Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2472: Yin Yang Tea!

Chapter 2472 Yin Yang Tea!

"Say, what do you want me to do?"

Upon hearing that, the woman named Silently said, "Son of Heaven, my aunt, please!"

"I don't know your aunt either," Shi Feng said.

"When I came here, my aunt said that you had entered the magic fall city a few days ago. It seems that you are interested in the disappearance of military forces in these days. My aunt may give you some clues. "Ji Yan said again.

When she heard her words, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly moved, and then she said, "You guys, know that I've been to the magic fall city?"

I heard them say that after this yin and yang religion came here, they didn't show up.

However, they did know that they had fallen into the magical city some time ago! Feeling interested in those disappearances.

It seems that although they have kept the world aside, they have been observing in secret.

What's more, what happened to these missing persons?

Then, Shi Feng said again, and said to the girl, "Since you invited me, I'll go and see your aunt! Let's take the way."

"Sir, please!"

Later, under the guidance of the solitude, Shi Feng went out of this place and went to the residence where the Yinyang religion was located.

On the way, the "Son of the Famine" once again attracted attention.

After that day's battle with the "Valkyrie", now, this "Sacred Son of Heaven" is well-known in this area.

Before, there were still people who concealed the realm in the real world of the Five Kingdoms of the True God, posing as this one.

Now, basically, all the disciples here have seen him, and no one has done so.

"Heavenly Son has come out! Do you know, after the Valkyrie recovered his injuries, did he challenge this one again?"

"It is said that Valkyrie was brought back to the Southern Emperor's residence, and after waking up from fainting, he left the magic fall city and went back to the Southern Emperor."

"That Valkyrie, just gone?"

"Yeah! In the presence of so many people, he was defeated by this Heavenly Son, breaking his undefeated myth, and it is estimated that I feel shameless!"

"He is willing?"


"My aunt, the Son of Heaven is here."

When Shi Feng and Jingxi came to the gate of the Yinyang Educational Courtyard, Jingxi opened her mouth and reported to Zhongyuan in the other courtyard.

"Oh, please come soon!" Came a clean, voiceless woman, who sounded clear and beautiful like a stream flowing.

This sound, if it can wash all the dirt in the world.

"Son of Heaven, please, please!" Silently stood on the side of the door and made a "please" gesture to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng walked straight in through the white stone arch and entered the courtyard.

In the middle of Yajing's other courtyard, there is an elegant stone table. In front of the stone table, a woman in a pale cyan shirt sits facing Shi Feng and smiles quietly at him.

This woman, about 25 years old, is dressed elegantly, looks cold and beautiful, and looks exceptionally pure.

On the stone table, there were tea cups. Her right hand moved lightly, and no tea set was seen in her hand, but when the vegetarian hand passed lightly, the tea cup was full and the tea was exuding. The shares are slightly fragrant.

In the fragrance, there is an unusual mysterious atmosphere, there is yin and yang, this tea is extraordinary.

When she saw Shi Feng coming, she stopped the movement in her hand, stood lightly, stretched her finger to the opposite side of the stone table, and said, "Sir, please sit down!"

After looking at the woman for a few moments, Shi Feng walked to the stone table and sat opposite her.

Then, the woman also sat down, and her hand fluttered slightly on the stone table, and said to Shi Feng with a smile:

"This tea is the yin and yang tea in the place where yin and yang teach yin and yang. It contains yin and yang, and it takes 100 years to produce tea once. Please taste it."

"Oh!" As soon as Shi Feng looked, she felt the tea extraordinary, and then nodded, "You're welcome!"

After speaking, he picked up the tea cup on the stone table, and the closer he approached his nose and mouth, the clearer the fragrance of the tea was, the more intense the mysterious yin and yang flavor was.

Follow and drink slowly.

As the tea entered the throat, Shi Feng immediately felt a soft force flowing in the body.

This power has the power of yin and the power of yang. At the moment, the two powers that are mutually opposite are fused together, nourishing his body.

With a cup of tea, Shi Feng felt that the whole person was very comfortable, not only the body had this feeling, but also the soul.

This tea, since it is used by the yin and yang sages to entertain him, is not unusual.

"Good tea!" Shi Feng praised after gently returning the tea cup to the stone table.

After a cup of tea, stay fragrant.

After hearing Shi Feng's praise, the woman also smiled quietly, and then said, "Since you like it, drink more!"

Shi Feng was also rude, and picked up a tea cup on the stone table, but at this time he opened his mouth and asked, "You are invited to come, naturally it is not as simple as tea.

Tell me, what do you invite me to? "

Shi Feng opened the door to see the mountain.

This has always been his style, straightforward and refreshing.

Although at the residence of Tianhuang Sacred Land, the silence said about the disappearance of the time warriors, but Shi Feng knew that they were not taught to teach them so simple.

There must be other purposes!

"Invite you, naturally I want to meet you! Heavenly Son, who wouldn't want to meet in this world." The woman said with a smile.

"Hehe!" Shi Feng only responded with a "hehe" laughter, and she said so, but this woman answered like this, which was a little unhappy.

After Shi Feng said again, "If that's the case, then I'll drink a few cups of tea and leave!"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the woman glanced at him bitterly and said, "You are so anxious!

Do n’t we sit here and talk to me. Let ’s get to know each other and get to know each other better. "

As she said this, her voice was a little soft and tempting.

"Not much interest!" Shi Feng said so, her voice was even indifferent from thousands of miles away.

He Shi Feng, not just a woman, can be confused.

Although the woman on the opposite side is very beautiful, a rare beauty, she even has a different kind of pure beauty.

"You." The woman's face moved, and this seemed to be a little different from the information she got.

It is said that the Son of Heaven, who likes beauty very much!

A few days ago, she entered the magic fall city with a female disciple in the nine-star holy land, and returned with a high-profile hug of the woman.

In this area, it caused a sensation.

"Isn't I beautiful enough, is he inconspicuous?" The woman even guessed in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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