Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3449: Nine Spectre Master Killing Order [2 in 1

Chapter 3449 Nine Spectre Master Killing Order [Two chapters in one big chapter]

When Shen Lun spoke these words to Shi Feng, the expression on her face was full of begging.

The master who replaced the high hall of the hall is now like a beggar begging.

What he begs at this moment is naturally his own precious life.

"Disobey the order of this little, you have no future." And Shi Feng said this sentence lightly.

"Ah!" Shen Lun was shocked at the words.

Immediately after that, his face changed dramatically, and he already felt that an invisible force of incomparable terror had landed on himself.

And this time, he couldn't even make a cry, and the whole body exploded and turned into a majestic mist of blood.

Shi Feng's right hand was slightly turned into a claw, and he sucked, all the blood mist rushing to his palm.

At the same time, under the operation of Jiuyou Gong, the power of death and soul were immediately swallowed up by him!

"The replacement of the Lord of the Temple Shenlun, has also been killed!"

"It's okay, both deities of God refining have been killed, let alone Shenlun!"

"Indeed! I also saw that when Shen Lun saw him, he didn't look at him.

In fact, from that moment, Shen Lun was doomed to death! "

"Shenlian Mansion, this time, it really provokes a fierce god!

Hey! "


Under the thunder of everyone, Shi Feng at this moment had already felt an unusual feeling.

This feeling has come from the depths of his soul.

Not long ago, the power of the soul that devoured the triple soul power of the King of Shu Fang reached the extremely mysterious realm.

Shi Feng suddenly looked up and let out a roar!

Under this roar, the entire space immediately produced a violent ripple, and this fluctuation swept in all directions.

The whole replacement of the people in the hall, all immediately under the violent ripples.

"Ah!" Someone even shouted involuntarily, but after the wave passed through his body, he didn't feel the severe pain.

I just feel that the whole person is cold and cold. This coolness goes straight into the bone marrow and even cools my entire soul.

"Master, this is ..." Xiao Tian also felt his whole body, and felt Shi Feng's condition at the moment, his face suddenly changed, and he was shocked and happy:

"The master's soul power has broken through, and his soul power has successfully entered the kingdom of God!"

"I feel it too." After hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Master Ling Yefeng nodded secretly.

It was no surprise to see him like this.

Master Wushuang talent, the power of the soul is nothing more than stepping into the realm of God, there is nothing too strange.

This is what will happen sooner or later!


Soul power entered the realm of God. At this moment, Shi Feng immediately felt that her senses were instantly more than hundreds of times more sensitive than ever.

With an instant in thought, the fierce and horrifying soul power swept out again, and an immensely huge vortex of soul swept across the entire replacement hall in an instant.





Then felt the strange hall crowd, and then burst out shouting.

Under Shi Feng's horrifying soul, their bodies shuddered uncontrollably again.

Even, it feels more and more difficult to breathe.

At this moment, Shi Feng, as if he is the **** who dominates the world, can easily kill anyone in this hall with a single thought, than it is easier to kill an ant.

"The power of the soul of the kingdom of God." Feeling his powerful soul, Shi Feng grinned suddenly and smiled coldly.

At this time, the thoughts moved again, taking back the fierce and horrifying soul power, and replacing everyone in the hall. Only then felt the pressure reduced and the senses returned to normal.

"Get out of here!"

"Go on like this, I don't know what else will happen, let's go quickly!"

"Well! It shouldn't be long here."


Countless people in the replacement hall have resigned, and began to secretly whisper to their companions, and then retreat from this place.

I was really worried that I would stay in the replacement hall to see the excitement, and that one thought would kill himself.

For those who retreated from the hall, naturally, they are all in Shi Feng's powerful soul induction.

But for whether they go or stay, Shi Feng is too lazy to bother.

His eyes were on the three purple jade boxes in his hands.

Although the jade box was not opened, Shi Feng thoughts had already appeared.

Ye Hanjing! Thousands of bitter tree roots! Golden Dragon Soil!

However, Jinlong soil ... In the battle of the gods fighting the mainland, Shifeng found the gold dragon earth among the treasures of heaven and earth searched by the Supreme Gods.

Therefore, on this day, Shi Feng had scarce materials of 989, and Shi Feng had originally obtained ten pieces. In addition to these three pieces, there was a repeat of golden dragon soil, that is, twelve pieces!

Collecting these twelve cherished materials and the four main materials, for ordinary living beings, stone maple took time, but it didn't take long.

But ... it is extremely difficult to get these.

Several times, but the kind that almost died after going through the battle of life and death.


Above Shi Feng's right hand, a white light flashed, and the three purple jade boxes in his hand had been sucked into Xumi Mountain and put away.

Following this, the gaze was randomly glanced at this replacement hall. In such a short time, there were less than twenty people in some of the lively replacement halls.

"Ah!" The Tsing Yi woman who replaced the main hall suddenly saw that person's gaze turned towards herself, and she suddenly opened her mouth.

From the moment that God Lian Shuangzhuang was killed, she has been shocked.

After the Lord of the Refining Museum and the Lord of the Replacement Hall were killed, she became more afraid.

I'm really scared of that person, even killing myself.

After all, in his opinion, he should be with the temple master.

Seeing him look at this moment, she even thought that it seemed that he had to settle accounts for himself.

"Huh?" But soon, she gave out a panic.

She immediately found out that the man's gaze swept away from her before she left, and then she seemed to ignore her.

"He looks at the people who came with him."

"He doesn't plan to kill innocents?"

"Or maybe ... a little person like me can't ... enter his ... Falun Gong."


Indeed, for Shi Feng, the woman in Tsing Yi was just a little person who spoke.

For her, Shi Feng didn't take it seriously.

When his body flickered, he flew to Ling Yefeng, Xiao Tianyi, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng, and said:

"It's here, let's go."

"Yes, Master!"

When the words sounded, the five figures flashed, and then all disappeared into the replacement hall.

"He, that's it, go." The woman in Tsing Yi, who changed her position to the hall, stared at it all.

Her eyes were gazing at the open space where the previous people were standing, her thoughts still flashing in her mind.


Five people from Shi Feng left the replacement hall, and they just broke through.

This time, they didn't take a space teleportation to the living **** realm. This was the last city that passed through the living **** realm.

Five figures, quickly breaking through the void, rushed away in the direction of the vicious swamp, and returned to the immeasurable **** realm.

There are three ways Shi Feng will go from here to Sheng Shen Yu to Xian Ling Shen. These three paths are similar.

One way is the immeasurable **** realm.

And since that order sent him to Wuliang Shenyu, Shi Feng chose to take the Wuliang Shenyu.

Look there, what good things are waiting for you.

Although it hasn't been long since he knew each other, Shi Feng believes him.

Since he returns himself to the immeasurable **** realm, for himself, it will be a good thing, surprise!

"Fairy!" In the air, Shi Feng murmured these four words secretly.


That mysterious, gloomy, dark world of death.

The order of the Lord of the Nine Spectres has already conveyed the entire Sen Luo domain.

In that gloomy void, Shi Feng and Yin Sha stood proudly. Behind them was a corpse of corpses that followed their eastward battle.

However, at this moment, under them, there were all kinds of figures, one by one, dead creatures, looking at each other, densely, as if the tide was constantly flowing.



"Roar roar! Roar!"


Waves of strange sounds kept coming from the mouths of these dead creatures.

And if you look closely, this figure is actually worshiping the figure in the void in various strange poses.

"Jiuyou ... Ghost Lord!"

"See ... Nine ... You ... Ghost ... Lord ..."

"Wow, see ... my lord ..."

Strange voices are also endless, making a sound.

Some of those strange sounds sounded violent, but in fact, they were very respectful.

These dead creatures naturally follow the orders of Shi Feng and all the living creatures and races of the Sen Luo domain come together.

Even the owner of the Forgotten Dust Realm gave the order of the Nine Spectres killed, and how dare they violate it.

Some beings don't want to die for their own sake.

Some souls, for their own race will not be destroyed.

The stone maple of the black lotus body was solemn above the dark face.

Head down, looking down at the creatures below.

Immediately afterwards, all beings in this heaven and earth heard, and a deep voice drank from this mouth:

"Sen Luo Yu sentient beings, have all gathered here!"

"Are all the living beings in the Sen Luo domain gathered here ..."


The sound has resounded in this world, and it resounds for a long time, filled with a sense of indifference.

"Shit my lord!" Hearing Shi Feng asked, a corpse behind Yin Sha flashed up to Shi Feng in front of him, kneeling on one knee, and revering with respectful expression:

"According to the statistics of the subordinates, there are 33 races that have not gathered here! There are no deaths of races, I am afraid there are still 10,000!"

"So much!" The dark face suddenly became colder when he heard the report from the corpse.

Immediately afterwards, I just listened to Shi Feng again and sighed coldly: "Give the world two more days, and the two living creatures of Sun Luoyu who have not gathered here two days later, all die!"

"All, die ..."


"Yes, my lord!" The corpse should drink.

"Long live the Nine Spectre Master ..."

"Nine ghosts are mighty ..."

"Nine ghost masters ..."


The death creatures below worshiped and shouted again and again.

Nine ghost masters are the only ones in this world!


Vicious swamp.

After Shi Feng and his five apprentices flew into the vicious swamp, they once again urged their extraordinary devices to make a strong opening.

Wherever he went, there were countless deaths and injuries.

But the stench and beasts whose real power is powerful and horrifying and whose wisdom is wide open have already sensed the danger and avoided the distance.

This time they hurried on the vicious swamp, and their party was very smooth.

"The immense domain of God is coming." Shi Feng said secretly, looking at the grey mist ahead.

Shi Feng remembered that the place not far ahead was the last time he had been hunted down by the horrified Brahmins after fleeing into this vicious swamp.

At that time, if there were no dark giants falling from the sky, the consequences were really unthinkable.

It can also be said that at that time, he was really fatal.

It really is so good!

However, at that time, I needed to flee, and now, that horrified Brahma has been killed by himself outside the blood and tears fairy land of the **** of life.

In this domain of weightless gods, I am afraid that no one can threaten his soul.

"No, there are still!" Just thinking about those in his mind, Shi Feng suddenly realized something.

Immediately, he remembered the mysterious and horrible existence in Qianyuan Cave.

That guy, even if he has a blood sword in his hand, he is not his opponent at all.

He wanted to kill himself, it was easy.

The most important thing is that such a horrible existence has been sealed in that Qianyuan Cave by other beings. It can be imagined that that existence will be even more terrifying and horrifying.

Therefore, no matter where it is, it can be low-key or low-key.

This is Shi Feng's standard of doing things all the time, but many times he wants to keep a low profile, but it does not give him a low profile opportunity.







The sound of bursts of air continued to ring through.

Five of Shi Feng's masters and apprentices flew out of this vicious swamp and returned to this immeasurable **** realm at this moment.

The five were still empty. Although Shi Feng did not take the teleportation team in the city here last time, in his impression, there was a city not far from the vicious swamp.

And in that city, there was a space to transmit the altar.

An old map appeared in the hands of Shi Feng.

"Well, that's it, anti-drug city!" Shi Feng glanced over this worn-out map of the weightless **** realm, his eyes condensed to a corner, and said.

The direction of the breach suddenly changed slightly, rushing forward and right.

The other four felt immediately and followed closely.


Yudu City, a small city that has existed in countless **** realms for countless years.

It is said that the ancestors who once built this city were used to resist the poisonous swamps, poisonous insects, and poisonous beasts.

It is one of the bases to resist the poison of the vicious swamp!

But today, things are different.

It is said that most of the people living in this imperial city now practice poisoning, training beasts and refining poisons!

This imperial city is poisonous everywhere, and impervious everywhere!


An ancient but gloomy town soon appeared in the sight of Shi Feng's people. Then, Shi Feng's body swooped ...

(End of this chapter)

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