he did not attack himself and Qi Qi. The male evil spirit also uttered words.

The man and the beautiful woman looked normal.

But the black skull is abnormal!

The reason why the three of them will appear here is to start from encountering it.

Xinfu naturally would not think that they were really human just because the man was talking.


Why are they in front of them?

"It should be you, who flew in front of us, but appeared behind us again," Xin Fu said, saying.

"We ..." Upon hearing Xinfu's words, Shi Feng's face moved.

Listen to her ...

But soon, Shi Feng shook her head slightly.

Whether they returned to the rear or they flew to the front unconsciously seemed to be unclear.

I just feel that this ghost place is even more weird.

(End of this chapter)

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