Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2927: Demon cave!

Chapter 2927 Demon Cave!

Hearing the sound of shock, Shi Feng moved his hands lightly and took off the black hat with a piece on his head. Zhang Lengjun's face was slightly more mature than before, and appeared in the eyes of sentient beings.

"It really is him!" Said the creature who had seen Shi Feng's face immediately.

"He, is ... the one who announced that I am the Lord of Heaven and Earth?" Some soul secretly spoke.

The days of arrogance, including this powerful and fierce, naturally spread throughout the imprisoned world.

Wonder Artifact Celestial God Bell!

Destroy the Protoss Divine Power!

The powerful town killers, blood eater, stone humans, dragon elephants, orcs, bloodstripes, evil eyes, ancient you, and bright nine are strong, among them, these nine are supreme!


At this time, many creatures saw that one's eyes were sweeping slightly, and immediately, the creatures in front of him, up and down, and left and right, just felt the indescribable coldness hit his body, both physically and mentally. He shivered, his body moved immediately, and his knees were bent like the elder demon, and he knelt toward him and worshiped:

"See my lord!"

"See my lord!"


Seeing all these figures, the living beings behind them were also kneeling in midair with their knees: "See our Lord!"


Soon, except for Shi Feng and Ling Ye Feng, all the creatures kneeled, and the sound of shouts echoed.

After Shi Feng's eyes swept slightly, he finally condensed on the elder demon, and asked:

"Before talking about what happened to you, first talk about my disciple Yun Yimeng, now it is life or death!"

There are almost a thousand figures in the twenty-first living beings living here.

However, among these thousand figures, Shi Feng did not see Yun Yimeng.

And the old man of the three true gods of the human race has not seen it.

"Shit my lord, Master Yun Shao hasn't died, please rest assured my lord!" Said the elder demon.

"Fortunately, there is no death!" After hearing the words of the eternal demon, Shi Feng slowly put down the hanging heart.

He knew that the eternal demon would not lie to himself.

He didn't dare!

"Just be alive!" Ling Yefeng said secretly in her heart.

The six-ranked younger brother, he has only met a few times before, and to say that the affection between his brothers is actually not deep.

However, after all, he is a master's disciple, his own six masters.

"Where is Yi Meng now?" Shi Feng asked him.

The elder elder demon slowly spoke, and then replied, "My lord, please let me start with you, and come slowly with you."

"Also!" Shi Feng nodded.

Longevity Old Demon:

"A few months ago, we imprisoned the heavens and the earth, breaking through the dark rifts, and a monster with long black hairs came out of the dark rifts and was extremely ferocious.

So, the twenty-one clan who imprisoned the world broke out with those black long-haired monsters.

But those monsters are too fierce and too strong. Our twenty-one clan, together with the three old seniors of Yun Shaozhu and Terran, cannot resist their offensive at all!

In that battle, there were countless casualties among our twenty-one families!

Once, the twenty-one of us together adds up to millions of souls! Now, there are thousands of lives left! "

When it comes to this, the voice of the eternal demon, with endless grief, is full of sadness on the old face.

Millions of souls live only a few thousand, and you can imagine what a terrible war it was.

It was an unprecedented catastrophe that imprisoned heaven and earth.

"Black long-haired monster!" And Shi Feng realized the key word that the elder demon said.

Let him think of the gossip slaves of the Protoss for the first time!

Then, the elder demon said again:

"At that moment, almost all the beings in our world were in despair.

At that time, I also thought that under the invasion of so many powerful monsters, the twenty-one clan we imprisoned in the world would be completely killed. I believe that at that time, all living beings were like me. "

"Until that moment, I saw with my own eyes, a girl of our demon tribe, her demon blood stained a mountain wall!

At that moment, I don't know what happened, and the whole world seemed to be in chaos.

In a chaos-like world, our bodies are unable to move, and there is nothing other than chaos in our eyes.

In that state, we seem to have experienced endless years, but our saneness tells us very clearly that, in fact, we have only passed for a moment.

When the chaos disappeared, the black hairy monsters that invaded our imprisoned world have all disappeared, and the bodies of our twenty-one creatures, as well as those hairy monsters, have all disappeared.

Not only that, but the dark rifts that appeared in our imprisoned world were completely closed.

Only then did we realize that we survived the catastrophe. "

"After the calamity, the counts of each tribe counted. Our twenty-one tribe survived, adding up to a total of only 3,525, millions of souls, and nothingness.

After the invasion of the long-haired monster, the survivors of all races began to feel scared and scared, and I gradually realized the mountain wall stained by my monster girl at that time!

That night, before I came to the mountain wall alone, I released the demon blood in my body, and my blood stained the mountain wall again. At that time, I suddenly felt that I and the mountain wall produced a The shares are extremely mysterious.

I am about to see this strange shape, and inform me that the demon tribe and the emperor, as well as the various races.

Later, we discovered that only the blood of my demon tribe could have a mysterious response to this mountain wall. We suspect that this is most likely laid by our demon ancestors before the endless years.

Next, we discovered this heaven and earth, in order to avoid disaster, once again we imprisoned heaven and earth, today's twenty-one people have moved here.

In this world, we found an ancient demon cave. However, although the demon cave is most likely left by our demon ancestors, it feels very bad to us, that is, all of us demon people are like this, we Not afraid to enter.

After that, I am the demon queen of emperors, the master of Yunyi dream, the three seniors of the human race, the chief of the ancient corpse, the chief of the feathers, the chief of the ancient skeletons, the chief of the giants, and some powerful men. That demon cave.

After careful calculation, the time since they sneaked into the demon cave has now passed for more than a month. "

After listening to the story of Changsheng Lao Yao, Shi Feng also roughly understood what was happening in this imprisoned world.

However, the disciple Yun Yimeng and all ethnic groups entered the so-called demon cave for more than a month, but did not come out.

And there must be something famous in that demon cave. Now here, I still can't feel the jade Jane that was given to Yun Yimeng.

As if she saw the worry of Shi Feng, the elder demon said, "My lord need not worry. Before the strong men of each race enter the demon cave, they have their soul imprints left. I have ordered everyone to store them carefully!

Today, no soul stone has been broken. "

"In the demon cave, has news been heard these days?" Shi Feng asked him.

The elder demon shook his head and said, "Not yet!"

Then he said, "That demon cave should be isolated from the world where we are now. The means unique to each of our ethnic groups cannot communicate to the people who entered the demon cave."

"Take me to see that demon cave." Shi Feng said to the elder demon with an undeniable tone.

"Yes, my lord!" Since he said so, the elder demon naturally did not dare to disobey, and quickly respected and responded.

(End of this chapter)

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