Chapter 3436 Spell Right [Two chapters in one big chapter]

Hearing the arrogant and contemptuous words of the masters of Jiuyin Realm, Shi Feng grinned, and a sneer appeared.

If he could, he really wanted to go up and destroy this old thing first.

However, Shi Feng also knew that it was not an impulsive moment.

When he was thinking, a white light flashed in front of him.

When the white light fell, a figure appeared.

It was in the vicious swamp that same day that the Jiuyin Realm man who chased and killed Shi Feng with Ji Jingfan, claimed to be the Jiuyin Realm.

"Nine uncles, are you dead?" Upon hearing this Dharma, the main body of Jiuyin Realm immediately looked and exclaimed.

Although it is said that Jiuyin Realm has not seen the image of Jiuyao being killed, according to Xuanwen Fan, the man is strange and uses some secret methods.

And Ji Jingfan said, he saw with his own eyes that Jiu Ji was brutally killed by the man.


Not only the side of Jiuyin Realm, but also the side of Yihua Shengu.

When Jiuyi saw the old man Jiu'er in the sky, his face changed suddenly, his knees bent, he bowed down directly to him, and exclaimed, "The disciples see the master!"

"In the end, what is going on?" Jiu Er asked coldly.

Followed, and then turned to look at that glance and startled Brahma.

"The disciples collected twelve green-hearted lotus seeds from the family, and promised them to chase the man.

As a result ... A black giant came to help him, and he was surprised that Van escaped the fastest and successfully escaped.

The disciple and other strong men fell into this man's hands. However, after the disciple reported that I am the Jiuyin realm, he did not do anything to disciples. "

Jiuyi rushed back to Jiuhe.

Hearing Jiuyi's words, the gloomy face of Jiu'er looked much better.

First, Jiuyi is not dead.

Second, he is the ruthless character that he knows, even the shocked Brahma.

The reason for vengeance with his uncle was to disregard what his uncle was famous for, killing his uncle's five great culminations, and even killing his shocking son.

However, this person knew that Jiuyin was the divine law of Jiuyin Realm, but he did not use any poisonous hands and saved him.

Immediately afterwards, just listening to Jiu E and then sighing in a deep voice: "Jiu, you are out of bounds for your benefit, and you will be punished severely when you return!"

"The disciples are willing to be punished!" Jiuyong shouted piously upward.

"That's not coming back soon!" Jiu'er drank again.

"A disciple has one ..."

When Jiuyi spoke these words, Shi Feng immediately realized what.

There is also a seal of the Dark Giant in Jiuyi's body. This seal cannot be broken by his own strength.

But their own strength, in their eyes, should now be the seventh level of the King of Gods, they could not be seen ...

As soon as Shi Feng was thinking, Jiu Jiu flew into the sky and flew towards Jiu Ei.

"Ah!" Jiuyi suddenly exclaimed while flying.

Shi Feng deliberately pushed him directly above the ground with invisible force, and at this moment there was no other power to guard him.

Jiuyi wants to control her body, but under the seal of the dark giant, she still can't work a little bit of force, her body shakes, and she looks extremely unstable.

Seeing, the head is about to fall back to the ground.

Seeing Jiuyi doing so, the others moved.

"Huh?" The Jiuyin Master Jiujiu frowned, as if she had seen something.

Suddenly, Shi Feng saw a shadow accompanied by extreme coldness, rising from the body of the old man.

In the shadow, there was a powerful and terrifying force, which immediately shrouded toward Jiuyi.

"I am afraid that this power has also reached the Seventh Level of the King of God! The master of the Ninth Nin World, his martial art practice is in the supreme realm, and he can erupt such power, and it seems that he is also shocked It ’s the same, with mysterious artifacts! "

Looking up, Shi Feng said secretly.

"Ka!" Then, a crisp sound.

With this crisp sound, the whole world shook with shock.

Jiuyin Realm Master Gu'e shot, even though the seal in Jiuyin's body was broken.

Immediately afterwards, the extremely icy shadows closed and poured back into Jiu'er.

"Thank you, Lord!" Jiu Xun said immediately towards Jiu Erbai.

At this moment, Jiu'er's eyes looked down, and stared at Shi Feng for a while.

Afterwards, I only heard Jiu'er say, "The disciples in Jiuyin Realm listen!"

"Yes!" When Jiu'er said aloud, and Jiuyao, three strong men who reached the peak and made a fist answered.

"Back to the Nine Netherworld!"


With the echo of the last drink, Jiu E moved and flew towards Blood Tears City.

Jiuyi and the other two who reached the peak of the extreme powers are behind Jiu Ei.

"The Lord of Jiu Ejie!" Seeing Jiu E's action, he was shocked that his face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly yelled at him.

"Since there is no resentment, I am in the Nine Netherworld, and I don't want to swim in this muddy water! Don't ever stop there!"

The figures of the four members of Jiuyin Realm soon flew to the end of this void.

The rolling old voice followed.

In an instant, the four members of the Jiuyin Realm left and disappeared completely into the sight of everyone.

Jiuyin Realm, coupled with Jiuyao, left the four strong men in this way, and they were very distressed when they saw him.

Five people left!

The thoughts fluttered in Yu's frightened Brahma's mind.

At this time, just listening to the old man who moved the valley of flowers and asked Shi Feng: "What about the boy Meng Wuxi? Now, is it life or death?"

"If he was born, would you leave like Jiuyin Realm?" Shi Feng asked him instead.

"The old man is a reasonable person. If the boy is still alive, the old man will not interfere in this matter between you and your grandmother." The old man replied.

Shi Feng nodded slowly, waiting for this sentence.

After hearing the words, Xu Jingfan changed his face dramatically again.

When Shi Feng thought, a white light flashed in front of him.

After the white light fell, a young figure appeared.

Who else is the Purple Playboy Meng Wuxi!

Meng Wuxi appeared, staring blankly at the Quartet, but soon, he saw the golden figure in the void.

His body moved quickly, he knelt down, and yelled in his mouth, "See the master without a show ..."

And just as he met the figure in the sky above, he suddenly shouted angrily, "Where to run!"

As he drank the words, his body moved quickly and rushed up.

At the same time, a blast of loud noises from "Boom" suddenly struck from Shi Feng.

Thunder and fire double tactics, and then was driven by him, full of momentum, and then suddenly changed dramatically.

Seeing Shi Fengfeitian, Ling Yefeng's figure was also busy, rushing towards the sky.

Just a moment ago, the owner of the family was shocked by Brahma, knowing that things were not good, he even started to escape again.

Shi Feng saw that he was about to run away, and quickly urged the fastest pursuit.

This guy is waiting for himself this time, to take his own life.

This time, be sure to leave his life!


Suddenly, the three figures were gone, startled by Fan, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng.

In the void, the old man in the Golden Robe who moved the valley of flowers and the four powerful men who climbed to the top of the mountain were left.

One of the four was a beautiful middle-aged woman who was a strong emperor of the Valley of Flowers following the elder of the Golden Robe.

The other two were strong men who were invited by the shocked Brahman.

One of them is the twin brother of Tian Gam Dojo, Supreme!

The younger brother was killed, and the destiny of magical power was taken. Before the death, I saw the younger brother killed. Originally, the Supreme could not afford the courage to take revenge.

Of course, one night, my family's owner was shocked by Brahma, and entered the gambling dojo for the second time and visited himself.

He was told that this time, he had successfully contacted the one who moved the Valley of Flowers and the Jiuyin of Jiuyin Realm.

And the two plan to shoot with him to kill the man.

Qi Jingfan told him that after the man was killed, the fate of God was bound to be returned to the Tiangong dojo.

At the temptation of the Destiny God Dice, Supreme finally agreed to the interception.

But I didn't expect it to happen ... in the end ...

"But looking at the current situation, it seems OK.

泧 Jing Brahma ran away, and the man chased him and ignored me. Said Supremely secretly.

"Okay, let's all go, as Jiuhe said, don't swim in this muddy water."

At this time, the old man in the golden robe slowly spoke, and said to them in the void.

Upon hearing the words of the old man in the golden robe, the Supreme Spin was about to retreat to the void glance, turned back and looked at him with a fist and said in congratulations:

"The junior wants to leave with the senior, and also hopes that the senior can go with the junior, and on the way, you can also advise the senior."

As soon as the Supreme Voice fell, another man hurriedly punched the old man in the gold robe: "So is the junior!"

"Yeah!" The old man in the golden robe nodded to them, and said, "Our people who don't have a heavy god's domain are going to the god's domain here, after all, in the field of others, if we are together, there is a care on the road."


The powerful men in this void have been completely separated from the stunned Brahma.

Another piece of emptiness, panic-stricken, Brahman was still fleeing, Shi Feng chased at full speed in the rear.

And Ling Yefeng has long been thrown away.


"Well, I let you run away last time. Today, you will die!"

With the thunder and ground fire, the double tactics of thunder and fire are still running, and Shi Feng is still chasing after that.

However, I was surprised that Brahma was breaking through the air faster. Seeing, the figures of the two men were constantly pulled apart.

"Last time you couldn't kill me, this time, you still couldn't kill me!" Wu Jing's cold voice came.

With the sound of this discourse, the distance between the two has widened.

Speed ​​is really important.

And at this moment, a strange power was condensing above Shi Feng's right palm.

Soon after, the entire right hand was shaking violently.

Then, a blast of palms blasted forward, and a white shock wave of light was immediately pushed out by him, rushing to the horrified Brahma at a very fast speed.

"Huh?" Feeling the power rushing behind him, Fana frowned.

Because from the shock wave, what he felt was just a weak force of imperial rank.

Such powers, even when they explode on his horrified Brahma, are just like the breeze blowing through, and can not cause any harm.

"This power is weird!" I panicked Brahma's heart, and immediately raised the thought.

He made no effort to fight, moved up directly, avoided the light wave, and then continued to fly forward.

After the Senbai shock wave was avoided by the startled Brahma, he was still rushing forward at a rapid speed.

And just then, just listening to the void in the back, he suddenly screamed, "Well, I am shocked, and it will soon be your death!"

Under Shi Feng's applause, I saw a purple flame vortex appearing immediately above the shock wave, and a huge body of darkness descended from it!

"Roar!" A roaring roar suddenly struck the world!


After the Jiuyin Lord of Jiuyin Realm broke the mark left by the dark giant in his body, the dark giant far away from the continent of the gods felt it.

He immediately passed the Solomon's magic lamp and asked what happened to Shi Feng.

Upon hearing the dark giant's voice, Shi Feng immediately moved his mind ...

In fact, the Senbai shock wave that had just blasted to Xun Jingfan did not contain any power, and it was indeed just as imperial power as Xuan Jingfan felt.

However, Shi Feng transformed all this power into speed, and even merged the jade Jane with the dark giant's mark into the power and then blasted it out.

However, at the moment of the blast, Shi Feng had already calculated everything, and also told the dark giant that he would come to the realms of the gods after nine breaths.

Also at this moment, after the dark giant descending from the vortex of purple flames issued a roar, eyes like two big lanterns glared and stunned Brahma, and the huge dark fist blasted forward. .

"Stop!" He shouted.

The white tripod, the Kowloon God tripod, suddenly rose up from the body of Ju Jingfan, welcoming the horrible dark punch.

"Oh!" A sound of violent shock broke through, and the void was boiling.

The fist and Shen Ding crashed together at this moment.

"Dead!" And just then, a burst of drinking and loud sounds.

Shi Feng has been chasing after the powerful collision between the shocked Brahma and the dark giant.

Xumishan had already been sacrificed by him, and under full operation, he also blasted to the stunned Brahma.

At the same time, three white lights flashed beside him.

Jian Tong, Yun Yimeng, and Ning Cheng were also released by Xu Mishan.

"Kill the enemy!" Shi Feng immediately drank.

The three realized immediately.

Jian Tong condenses his sword with his right hand, and serpentine sword-shaped shadows fly away, slaying towards Wu Jingfan.

Yun Yimeng sacrificed the destiny magic dice that Xiao Tian also gave him a few days ago.

Under the control of the God of Destiny Dice, he also reached the peak of the peak, the golden dice became larger as he flew in the air, and he suddenly smashed towards the panic.

And Ning Cheng, the heaven and earth disk flew out of his hand, and under the fierce rotation, turned into an extraordinary hurricane between heaven and earth, and also rolled forward.

There are dark giants in front, and extraordinary powers in the back. They startled Brahma's complexion, and suddenly became very special. His face was extremely horrified.

Just now, he never thought that it would become like this.

If he had just used his strength to break the shock wave rushing behind him, the dark giant could not appear in front of him at all.

With his power, under a single blow, the jade bamboo can be blasted into dregs.


However, there is no "if" in this world.

He was frightened of Shi Feng, and naturally, he thought that the imperial power of Shi Feng was strange.

Let Shi Feng fight right!

(End of this chapter)

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