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"what happened?"

"What a terrifying power!"

"Shouldn't it be the fierce creature in this dead volcano that is about to come out? This dead volcano was once extremely mysterious, and no one knows what's in the bottom of this lava."


Induction of the magma vortex, Jiuyou people immediately burst into surprise.

One by one, as if aware of something bad, anxiety rose in my heart.

"Okay, it's okay." Feeling their emotions, Shi Feng said suddenly, and said to them.

Since he said so.

Hearing his words, the uneasy feelings of the people calmed down instantly.

At this time, they suddenly found that the magma vortex, which was rotating faster and faster, was already shrinking rapidly at this moment, shrinking and shrinking, shrinking and shrinking.

"Mystery succeeded!" At this moment, Mingtian said loudly.

In fact, without him, everyone can see that the magma vortex has become smaller, and it really looks to seal that space passage.

"Well, this battle is complete!" Watching the passage getting smaller and smaller, the space force getting weaker and weaker, Shi Feng murmured secretly.

In one look, the shrinking and shrinking magma vortex completely disappeared.

The ancient seal, completely restored, completely sealed the passage.

And this violent flaming world gradually calmed down, and eventually became the same as when they arrived.

"The end of the Protoss war, Master, what are your plans for the next?" At this time, Ling Yefeng suddenly spoke and asked Shi Feng.

He naturally knew that the one in front of him was an uneasy master, and naturally he would not stay obediently in Nether Purgatory, and he must continue to pursue stronger martial arts.

"I have a friend who controls the secret treasures that connect several worlds. I was sent back from Tianshen Continent to Tianheng Continent.

In the future, he should open the secret treasure again, and take me back to the God War continent. At that time, all of you will go together and see Aoyue. "

In this case, Shi Feng said to Ling Yefeng last time.

Now that he has gathered so many descendants of Jiuyou, he said it again.

"Well, the master just needs to tell me!" Ling Yefeng nodded quickly when he heard the master mention the matter again.


Mo Xiaoyao, Luo Qingchuan and Qin Rufan nodded at this time.

At that time, when Ling Yefeng introduced her thoughts, she informed the situation of Leng Aoyue.

Following this, Feng Wuxuan and Xue Wuxian nodded, and Hua Wuqian did not express his position for the time being.

"Well, Brother Hua, don't you want to see Uncle San?" At this moment, Ning Cheng said suddenly and said to Hua Huanke.

Followed by, he added: "We are in the same vein, but we are the most affectionate, three uncles, but in that war on the continent, lived lonely and tens of thousands of years.

"Ah!" When he heard Ning Cheng's words, he said nothing, "Ah!"

In fact, from the time when Shi Feng said that the war was against the mainland, he was a little bit in the clouds, but when it came to the name "Awesome Moon", he still had some reactions to who it was.

Hua Wuque has heard of the name of Leng Aoyue, the master of Tianhuang City, after all, one of the seven disciples of Shizu.

However, although he was a disciple of Qin Rufan, he had never seen the third master.

When Emperor Jiuyou was alive that year, he hadn't seen this apprentice for more than ten years, which is conceivable.


At this moment, Ning Cheng said that the three masters lived alone for tens of thousands of years, and he did not respond for a moment.

Uncle San, how could you live for tens of thousands of years!

"Brother Ningcheng, please stop joking." Hua Wuqu said to him seriously.

"Okay." Seeing nothing like this, Ning Cheng stopped saying anything.

At this time, Qin Rufan said: "No problem, your third master did live in other continents and lived for tens of thousands of years. You, then, will also follow your master and go to the warland to see your third master."

"Yes, master!" I don't know why this is so, but when he heard the master's words, the flower answered immediately.


"Before returning to the warland, I want to go to the imprisoned world to see the situation over Yimeng!

In the space passage there, the seal has been damaged under the endless years. At that time, even the God of Power appeared. I was a little worried about Yimeng. "

At this time, Shi Feng said again.

There was a problem with the Tianheng mainland seal, which was later than the imprisonment of heaven and earth, and Tianheng eventually turned into a situation like Li.

Imprisonment may indeed not be good.

"Master, at that time, I will go with you to the imprisoned world, too." Ling Yefeng said suddenly.

Now that the protoss are expelled, they can safely return to Zhongzhou.

"Well, okay." Shi Feng nodded again.

"What about you?" Just hearing Ling Yefeng's voice, Shi Feng looked at his three apprentices.

"I and Wuzhen are going to a place." Mo Xiaoyao said to Shi Feng.

He used to be hesitant, Shi Feng found that since he recognized his son, he gradually became more serious.

"Um." Shi Feng answered.

"Master, there is something to do with my Luo family," Luo Qingchuan replied.


"Disciple, we must continue to search for Wushuang." Qin Rufan also said at this time.

"You didn't go to Tian Yong?" Shi Feng asked him.

Just as he couldn't find anyone in the Tianheng continent, the first one would think of the old Tianyong and the old man of fate.

"This old guy, it should be calculated that I am looking for him and have been avoiding me. You also know that this old guy is avoiding me. How can I find it?"

When talking about the elderly Tian Yong, Qin Rufan was full of anger.

Except for the thoughts, everyone who was present knew that if he avoided it, no one would find it.

"Finding Wushuang, tell him the teacher's previous words, and notify the teacher as soon as possible." Shi Feng also said.

"The disciples understand." Qin Rufan said.

The scenes seemed to have come to say goodbye. At this moment, all of them suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Shi Feng grinned suddenly and smiled: "Why the atmosphere suddenly suppressed? Why, you all want to leave here? As a teacher, Ben prepared something for you."


"Master, the disciples have not been in a hurry to leave, can you show them to the disciples?" Qin Rufan said quickly.

He knew that this man returned from a countless world higher than Tianheng continent.

He had previously asked Youmo, and naturally he knew that the world warriors, mysteries, and heavenly treasures were all inferior to the Tianheng continent.

The special medicine of heaven and earth is the thing that Qin Rufan pursued in his life.

And he can learn from the thoughts that in that world, there is no magic drug at all.

"I have seen that you are almost ready to move, like Fan." After hearing Qin Rufan's words and seeing what he looks like at the moment, Shi Feng said.

"Hey." Qin Rufan laughed after hearing Shi Feng's words.

And listening to Shi Feng's words, based on his own understanding of the master, master him ...

(End of this chapter)

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