Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2846: Facing Divine Remembrance! [Forty-first plus more stickers]

Chapter 2846: Facing Divine Remembrance! [Forty-first plus more stickers]

In the death volcano, the **** of the protoss, the **** of the tribe alone, was left here at this moment. He was in the white jade pond with his eyes closed and enjoying himself.

Shen Yi, likes to soak in the fairy water, immersed in this feeling of full body, sleep for thousands of years, have not enjoyed it for so long.

Because of this special preference of this person, before he came to this world, the Qianyi priest was ready to wait for this person.

"Master!" And just then, an old voice echoed suddenly in the volcano.

The next moment, the thousand-first priest knelt before the white jade pond.

"Say it." Shen Yi said quietly, her voice echoed.

"Master, just got the news. There are many forces, many races, and many strong men in the Evergrande continent this day. Now they are coming to our side." Qian Yi said.

But Qian Yi said these words now, and it was very calm.

There is this person, no matter what race, no matter what kind of life, come here just to die.

"That's all you want to say?" God recalled.

"There is also Jiuyou Emperor, the first strongman of that human race, and should be the first to arrive here." Shen Yi said again.

Speaking of the Emperor Jiuyou, his voice was a little volatile.

"Oh, the one you mentioned again." After hearing Qian Yi's words, this **** recalled a little interest.

Ever since he woke up, I heard them and kept talking about what Jiuyou Emperor.

"Since he was the first to die, you will tell me when he comes over, and I will let him taste endless torture.

Let the souls of this low-level world see what it is like torturing against our protoss.

Let the souls of this lower world look at that person and slowly die in endless suffering. "God recalled.

"Yes, master!" Thousand priests drank again.

Followed my heart secretly: "When the nine emperor emperor dies, the real panic will sweep the entire lower continent completely!"

Immediately, he saw a flash of the old figure kneeling and disappearing into the death volcano.

Soon, there is only that divine memory left, and then slowly enjoy the joy of bathing, enjoying the fairy water flowing through every inch of skin, flowing into the pores, and then continuing to flow slowly in the body.

Experience a thrill from the inside out.


"Boom! Boom!"

During the thunderstorm season, thunderstorms rang again between the heavens and the earth, and violent storms came again.

Shi Feng's figure at this moment is quickly rushing through the storm.

Ren storm storm swept over him, as if not aware of it.

What he was thinking at the moment was how to fight against each other and **** the ascendant who made the peak!

That supreme coercion, he can be sure that the alien is indeed the practice of climbing the peak to create a pole.

Above the triple king of God, for the triple king of God!

God is above the fourfold heaven, and God is fiveth heaven!

However, God King Wu Chongtian is also called ascending to the peak!

Ascend to the peak, it is said that this is the title of this realm by the living beings on the continent.

Because on the God War continent, the **** Wu Wutian is at his peak, and the realm above Wu Zhongtian exists only in legend under endless years.

Just like Leng Aoyue, who has lived endless years in the God War continent, but he has done the best for the King of God Wu Wutian!

And in his life, the strongest man he saw on the Continent of War was nothing more than the Five Kings of God.

Only when he was out of the war continent, entered the barren continent, and then entered Tianheng Realm, did he see a purple robe guarding the old man who he could not see through and knew the realm.

And the old man said to him lightly: "Budo, there is no end!"


Earlier in the day, Erhai, another priest of the protoss, who was wearing an old white robe, hid in the distance and saw Shi Feng slaying her clan madly:

"The Nine You Emperor Nether! When my protoss climbs to the top and reaches the extremes, this is when you die!"

It can be seen that this is the protoss, which is also called the state of ascension.

Perhaps in other worlds, since the endless years, the Five Kings of God, the same is called.

There used to be a legend that all the world, when it was extremely old, was actually a big world ...




The mad thunder exploded again and again, becoming more and more violent, as if a purple dragon danced wildly in the sky, reflecting the whole world as a piece of purple.

"Come here?" Just then, Shi Feng suddenly made a noise.

As soon as he said this, even the speed of flying slowly slowed down and moved forward.

Gradually, gradually, he saw the dense figures in front of him, and at a glance they were all "human figures", an endless sea of ​​people.

Exudes a strong sense of war, cold intention.

This is the man who killed them tens of millions of people!

Extremely fierce and cruel, it should be divided into corpses!

"Protoss!" Shi Feng suddenly spit out the two words coldly.

Soon, his eyes, and the power of his soul, condensed on the white figure in front of the crowd.

The appearance and the momentum, he recognized it at a glance, he was the one who reached the peak and created the extreme power under the great ceremony!

Finally, they met!


"It seems that you are the Emperor Jiuyou." At this moment, Shen Yi still looked like a leisurely one, opening her mouth and asking people who came forward.

The leisurely voice echoed in this world.

"Yes!" Shi Feng said coldly to him.

His eyes were constantly looking at each other.

"The Seventh Heaven of the True God?" Followed, and then saw that God recalled with disdain.

A true God Seventh Heaven, for him, still exists as an ant, and can be pinched to death by just reaching out his hand.

"I don't know, how come you are so confident, even when the Seventh Heaven of the True God dared to come in front of me?" When asked this sentence, this **** recalled, but was curious.

Obviously his supreme coercion has covered this Tianheng.

However, this person came here so stupidly.

"The King of Gods is really terrifying!" Shi Feng, however, answered the sentence calmly to him, followed closely, and he said again:

"But how can that be! I still have a means to kill you!"

Speaking of this sentence, Shi Feng's face appeared with a touch of ruthlessness.

"Is the Seventh Heaven of the True God capable of killing me?" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, this **** remembered as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

It's like an ant saying to an elephant, don't mess with me, you mess with me, I can kill you directly.

is it possible?

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" Shen Yi laughed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of thunder exploded again, and the lightning flashed, as if resonating with the laughter of Shen Yi.

"Then you, wipe! Eyes! Wait!" Shi Feng said a word, and then said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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